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Bolder days
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
Bolder days Wp10309412
Bolder days Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
Thiago had noticed the buzz in the Agrarian Ring. He had noticed it like no other. The younger boys being in a partying mood. Them hurryingly breaking in young colts, the animals way to skittish and dangerous to be walking outside their trusted home pens. It was illegal of course, but the people of the lower rings and Silverstone had come together to have some races again. Horseracing was one of the only ways for poor farmers to get a dew bucks out of their working animals. When Thiago was younger, he used to bet and participate on the races all the time. It had been so much fun. From days when he was braver and bolder.

Eddie started to get worked up when he rode down into the lower ring. ‘‘Settle down, boy.’’ Thiago patted the old stallion on the neck. ‘‘No need to get worked up, buddy.’’ He remembered. Of course he remembered. He used to race down these track many, many years ago. He was the best horse Thiago had ever had. But selfish as he had been, he had spend his winnings on booze and gambled it away. Thiago had sworn himself to never race again when he inherited the farm. And Eddie had become a field ornament. Some neighbouring boy had asked to borrow him for the races, and Thiago politely told him to fuck off.

The farmer hitched Eddie by the rest of the horses and calmed him down. He didn’t have to run, but the stallion was ready. Thiago was stupid to join the crowd, but he just couldn’t resist no more. It was like one big family here. And before he knew it, old friends clapped him on the back and he had a pint in his hands. Loud laughter and cheering filled the dirty streets, and Thiago found his way on the side of pen where they were barrel racing. He looked on as a young feller pulled his horse to tight around the barrel and he knocked it over. The crowd reacted loudly and he smiled, shaking his head. Amateurs. The horse thundered past and soon he was replaced with the next competitor. Thiago leaned on the fence and watched how he turned more carefully, but he was slow.

The ambiance was amazing. The line between legal and illegal was blurry, as he saw that some higher ring folk were also mingling with the people. It was one big spectacle, and it wasn’t like there was much money on the line. Not upper ring kinds of money, anyways. Thiago rolled his eyes and took a sip from his pint.

Thu Sep 08, 2022 3:38 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vyndi Montgomery
Vyndi Montgomery
Bolder days J5fHlKd
Bolder days 8010004d9beb9c13f14abf2e20752b01

Character sheet
Age: 30..?
Race: Mage
Occupation: Priestess
Vyndi Montgomery

If there was a single thing Vyndi hated more than being surrounded by humans, it was losing while being surrounded by humans. She stared at the bet in her hand and ripped it apart growling. Of course that had to happen. There were no champions among horses or men around. Just shitty kids with shitty lives playing at being something bigger than they would ever grow up to be.

In another lifetime Vyn would have been a part of this life perhaps. Her parents had died by accident and if it had not been for the church granting her a future then perhaps she would have ended like this. A speck of dust in a never aging sea of greed.

It was pitiful really, knowing that all of these people would never fully understand their potential. Would rot away next to their horses and end up as food for the crows one way or another. Pitiful that she could not feed of them at the moment. She was hungry.

Her keen eyesight caught a male. Large and muscular with a horse of good breeding, someone who was also competing today or a spectator just like her. Willing to lay down a bet. Perhaps here, like her, to buy a new horse. The best the worst had to bring.

So she stepped to him, her red cape flowing with her a smile on her lips. ”Say, that horse of yours wouldn’t be for sale now would it?’ She pulled up a brow a smile creeping on her lips. She doubted it, but anything could be bought, for the right price.
Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:11 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
Bolder days Wp10309412
Bolder days Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
Thiago watched some more guys race some horses. And the more drink started to flow, the more it started to itch to jump on and enter this hillbilly charade once more. But that day had to wait, because a out-of-place looking woman stepped to him. He looked from left to right, to make sure he wasn't mistaken himself. His brows furrowed for a moment. She looked way out of place, or was he in the wrong? He drew a hand through his hair and stood up straighter, leaning back against the fragile gate keeping them from the horses racing past.

She wanted to buy his horse. A small scoff escaped his nostrils. He glanced to Ed, who stood solid like a rock amongst skittish colts. He shook his head. ‘‘I'm sorry, miss,’’ he answered. ‘‘Friends aren't for sale.’’ A small, boyish grin tugged slightly on the corner of his mouth. But he straightened his face quickly, daring to take a look at her. She should feel out of place, but somehow it made him feel awkward. Especially because he couldn't figure out why of all people, she would pick him out of the crowd. ‘‘And you wouldn't be happy with a horse like that. A woman like...’’ he gestured vaguely with one hand towards her. ‘‘You should have some pretty, little saddle horse. Not a rancher.’’ Maybe the drink made him bolder than he should be. But as far as he knew, she was just some rich woman, straying to far from home. She should be at home, keeping her house and husband warm, probably.
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Fri Oct 07, 2022 10:34 pm
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