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[FOF] Self-fulfilled prophecy
Time will tell
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IC Posts
High Priestess of Ravaryn
Camilla Rizal
Camilla Rizal
[FOF] Self-fulfilled prophecy Cam_he10
[FOF] Self-fulfilled prophecy A3GUZ6HJ_o

Character sheet
Age: 39 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: High Priestess

born an angel
heaven sent; falls from grace
are never elegant
@ Mortem Rizal
Now that she didn’t have to keep a watchful eye on any possible suitors for her daughter, the priestess found herself with quite some time on her hands during the coarse of the evening. And what way to better spend that time with the man she knew for certain would be present tonight. If not out of obligation, simply to amuse himself, like he’d apparently done so back in Xaila.

The feeling of running into her son still plagued her, especially now that the truth had been laid bare. So instead of doubling those chances and mingle with those in and around the ballroom, she’d sought out the company of her dear cousin, presumably the one behind the unveiling of her facade.

”Cousin,” she greeted him as the sound of her heels announced her approach before her deep voice could. ”It’s been a while.” Taking a sip from her glass of wine, she briefly eyed the man up and down. He hadn’t changed much. ”You wouldn’t mind my company tonight, would you?” She would’ve lied if she denied the strangely reassuring presence of the man, which wasn’t odd considering their rather close relationship. Oh, but she had some questions to ask him. And he was going to provide her with answers.

Tue Jan 23, 2024 7:13 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Mortem Rizal
Mortem Rizal
[FOF] Self-fulfilled prophecy J2Hi32L
[FOF] Self-fulfilled prophecy Vf6kGp6

Character sheet
Age: 45 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Chef/Seer
Mortem F. Rizal
devil, devil. clever devil, devil
After his time traveling the world, it did feel good to finally be back home. He had been missing this place, the cold in his face and the snow underneath his shoes. The smile on his face hadn't left for the days he had been here, preparing a grand feast, not only for his family but also for the elite. His little tradition for the Frostcrown Festival. But with the feast done and gone, there was only one thing he had to look out for. The Ball, the perfect place to freely speak with his family members, to gossip about what had been happening while he had been in Xaila. Looking in the mirror for the last time, he smiled, grabbing the cane he had hung on a chair and walking outside.

With a glass of deep red wine in his hand, he let his eyes go over the crowd. Every year more people attended the ball, more of the elite would gather. For a moment he had been afraid that he couldn't be attending this year, with everything going on in Xaila. Glad that he had called it off before anything had become official, he enjoyed his time back in Raveryn. Looking to the surface of his wine, he smiled when he noticed his cousin walking up to him. One of the few he actually deeply cared for from this family. her heels clicking in the same rhythmic tune as he was tapping on the glass, her voice filling his ears before he turned around. A devious smile on his face, but his eyes calculated and sharp. "It has been indeed, dear cousin." He spoke calmly, holding up his glass to her, before taking a sip. "Do I ever?" He hummed, turning his attention back to the crowd. "More and more people gather here, every year." From the corner of his eyes he focused on his cousin, wondering what the real reason was she came looking for him. He knew, he damn well knew what the reason was. But he wanted to hear her say it.
+ Camilla Rizal <3 | Outfit + Cane
| code by elyon |
Tue Jan 23, 2024 8:29 pm
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