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They who hide behind masks
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Ashmoor Citizen
Crawford Grimgott
Crawford Grimgott
They who hide behind masks G63Ki5H
They who hide behind masks VdwGPC5

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Mage
Occupation: (homeless) servant

I celebrate the day that you changed my history - of life and death
you are my liberty
A curled up ball of black was hidden away between the shrubbery and flower beds. Quickened exhales left the strange figure's flaky lips as his fingers gouged through the dirt, tearing out blades of grass as he did. The little ball named Crawford felt sick and zealous and frightened all at once. In a calmer state of mind, he'd curse his half empty stomach to Limbo and back, for godsdamnit, it was already hard enough to get his claws on some food without having to steal it. Perhaps he'd even admire the magnificent surroundings then. But there was no time for sightseeing or such schemes today. Wincing sounds escaped his throat as he slowly raised his head, which he softly shook at the view of the majestic building looming over him. Stained glass windows looked down on him like huge preying eyes. Renestrae.

Her ever-judging gaze was silently telling him that: You there, heathen vermin. Inside. Now. Go pay your long overdue respects to the High Priest. He really didn't want to go inside, though. But he.. he had to. In the night prior, eyeless shadows on the walls had notified him the exact same thing in raspy whisperings. Just like her very Holy House now did. And so he had to.

A startled flock of pigeons flew up at the rustling of violently shaking bushes. Mere seconds later, the man jumped right up out of the churchyard. A high-pitched yell rang through the air, shortly followed by a flustered 'gods, are you alright?' As he turned, he was met with the gaze of two passersby, both very obviously jumpscared by his sudden presence. One of them - the lady who had screamed - immediately clasped a hand over her mouth. The lad next to her, however, lowered his top hat to chest-height in a gesture of disgrace. Shit! And then there it finally came, for the second time today: Crawford clutched his belly once he felt the alarming uneasiness, but alas. Quickly, he snatched the top hat right out of the snob's hands, hunched over the headpiece - and then vomited right into it.

A trembling finger was held in silence in front of the shocked couple. Luckily for him, a second wave didn't follow through. 'T-today - ' he panted between his attempts of catching his breath, 'Today is an awfully wonderful day.' His words were finalized with some desolate nods, for it truly was. Or a wonderfully awful day. It really depended on how you looked at it. He returned the now slightly heavier top hat by softly pushing it against the man's chest, as if it was just another courtesy to wretch in a stranger's hat. Better in an ugly hat than in a yard of Renestrae's Holy House anyway. And he had his manners. By the time the fine gentleman realised what just had happened, the sulking other had long limped out of sight, inside the church to.. claim sanctuary if he had to. You never knew what angered the mob nowadays.

As fast as his fractured leg allowed him to, he waddled past the pew benches, the swallowtail of his smudgy overcoat billowing in his ungraceful steps and dragging along a large burlap sack. He didn't want to look. He didn't want to see Her again in displays of the stained windows or statues that were most definitely present. Being here felt like a tightening rope around his neck. Still a bit dazed, Crawford noped his way towards the confessional booth and placed the sack on his lap once he sat down. With stiffened composure he turned towards the latticed opening. 'Mr. Father?' his youthful voice called out in what almost sounded like a timid whisper.  
Fri Sep 09, 2022 6:46 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
They who hide behind masks JimtOMm
They who hide behind masks F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

With one last pat on the woman's hand, he bid the two farewell. They had visited teh curch to come and ask for Her blessing. Alpha had only acted as a conduit for Renestrae, but he had felt her approval, her warm gaze over his shoulders as she nudges the lovely pair into a future together. They had been overjoyed, holding hands and daring even to share a kiss. He had smiled, warmly, a smile that reached his eyes for once and he had wished them well. He had followed them to the entrance of the Church, standing there with his hands clasped behind his back, watching them go.

As soon as they had turned their backs to him, the warm gaze and smile had dropped into a cold stare. And when they were out of ear shot, he let out a long exasperated sigh. "Renestrae, keep me from witnessing such sapphic deeds in your Holy House," he grumbled. Sure, it had only been a kiss, but it had been enough for him to disapprove. But nowadays there was very little for Alpha to not disapprove of.

The man wanted to turn around and wander back in to continue with his duties until he heard the shriek of the woman. His attention was immediately snapped back to the couple standing further down the road, almost leaving the gardens. But there was a third person with them now. A person coming from the bushes. Immediately, Alpha's eyes narrowed, his back half turned towards the insides of the church, in case he needed to raise his voice to call for help. But his attention was towards the three on the cobblestones. It was clear the couple was unnerved by the appearance of the third person, who suddenly grabbed the hat of the man to... Ugh. Alpha let out a very deep, disapproving sigh. How could Renestrae allow such beings to live in this world?

The High Priest took a few steps back, letting himself get swallowed by the shadows of the pews as he saw how the stranger turned his back from the couple and started to limp towards the Church. Alpha let him pass, reminding himself that Renestrae was welcoming one and all, even if he didn't. He had to follow the rules, he had to set his prejudice aside and warm his cold, dead, heart. His footsteps fell into the same pattern as the other, though it was hard with the strange hobble the man seemed to carry himself with. The confession booth, of course. As if Alpha's duties couldn't become more difficult today.

This time he priest surpressed the annoyed sigh building up in his throat as he too, took place in the booth. He only glanced once through the window, but the smell of bile was enough for him to focus on the door before him. "There are no formalities needed, you are allowed to speak freely here," he started, his deep voice soft and welcoming. "Tell me, what burdens you?" He hoped the man would go through things fast, the sooner Alpha was released from this vile smell.
@Crawford Grimgott
Tue Sep 13, 2022 1:04 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Crawford Grimgott
Crawford Grimgott
They who hide behind masks G63Ki5H
They who hide behind masks VdwGPC5

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Mage
Occupation: (homeless) servant

I celebrate the day that you changed my history - of life and death
you are my liberty
Hearing the sudden voice of the other breaking the anticipating silence made him jump a bit. A soft thud was heard as his shoes - far too big for his feet - bumped the wooden bench he was sitting on. At the same time a faint gasp for air escaped his throat, quickly followed by a nasal giggle in his collar at the whole circumstance. Well hello! Father made his swaying feelings between being overjoyed and wetting his pants definitely not clearer. Crawford poked his fingers through the holes of the grid that separated the two very, very different people. Dirty they were, crusty with dried blood from wiping away his common nosebleeds every so often - and when he wiggled them with a happily whispered 'hi!', his blackened fingernails caught the light. A simple gesture of acknowledgement, and a very quick one at that. Just hearing the voice of one of Renestrae's disciples filled him with electrifying wonder, from the scruffy crown of his head all the way down to his littlest toe. Finally! The High Priest of Ashmoor: now that was the real deal. Not at all like the holy wafer chompers back in his dreary home village. And he? He was fortunate enough to have a fine chat with him. Confined in a small box, true, but that was besides the point. Chew on that, senile goats.  

'So thankful I am, Father,' Crawford replied softly, making a little shaking motion of gratefulness with his head. 'You are good to me, as you radiate the One True Patron Deity's good will. I'm truly counting my blessings.' The black-haired man pulled back his pale fingers with a sniff, nodding frantically at the vague outline of the Priest on the other side. 'I am,' he murmured with misty eyes. A trembling smile made his lips curl, hearing Father's question. Having just recently slithered his way into the Upper Ring, he was still very much unaware of the strange rumors surrounding the High Priest. He had yet to find his valuable sources of intel. Unfortunately, shadowing behind the biggest guy he could see in an attempt to hop inside the local pubs had - so far - resulted in being grabbed by the nape of his neck and his belt, only to be tossed out on the streets again like the scrawny pup he was. So much for intel. But he had a name: High Priest Alpha. The first, the one, a pioneer of beginnings. A strange name for sure, but it made sense to Crawford in a way. And for now, a name was enough. 'If it's alright with you, I would very much like to address some other matters first. My burdens are of lesser concern.' The smile still lingered on his lips as the man clutched the bag on his lap tightly against his chest.
Fri Sep 16, 2022 2:22 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
They who hide behind masks JimtOMm
They who hide behind masks F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

Alpha had always imagined his job to be one of dignity. To help people find their way, to hear their woes and give them peace in their minds and hearts. But somehow, he always got the weirdos. The people calling him Daddy and Mister Father. He wondered where Renestrae plucked all these people off the street, if they only existed just to spite him. Or maybe it was simply a test, for Renestrae to see if he was truly worth this position. No matter which kind of people She would send towards him, he would prove her to be the Priest she needed. There was no one else but him.

Despite those thoughts, Alpha nearly recoiled when the other man stuck his fingers through the grate. The stench was already horrible, but the way this man's fingers were looking was absolutely disgusting. But he kept his poise, he remained unfazed with the help of his mask. And even the grate could hide the further downturn of his mouth. And despite the other's kind words to flatter Alpha's ego, the corners of his mouth did no longer trun to a more neutral expression. It almost felt like they would be stuck there for the remainder of whatever this confession was going to be.

Alpha took a deep, silent breath, exhaling through his nose. As High Priest he needed to perform his duties and listen to whatever this chap had to say to him. But as a person, he didn't want to be put up with this... shit. Literally. Alpha craned his head towards the grate again, trying to perceive the other from the other side, even though that was far from the intention of this booth. "And pray tell," he spoke softly, letting the words draw out. "What might there be more important than the burdens one carries on their shoulders?" Apparently no juicy gossip for him today. Only strange men with even stranger words. And fouler smells.
@Crawford Grimgott
Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:39 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Crawford Grimgott
Crawford Grimgott
They who hide behind masks G63Ki5H
They who hide behind masks VdwGPC5

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Mage
Occupation: (homeless) servant

I celebrate the day that you changed my history - of life and death
you are my liberty
Crawford heard the reply of the Priest with perked ears, nodding with a smile. 'Why, donations, of course!' he chirped gleefully. A slight tremble was still heard in his voice, the latter loud enough to form an echo from behind the booth's doors. Renestrae should hear. Renestrae should know. Of course, he still wished to talk about his burdens, but this was so much more important to him. Something orange and in the shape of a carrot soon came poking through the grid. Perhaps because it was indeed an actual carrot. The dry thud on the other side of the booth told him it was received successfully, probably rolling between His Holiness's shoes right now. Immediately he grabbled around in his big sack of fun presents for his next grand donation. The grid popped out a few rusty trinkets now, followed by more junk: a bent spoon, a key he had stolen - but also some nut peels and overripe grapes that came popping through one by one.

'Your Church is absolutely beautiful, friend. I just had to stop and smell the flowers, you know?' he nervously tried to make small talk, skipping over the barfing part poor said flowers had to witness. 'But the cloisters…' His voice suddenly softened with concern. 'So drafty they look. I.. I don't want you to catch a cold, and.. So, I also brought this - ' The next thing through the grid got, well.. Stuck. After some pushing and pulling, he kinda just left it hanging like that. It looked like a dead weasel at most. In actuality, it was a warm-knitted pullover. It had holes and lots of loose threads, but looked otherwise fine. He had even soaked it in alcohol to wash off some blood splatters.

'I'm afraid I don't have much else on my person.' Crawford let out a soft apologetic chuckle. The raven haired man sighed, dared he would even say relieved. This was enough, right? He had made his donations, of which he really had to go out of his way to collect them. But Father Alpha would eat the carrot and the grapes and the nut peels in his stew tonight while wearing his new upper garment, thinking of him with a tear in his eye. Maybe Renestrae's lesser demons would even leave him alone for one night. There would be no need to sit in a rain puddle, knees to his chest, to keep his terrified self awake until first light. Sleep. No fear for once. Nothing in vain. Everybody happy. What an absolute win. That'd be nice. For the streets weren't all too generous and - Renestrae be damned - undressing drunkards from their pullovers after dropping a brick in the skull wasn't his most favorite thing in the world to do. They often peed themselves. And Gods, they bled. Almost as if they thought themselves worthy to be considered actual human beings.
Sun Oct 02, 2022 12:53 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
They who hide behind masks JimtOMm
They who hide behind masks F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

The more time he gave the stranger, the more he came to regret his decision to help him. Alpha was High Priest, the person the people of Ashmoor were supposed to look up to. He was supposed to be devoid of judgements and harsh words, he was supposed to welcome people with open arms and tell them they all had a place in Renestrae's arms. But this... this he could not stop himself from judging on. Whoever had ever pushed out this man into the world, they were probably glad that they got rid of them.

And now, he let himself reel back as the man on the other side suddenly started putting.... things through the grid. Not just things, food as well. Alpha was perplexed and at a loss for words. This man was insane. There was no doubt about it. Whatever he was saying, it didn't hit Alpha as he could only stare at his shoes, where some overripe grapes had splattered upon the expensive leather. It felt like he had finally reached a limit. The High Priest could only be as comforting and fake as his limits would let him. And it had finally been crossed.

He withdrew his eyes from the grate as soon as some sort of... fur seemed to be pushed through. It took him a lot of work not to retch, as this visual combined with the foul stench now resting in the cubicle, was simply not something his stomach could handle very well. "Out. Now," he hissed, though still doing his best to keep his voice as neutral as possible. But even Alpha couldn't mask the disdain he was experiencing right now.

As soon as the man on the other side would be out, Alpha would grab him by his collar and move him towards one of the darker parts of the church. He pushed him against a wall, hand firmly gripping into the other's shoulder, sharp nails digging into skin. "What in Renestrae's name do you think you're doing?" he grumbled with a low voice. Due to the darkness of their surroundings his eyes were hard to perceive through the mask, only casting dark shadows. "And what in limbo's name do you want?" he continued. He did not ease his grip, only making sure that this man, whoever he thought he was, could not get away.
@Crawford Grimgott
Tue Nov 08, 2022 8:44 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Crawford Grimgott
Crawford Grimgott
They who hide behind masks G63Ki5H
They who hide behind masks VdwGPC5

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Mage
Occupation: (homeless) servant

I celebrate the day that you changed my history - of life and death
you are my liberty
A small smile played on his lips as Crawford gently placed his hands on his lap, waiting in anticipation. So happy he was, to finally be able to gift one of Renestrae's convoys. But there remained only silence from the other side. And.. something else. A dark, menacing ambient: it festered in the air, entangling itself perfectly at Father's hissed demands. Taken aback, the raven-haired man fluttered his eyes in slight confusion. He had to come out. Right this instant. "Whatever do you mean, Father?" he timidly asked, letting out a half-chuckle under his breath as he nervously twiddled his thumbs. This had to be some kind of mistake. It.. just had to be. He didn't understand at all. To him, a homeless lowborn, these gifts were easily acceptable. A gesture of selflessness. Of his devotion. Yet the reaction was one of anger and scorn. Why? And why here, in Her Holy House? He, too, was but a hatchling committed to Renestrae, a child of man. This wasn't the right response.

It soon came to his attention, however, that the High Priest was being very, very serious. Crawford slid on his feet, silently, but hastily limping to the curtain of his cubicle. He hid behind the drapes for a moment - and then suddenly came dashing out of the booth, trying to speed past the infuriated Priest before anyone could yell 'unholy thing'. There was an attempt. Immediately he snatched back at his collar, wheezing for air (and his deviously claimed 'sanctuary!' cut-off halfway with that) as his old ascot tie tightened around his neck, ominously foreshadowing the noose he very much dreaded. The pace of the man hauling him someplace else was stern and swift, and he could barely keep up. His big shoes skidded over the church floor. A whimper escaped his throat when a wall clashed with his backside. Father Alpha literally pinned him into place. No pattering away for him today, he'd reckon. Saddened and disheartened at the whole ordeal, his cloudy turned gaze sought out the other's.

And it was only then that the appearance of the Priest was presented before him. A tall, dark figure looming over him, cloaked in voids. But its face.. Crawford's mouth fell open in utter terror. He felt his knees growing weak as his disturbed gaze flashed from one black hole to the other. Tears built up on his lower eyelids. Even his slight freckles grew pale. It wasn't a priest.. it wasn't even human - oh, Renestrae, no. "Not - possible .." Raspy breathing quickened to the point of near hyperventilation, hands clawing spasmodically over his chest. Right now, he really feared his heart might give out with the many times it skipped a beat. They were there. Always. Lingering in his peripheral vision, their whispers and footsteps growing louder each day, for they knew what he was. Sinner. Homicidal maniac. Mage. He was terrified one of those apparitions would suddenly dart up into his face. They couldn't, though. Impossible. As long as he drew breath, they couldn't drag him away to Limbo. So how could this demon, this - this Archfiend, pluck away at his body? It was mocking him too, showing itself as a Priest.

Between the rapidly muttered prayers, sucking in air and the whimpering, he heard himself whisper 'absolution' at the fiend's question before he realized it. That was everything. That was all. Yet Crawford now felt frustration mixing with the panic like ill blood. "What is it you want from me?" His trembling hands clutched themselves around the arms holding him, pulling himself up and closer to the taller being until he'd put his face close to the silver guise. "You can't claim me!" he spat in a frenzy of bubbled up anger. "Why are you here! I have tried to have reverence in my prayers. I'm trying to make my amends. When is it enough?! I'm still alive so you - can't - claim - me!" the man screamed, wildly shaking the demon at his clerical collar as he did. Honestly, it was all too much for the shorter man to fathom. Should he bang his skull against the hard, cold stones behind him? Take his life before this ghoul could? Because the very fact that the lesser demons were getting physically personal with him now - that Renestrae sent higher demons to pester him now - meant that they were able to. That they most definitely were going to. It would be a last act of taking control for at least once in this pathetic life.
Sun Nov 13, 2022 7:52 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
They who hide behind masks JimtOMm
They who hide behind masks F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

It was as if Renestrae kept testing him, day after day. First with not even speaking a word to the High Priest and now with sending the weirdest lunatics to his church. No, not his, Renestrae’s. He needn't forget he was in her service, doing her bidding. But what bidding could he do if she wasn’t even revealing herself to him? It was agonizing, but not as agonizing as this man he was now holding in his iron grasp.

The other didn’t even know what was happening. He didn’t even understand what he’d done. Alpha had lost patience, something he rarely did, but this rat getting on his nerves. He was about to tell him to get out and never return, when the other broke into a frenzy. It momentarily confused the High Priest, who frowned behind his silvered mask. He let the other spew as his eyes quickly darted around their surroundings to see if any other person was around but for now they were alone. It was important they kept it that way.

With a low growl he gripped the other’s shoulder a little tighter. “Silence,” he hissed, dark eyes narrowing behind the mask. “You try to make amends by bringing rotten food into Her Church? By defiling Her holy ground?” he continued in a low tone, searching for any semblance of normalcy in the other’s face. Anything to tell him that this man hasn’t just gone utterly mad. “What is it that you wish to achieve? What is plaguing you that you have sought out Her High Priest to find redemption?” While he spoke he loosened his grip ever so slightly, in hopes that the other wouldn’t go for his throat. By now he wouldn’t be surprised if this man wanted to outright kill him.
@Crawford Grimgott
Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:11 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Crawford Grimgott
Crawford Grimgott
They who hide behind masks G63Ki5H
They who hide behind masks VdwGPC5

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Mage
Occupation: (homeless) servant

I celebrate the day that you changed my history - of life and death
you are my liberty
Among all his anger and grievance, Crawford tried to grasp the sense of things. The growling silver mask filled his eye of view. Naturally judging him of the way he tried to make his amends, even though it probably knew all too well that he was a beggar for alms who simply couldn't give more. Because that was what they did. Demons. Mocking, feeding off of any negative emotions. The raven-haired man's nostrils flared as he expelled his breath angrily through his nose. "I know I have committed sins by sullying Her Holy Law!" he snarled in the silver face. "As do you. You know! It was your kind that instructed me to come here past night, after all." He didn't care about the cold sweat wetting his little sideburns, or about the pain coursing through his shoulder as the creature dug his claws deep into his flesh. He certainly didn't care how his body pressed against the other's when he lifted himself up on his toes, fists tightened around the clerical collar like dead, curled up spiders. The mere audacity of nether imps such as these, to steal away his rest - night after night after night. And now depriving him of his peace of mind in broad daylight, too. To be mocked and bullied still, while he simply tried to do what he was told. He was supposed to be in power here. Above it. Because he; he was mortal.

"That's why I'm here, aren't I? To seek out Renestrae's mercy, because her minions told me to do so. So please -" he spat out the latter sardonically, his beak-like nose scrunched up. "Save me your foul mind tricks! You may have your orders to follow and follow them you shall, but you're nothing - nothing - but a vile demon in disguise, playing with what you think is prey. And, my friend, you are so wrong." Even though a muscle in his jaw visibly tensed - even though he nodded his head along his humorless chuckles, with sickly looking skin gleaming with sweat, the clattering of his teeth was heard through the empty halls. During it all, he felt his heart wildly beating in his chest. A stomach-turning mix of fear and anger.

"She has a plan for me. I'm going to see it through," Crawford then hoarsely whispered. His alarmingly widened gaze was laser-focused on one black hole, and then on the other. In search for some kind of meaning in the void behind the mask. Perhaps the malicious spirits had actually redirected him to the Church to die today, by hands of this higher demon staring him down. But that couldn't be true. It wasn't time to claim him for Limbo yet.. was it? Survival. Studying magic. Drawing the lottery of birth - of life - while his brother, the one who was actually loved by his parents, did not. Taking lives to offer Her sacrifices. What had been the point of it all then? Most of his peers from his home village were put in the ground before reaching adulthood. Not him: he had managed to remain standing, thanks to his wits and the shameless altering of his moral compass. A lowly scavenger that dared to pick away at prey of bigger predators, seeking golden glory between the meat and bones, with wings too crooked to move out of their looming shadows. He knew what he was. It was a miserable existence, yes, but it was his life. And, if anything, if he was allowed to remain - he believed he could fly high someday. That She indeed had a greater plan for him. Coming this far, only to perish inside one of the magnificent buildings that had always been visible on the horizon for his entire childhood. It didn't make any sense. No sense at all.
Mon Jan 02, 2023 4:18 am
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