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Deus in Absentia
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
Deus in Absentia JimtOMm
Deus in Absentia F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

It had been rainy and gloomy all day. Not many had found their refuge in the Church, which Alpha didn't mind much. It gave him time to pray, to try and connect with Renestrae. He had been in his position for months now and still he had to receive a sign from her. She had neither approved or disapproved and her absence was worrying him. He had done all of this for Her. Why would she abandon him like that?

He was pacing through his own quarters, unable to find refuge in his prayers. The day was coming to an end and he had tasked one of his more trusted pastors to do the evening sermon, as he felt he was not up to the task himself. Eventually he sunk into his chair, giving a glance to the rainy outside through the window. Alpha didn't doubt himself and his capibilities, but things like these did make him waver. And when that happened, it made him annoyed. Why could things never go as he wanted them to go?
@Charlotte Winter
Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:31 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Charlotte Winter
Charlotte Winter
Deus in Absentia CWnwfQN
Deus in Absentia 1e27IoK

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Brat
She is passion embodied,
a flower of melodrama in eternal bloom
Her family was devout, surely, but she was probably the most dedicated to her faith. After all, Renestrae had never given Charlotte any reason to doubt her. So even when it was pouring, she would visit the temple. The carriage stopped right in front of the holy place, of course it did. Charlotte Winter could absolutely not get her hair wet.  She quickly made her way inside, into salvation.

It was a little upsetting not to see the High Priest anywhere when she walked around. She had really wanted to speak to him today, like she did most times when she was here. He had become somewhat of a role model for her. Not like her parents were, or her uncles Edward and Matthew, but still. Thankfully, she was brought to his study by a priest, without question. The priest opened the door after knocking, leaving her alone with Father Aphellion. "Your holiness?" She began as a content smile appeared on her face. "I was hoping to speak to you, if you're not otherwise occupied."

Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:47 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
Deus in Absentia JimtOMm
Deus in Absentia F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

He was about ready to heave himself out of the chair, compose himself and find the chapel. Perhaps his prayers had gone unheard then, but perhaps Renestrae would listen now. He had to try. She could not leave him in the dark like this, not after everything he had sacrificed for Her.

But as soon as he was standing up, a knock on the door sounded. His head snapped towards the sound and he quickly dusted off the upper part of his jacket before answering. "Come in," was all he said with his low voice, the words sounding somewhat cold. That coldness seemed to melt though when it turned out it was none other than Charlotte Winter at his door. "Lady Winter," he said, managing a smile,. "Not at all, be welcome." He gestured for her to step in, wondering what her visit would be about this time.
@Charlotte Winter
Wed Sep 21, 2022 8:19 am
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