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By blood and by me
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Ravaryn Citizen
Vinnie Argyris
Vinnie Argyris
By blood and by me Ec4464a689551730579f90600ea24656
By blood and by me U99iKl4

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Lowkey priestess
the sun watches me but the moon knows my secrets
It was a relatively cold day, today. It had forced her to wear a bolero lined with sheeps wool, which she normally only used in Greenwilt. But, she was going out today; she had to dress right for the weather. It irked her somewhat. If she had her fur right now, she wouldn't have this problem at all. Today she was tasked with acquiring some holy water from Ishgard's main temple. The temple she lived and worked at was located just outside the city, right at the treeline of the woods. It was a two hour hike getting there. Vinnie didn't quite understand why she had to walk all the way to the heart of the capital, when she was more than able to make some holy water herself! She knew the words, and she knew she had Raanan's favor. Why else would he have saved her? But her father had insisted, and so she complied. Vinnie also liked Ishgard, so she didn't mind too much. She had put on her leather boots, her one-size-too-big breeches, her cowl (as otherwise, she probably wouldn't be recognized as a priestess when she'd arrive at the temple later that day) and a golden necklace with a bear pendant, which she wore everyday, anyways. Now, she was on her way, with a bag slinged over her shoulder. It clinked softly with multiple vials inside to later hold the holy water in.

At first the road she walked wasn't much of a road at all. It was muddy and dirtied her shoes. Not that she minded. After a while the mud turned into stone, and the first few houses came into view. She also started to come across others; farmers, merchants, travellers. They were all headed for the capital, for numorous reasons. None would have the same as her, she thought. Not too long after the cobblestone street had started, she arrived at the city gates. She stated her business and was granted entrance quickly. A smile crept across her face as she took in the hustle and bustle of the city displayed before her. She loved coming here oh so much.
© yuno
Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:46 pm
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