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Red wine
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The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Red wine X
Red wine Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
Family. Oh how important was family. It was perhaps one of the only things he truly cared about. Okay, maybe not that much care, but there was some care. A pinch of care. Of course his care for the Winters didn't compare to how he felt about his daughter. In the end of the day she was the most important thing in his life. She was the last thing that remained of his one true love. And how she had become just like her in a way. He would always feel his heart become a little warmer as he saw her tending to the garden, working on the flowers. Just like her mother had done. She looked just like her in so many ways and he would lie if it didn't make him feel a bit sad from time to time. But he knew that one day he would be able to show Cecilia what he had done. What he had created. For her and their daughter. Their perfect little family, the image he still had in his head. It was supposed to be like that. But for now he had to just... Relax, sit back and let time do the work for him. One day it would be so far. He knew it.

His hazel eyes went over the paperwork in front of him as he brought his hand over the files. He opened some up and signed it, before placing them away. He took a deep breath and stood up. His hand went over a letter he folded and stamped quickly. He looked over at a maid, who had been waiting at the doors entrance. A smile curled on his lips as he stepped in front of his desk, leaning a bit against it. "Just in time, my dear. Could you take this away for me please?" The woman smiled at him and stepped forward, swiftly taking over the letter from her master as she bowed her head. "Thank you dear. Oh- And could you prepare some wine for me? I think I'll be having some of that wine from that one peculiar winery near Glimmerhollow... What was its name again?" The lady looked up at her master, lowering her head. "The shimmering winery my lord?" He smiled. "Yes! Thank you so much dear. I wouldn't know what to do without you," She blushed for a moment as Matthew looked at her for a moment. "Ofcourse my lord, I'll see to it right away," He chuckled. "Thank you,"

She left his study and as quickly as she did, his face shifted. A more stern expression went over him as his gaze shifted to the windows. He tilted his head as he stepped forward. There was still so much to do. But for today enough had been done. He was sure he could rest for now. Enjoy his wine, perhaps some more fine things later this day. He surely was on the right track for that to happen, that was for sure.
Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:51 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Charlotte Winter
Charlotte Winter
Red wine CWnwfQN
Red wine 1e27IoK

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Brat
She is passion embodied,
a flower of melodrama in eternal bloom
Gardening wasn't a hobby of hers. It got your hands all dirty, as well as the need to kneel down in the flowerbeds.. which would then get your dress dirty. For Lottie, those didn't quite outweigh the positives of gardening. So she let the servants tend to the Winter garden. She did however, enjoy picking out flowers for her room. Sometimes she even did that herself, how down to earth of her.

It was on one of these days that she came back with a basket filled with some beautiful flowers. Yet not all of them were for her. When the blonde was walking to her uncle's study she came across a servant girl, who promptly greeted her with a curtsy. But Charlotte didn't have time for small-talk with peasants, so she went on without acknowledging the girl all too much. As she reached the study she knocked a few times, before entering. "Good day uncle." She greeted him with a respectful nod as a kind smile on her face. "I was picking out some flowers and well, I came across a particular one I thought you might like." She said as her attention turned to her wicker basket. Inbetween the pink rose mallows a red rose drew all the attention to itself. Carefully, she picked it up to hand it to Matthew. A considerate gesture, like always.

Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:14 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Red wine X
Red wine Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
It did not take long before a knock was heard on his door. And as his gaze went over to the source of the noise, he lifted his eyebrows. He did not expect company today. So... It either was an urgent matter, family or... His wine. Although, if the maid was so quick on her feet to come back that swiftly he would honestly be more than surprised. Perhaps she was chasing after a desire that even he lusted over. It made him almost chuckle at the thought. Leading them on was so much fun from time to time. But no, he couldn't afford to be that clumsy. He wasn't tired of her face yet, so keeping her around was something that he wanted. If she had to go because of... Certain matters, then he would have to find another maid. It's not that he was lacking on the servant department, it was just that good maids were hard to find these days. Or he was just picky.

"Come in," His deep voice clearly heard so that the guest would hear him. It didn't take long before his niece appeared at the door. A smile curled on his lips as he stepped forward, away from the window. She had a basket with flowers with her and for a moment he glanced over at it. Did she pick them herself? How considerate of her. She greeted him with a nod and nodded in return. "Good day to you too, my dear," He smiled She went on, giving comment to the flowers she held in her basket. He averted his gaze once more to look over the flowers. Pink roses with a singular red one in its middle. What a thoughtful gesture.

"How kind of you," He took a step back as he turned around, looking over at some of the crystal vases he had on display. A lot of them being empty; they were still kept in perfect shape. He was a bit of a tidy freak and that was clearly seen in his study. Everything was neatly organized and cleaned perfectly. His hands went over a crystal narrow looking vase which was decorated with some finer works to add more angular shapes to it. He picked it up, turned it in his hands slowly, before placing it on his desk. "I think it would look lovely in this one, don't you agree?" He smiled at his niece as he tilted his head a bit.

He leaned back a bit against his desk an took a deep breath. "Did you pick them yourself, my dear? I hope you didn't hurt your hands, roses can be quite hard to pick," Due to their thorns and the fact the grew in bushes, it could be quite something to put your hands in there. He wasn't that great with handling them since he didn't have fine and small hands. Cecilia, however, was always able to handle them perfectly. She never drew blood when handling the thorns. It truly was a miracle if you asked him.
Wed Sep 21, 2022 11:10 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Charlotte Winter
Charlotte Winter
Red wine CWnwfQN
Red wine 1e27IoK

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Brat
She is passion embodied,
a flower of melodrama in eternal bloom
Uncle Matthew was.. well he was uncle Matthew, and there was really no true way to describe him. He was a very smart businessman, very tidy and cared very much for his daughter and his late wife. Charlotte liked the man, despite the fact that he didn't seem to care about Renestrae all that much. But perhaps some of Renestrae's light that graced her would rub off onto him if she just talked to him often enough.

A kind smile was displayed on her face as the man greeted her from behind his desk. He was always working so hard. Still, he seemed to have time for her. How considerate of him. Her eyes followed him as he went to pick out a vase for the rose. "I think that one is perfect," she told him. The rose looked good on his desk, a pop of colour did the room well. "Oh yes I did. But I was very careful not to hurt myself, mother would be very upset if I did." She said proudly, as if successfully picking roses was a notable achievement. "I'm glad you like it though." She then went on as she stared out of the window. There was clearly something the Winter girl wanted to get off her chest. The only problem was, she didn't quite know how to tell him.

Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:48 pm
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