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[Family topic] New blood ♜
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Oriana Vylasar
Oriana Vylasar
[Family topic] New blood ♜ Pine10
[Family topic] New blood ♜ Ori_ic10

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Biologist, Geographer
Are you satisfied with an avarage life?

It had filled her with some kind of concern- though of course, this concern was overshadowed by joy for the new parents. But Oriana would be lying to herself if she pretended the new shift in the family had not scared her slightly. Her generation first had entered the wedding stage- upon which suddenly everyone she grew up with, including herself, was getting engaged and married off. And now- with the birth of the newest member of the Vylasar family, they entered a new era. And it would not be long before eyes would turn to her and Raeghan as the only other Vylasars of their generation to be married. They would be next, she had to be the next Vylasar woman to give birth to a Sorcoreror- and that thought alone filled her with dread. For that- she and Reaghan could not deal their way out of.

And ofcourse, she was quite looking forward to the whole act- gods, if she was honest she couldn't wait to be married and have all the fun they wanted with each other. But birthing a child? She pretended as though she did not have too, not yet. For now it was better to just live in denial and focus on someone else's child. And thus, she had gathered both her brother and soon-to-be husband to visit the new parents after a two days grace period for the both of them to recover and spoil their newborn. Only having allowed the closest families near up until now.

With a soft knock on the door, she announced their presence before entering the family's chamber, being welcomed by the warm air of a firelit space. She smiled softly, pushing her long red hair behind her left ear before nearing the new mother. "Heyyy" Oriana greeted the pair, her warm eyes quickly falling onto the newborn in her mother's arms "gods what an adorable thing" the older Vylasar softly said "Congratulations Chaska," she continued as she looked up at her,. Somewhere she knew that Chaska probably would've been looking forward to it, just as much as Oriana herself now did. But she hoped the hormones of a new mother smoothed things over now she got to hold her little one in her arms. "And look at yourself- you are glowing, as if you did not birth a whole living being two days ago" she complimented then, a bright smile on her face.

Curious girl.
A wanderer.
❀Topic is open voor familie van de kersverse papa en mama.

Alethiology (n.) the study of truth

Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:07 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
[Family topic] New blood ♜ KjadvhJ
[Family topic] New blood ♜ D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum would be lying if he said he didn't take the tensions of the past few days lightly. Caelum could be cool, calm, collected when it called for him to be, but the uncertainty of birthing a child into the world - even when it wasn't even his own child - was something Caelum hadn't been familiar yet. He would also be lying if he said he didn't have some mixed feelings with it too. He knew enough of Ezekiels secret and how it affected Chaska, that he was worried if it would affect the child. But that were worries for later, right now she was still a baby. And Caelum vowed to be the best uncle she could ever had.

He entered the room with his sister and her fiancé and upon seeing the couple with their newborn baby made him feel something he couldn't exactly place. The married couple had a child now. And her sister, soon to be married too, had the same fate written out for her. He looked at Oriana when she greeted Chaska first, complimenting her and the baby. A small smile adnored his lips when he looked at them. As the oldest and still not wed cousin of the family, he did feel some kind of pressure and maybe some shame? In order of age, it should've been him who had wed first and brought children into this world. But it looked like he was going to be the last now.

He shot Ezekiel a look, smiled at him and gave him a nod. He wanted him to know he was there for him too. 'She's beautiful,' he spoke after Oriana, standing next to her and smiling at Chaska. 'If I - or we - can do anything to help you with any care, please do say so,' he said. He wanted to be there for them and their baby, let them know they weren't all alone. Surely he didn't have any experiences with babies whatsoever, but he could try. The thought counted too, at least.

[Family topic] New blood ♜ RR7hh59
Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:36 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Raeghan Vylasar
Raeghan Vylasar
[Family topic] New blood ♜ CSdLegg
[Family topic] New blood ♜ ExLhrts

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Student

" unfortunately for everybody i will keep doing whatever the fuck i want "
"Babies kinda freak me out Ori, I'll be honest with you... Do I really have to?" were the words he had spoken to her. But of course, it had been explained, that yes, he really had to. He was part of the family, he was supposed to be happy and excited for something like this, but in reality... He was just kinda freaked out. Chaska, that girl who was just plain nasty to him since day one, had pushed out a spawn of her own. He didn't know her husband that well, but he had already developed an opinion on the woman. She was cocky, arrogant and he didn't really understand why. She had been nothing but mean to him for seemingly just the crime of being born. And if that was the thing she was going to blame him for, he could be just as nasty back. Be the bigger person? Why, he already was, physically, so why did he need to care to take anything else into account.

Ah... Well... Maybe he did. Seeing that Oriana's brother, Caelum, was coming along. He didn't really know what to think of the guy. He was goody two shoes, seemed to always follow the rules and was protective of his fiancé. Then again, he had a sister of his own, a twin sister, so he knew all too well what it felt like. He had been behind bars for her, had done things to dirty his hands and image just to provide food for her and his mother. For your own blood, one would move mountains. He knew it oh so well.

Ori and her brother took the lead as they went in and the taller of the three followed behind. He didn't seem all that interested in the whole situation as he looked around the room for a second. He heard the idle conversation that the redhead started, followed by the other sorcerer chiming in. Hearing him correct himself to we, Raeghan visibly cringed. Oh god no, not him. He didn't want to care for that child. Why would he? No-one had told him that was a necessity. "Don't you have people for that?" Raeghan said softly, only noticing now that it had slipped his lips. Oh. Well. Oops. He grinned as he looked to Oriana for a moment, an apologetic gaze in his eyes. He couldn't help it, sometimes. But in a way, he was right... Wasn't he? People like them, they had people for everything. Or that was what the stories always told him.

His eyes trailed back to mother and child and he looked them up and down. His gaze settling on the young baby, before looking at the sorcerer. His face cringed again when he looked at her, before he looked back at her baby. He actually was able to smile seeing the little thing. Although he wasn't a fan of small humans, he could still acknowledge when they were cute. His eyes darted to the father of the child, before going back to the baby. Ah... "Damn, lucky... she looks like dad," Let's hope that the awful personality of her mother didn't rub off on her and they were golden.

"Yeah uh, congrats and stuff," Raeghan said, noticing he hadn't yet said anything about the baby. If anything he was impressed that she was doing so well. Where he had come from child birth often resulted in death or weakness. He looked around the room again, before taking a step back. He really didn't have much to say. Well, he did, but it weren't really nice things. He had to keep peace in some way. So, instead of mingling himself in the conversation, he just took a book from his back pocket and flipped it open. Leaning against the wall as he started to practice a bit. Prime time to revisit some basics.

Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:54 am
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