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Rohan Mercier
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Lemuria Citizen
Rohan Mercier
Rohan Mercier
Rohan Mercier JPhsyPo
Rohan Mercier 6fb837679bb7a71da0787e788332cbfc2f257f2a

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight

Rohan Mercier
Gender Male
Age 20 YEARS
Species Human
Magic None
Religionthe Four Dragons
Occupation Knight
P.O.B Riverhold
Residence Travelling
Faceclaim Benjamin Wadsworth
Build Athletic
Height 173CM
Skin tone Toned
Hair color Dark brown
Hair Texture Slightly curled
Eye Color Dark brown


Rohan carries himself quite confidently. He’s very sure of himself and knows that he doesn’t look too bad. Though he doesn’t misuse that knowledge. If anything the man simply is himself. The young man has a very defined jawline, which really gives his face that more personality. There is always a smile on his face and the man luckily knows his manner, both among people of higher influence as more common people. He doesn’t really put himself above anyone.


As far as his clothes go, he has an extended wardrobe. But usually carries more practical clothes, sticking to the darker colors when it comes down to it. He does always carry around his weapons, simply because he can’t go around without any form of protection.
Constellation Black Widow
Alignment Chaotic good
TraitsBold, Considerate, Direct, Intelligent, Practical, Structured
TraitsBlunt, Defiant, Impatient, Independant, Stubborn,  

He lives in the moment and dives into the action – Rohan is the eye of the storm. He enjoys drama, passion, and pleasure, not for emotional thrills, but because it’s so stimulating to their logical minds. It makes more sense to use his own moral compass than someone else’s. Rules were made to be broken. Noticing small changes is something he does easily. He uses these observations immediately, calling out the change and asking questions, often with little regard for sensitivity.

If he isn’t careful though, Rohan might get too caught in the moment, take things too far, and run roughshod over more sensitive people, or forget to take care of their own health and safety. He is full of passion and energy, complemented by a rational, if sometimes distracted, mind. Inspiring, convincing and colorful, bringing life and excitement everywhere he goes. Yet if anything, Rohan is quite well at keeping a secret as well.

SkillsHorsemanship, Swordsmanship, Marksmanship, Trading, having fun  
Unskilled atPatience, diplomacy, hawkery, drawing
HobbiesHorseback riding, sword fighting, walks in nature, woman?

Family Tree


Grandfather Ronan Mercier
Grandmother Amina Mercier


father Mystery man
mother Rey Mercier


Sisters Lizzie


Aunts & Uncles Inej, Aemon, Elayne
Cousins Cassandra, Varian, Liliana
Martial skills
Weapon type Longsword
Expertise Proficient

Rohan has been trained in swordfighting by both his uncles and other Lords in his home country. Being quite proficient with the longsword. Though the young man can wield many weapons, his favorite is for sure his double edged sword that he got from his mother. Who in her turn had it made for him personally.

21st of the Cold Moon

Born in the colder months to a loving mother and an even more loving family. Rohan has been raised in a wealthier household and he has experienced the benefits of it for sure. Being taught by the best in all kinds of matters, his mother herself taught him about trading routes and anything that has to do with it. But his dream like any boy was to become a knight. Following all the steps he had to take, he served under a Lord as a Page. Quickly finding an interest in anything that had to do with sword fighting and archery. But what he really excelled at was horse-back riding.

First Marshall

In line to become the first marshal in the army. Which meant enough as becoming an actual body guard on horseback in case war ever broke out again, but he was asked by his mom to go to another country. To keep an eye on his younger cousin.  A mission of his own he gladly accepted. Which eventually put his own plans to a halt, but he was happy to help. So with Sapphira Aldyr he has now traveled here.

- Plays a few instruments
- Has a big interest in mapmaking
- At home, he had a few horses that he misses a lot
Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:20 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Rohan Mercier XuTWurPc_o
Rohan Mercier MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Tue Sep 13, 2022 8:58 pm
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