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[FoP - Day 2] Sleepless Nights
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Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
[FoP - Day 2] Sleepless Nights CypBckU
[FoP - Day 2] Sleepless Nights ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

The dreaded moment had come. He had to push through the worse headache he had in ever, this was even worse then when he went drinking with Ezekiel. he swallowed, thinking back at that night. It had been weird, it had been one big blur. But slowly, over the following days, memories had come back to him. And he did know that he was not proud of what had happened. But granted, that was yesterday as well. Deimos rubbed his eyes, as if that would make the headache disappear and noticed how the room was still somewhat spinning. How much alcohol did someone need for the room to still be spinning a full day later. He had used most parts of this day to gather his stuff and keeping himself calm. Was it smart to douse his nerves with alcohol? Absolutely not, but he had heard that the best way to fight a hangover was by still be drinking. So, that was what he was doing. He wasn't as far gone as last night, which meant he could still speak full sentences and he knew what he was doing. But it made him feel a bit more secure about what he was going to do. Deimos had picked up his bag and looked outside, the sun was setting and soon the night would come out. He had chosen this moment especially because it would work out perfectly for both of them. And thus, when he noticed the latest rays of the sun disappear, he walked over to the chambers of the young lady Rizal and knocked on her door. "Fauna, would you fancy a walk with me?" He asked, hoping his voice was less shaky than he thought it would be. It was now or never.  

+ tag Fauna Rizal
+ notes -Insert Panic-
Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:32 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
[FoP - Day 2] Sleepless Nights SRiYB3K
[FoP - Day 2] Sleepless Nights 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

love My love for you reaches time that doesn't exist

Had she ever felt more alone than she did at this moment? Stuck in a foreign land with people who were all but strangers to her. And perhaps worst of all, an uncertain future. There was nothing for her to derive meaning from in her horoscope— no stars, moons, or planets. There was only blackness. It scared her; her powers had never failed her like this before. She couldn't even exactly say when this empty sea of nothingness first showed itself. Was it before or after she arrived in this desert land? The woman truly couldn't say; her memory of it seemed really hazy. And yet, despite this, Fauna still tried to put on a brave face; she told herself that she shouldn't complain. That there was nothing to be scared about; magic was a fickle thing. It weaned and waned. Came and went. She shouldn't worry so much about it. What she should do is get out there and get to know those around her more. And most of all, enjoy the festival. 

And honestly, the woman wasn't sure what was worse, giving in to the hopeless entirely or being torn like this, having two parts of the same whole saying and wanting different things. Tearing her apart. The brunette lay in her bed as she debated the proposed question in silence within herself. As a knock at her door caught her attention. The woman threw her blanket and pillow off her face within an instant as she recognized the voice at the other side of the door to be that of Deimos. Her fiancé, one she had little interaction with so far. At least nothing meaningful, just little generic conversations here and there. It annoyed her that she couldn't seem to establish the connection with him that she wanted. 

He invited her out for a walk. It was honestly not something Fauna wanted; she was happy he wanted to spend some time with her. But she had just hoped he had planned something a little more substantial, like a dinner or something of the sort. A walk just seemed so cheap. The sorceress moved away from the bed as she made her way towards the door. In a graceful and genteel manner; just how she always carried herself. When she turned the doorknob, there was an unfamiliar click. One that startled her a little; even the sounds in this land were different. She pushed against the wooden frame. Deimos came into view, and when he did, she gave him a polite smile. "A walk, hmm?" She mused softly. "Sounds like a plan."

Tue Jun 27, 2023 3:06 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
[FoP - Day 2] Sleepless Nights CypBckU
[FoP - Day 2] Sleepless Nights ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

The moment the words had rolled over his lips, the anxiety and panic started to set in. He felt his heart beat in his throat, a knot forming in his stomach and his hands got all sweaty. He wiped them against his pants, took a few deep breaths and tried to keep his head focused on what his plan was with all this. What he had to do, what he was going to do. Yet, he felt things slipping, his courage was the fist. He swallowed dry, tried to get the lump out of his throat when he heard her voice. Deimos looked up when the door opened, stumped by how beautiful she looked. Maybe he had to believe everyone he had spoken with about this, he was a lucky man to be paired with her. He was taking aback about this all, without noticing that he was staring. Slowly shaking his head, waking himself up before forcing a smile on his face. "You look gorgeous." He spoke softly, before offering her his arm. "I hope I didn't ruin any plans you had for today? It is a day of rest after all." Looking past her, he tried to remember what he wanted to do. Right, outside, that was the first step. Oh dear Lythrana, this was going to be rough.

Once outside, in fresh air, Deimos started to feel both the alcohol still in his system and the rests of yesterdays alcohol that was trying to get in his head. He wasn't spinning, yet, but he felt a headache creep up. Carefully guiding Fauna to the place where he had paid way too much for his surprise. Hoping that nobody was going to be bothered with that. The first few days he had been here, before the festivities had start, he had found a adorable little restaurant and with a little bit of persuasion he had gotten himself a private table. And thus he guided her to this restaurant, trying to keep a conversation going. "Do you miss Raveryn?" He asked, genuinely curious. He himself missed Moonbright, from the moment they set foot in Lythrania. So he was wonder how bad it was by moving from one land to another. "Especially coming down here, in Xaila. Has to be quite a change." This was going nowhere and he hated himself for it. But it was the best he could do at this moment.
Thank Lythrana when he noticed the restaurant come into few. "Please, wait here for a moment." He told Fauna with a smile, kissing her hand gently before walking inside. He swapped a few words with the owner, gave him a little sack with coins. The owner smiled and walked with him outside. "Sorry about that." Deimos apologized to Fauna, before linking his arm in hers again and following the owner to a small place outside of the restaurant. There was nothing but a table for two, small fountain on the side and a glorious view of the city. "Please, take a seat." Deimos walked up front, moving her chair so that she could sit down.

+ tag Fauna Rizal
+ notes -Insert Panic-
Tue Jun 27, 2023 4:03 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
[FoP - Day 2] Sleepless Nights SRiYB3K
[FoP - Day 2] Sleepless Nights 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

love My love for you reaches time that doesn't exist

He almost looked shocked when he saw her, with the way his eyes looked up at her. It almost made her feel as if something was wrong with her. Fauna was always told she was beautiful. And yet, what was beauty, really? Something subjective, something that differed from person to person. Sure, there were certain general "standards," but still, she was so scared that she didn't meet them. That he thought her to be unattractive. 

It was a fear that lingered even after the man had composed himself and complimented her. He said she was gorgeous, and she could only hope he truly meant it. Deimos offered up his arm. And Fauna's smile widened a bit as she took it. "I hope I didn't ruin any plans you had for today? It is a day of rest after all." He asked her then. And the sorceress scoffed a little, but in a playful kind of way. Plans: She had no plans for today other than laying in bed and losing herself in deep thought. "Ah, yes, you and your walk entirely ruined the many plans I had for the day," she said, feigning haughtiness. "Your lucky you're so handsome; otherwise, I would've never forgiven you for this transgression." She went on as she shot him a joking smile. She chuckled a little, too, hoping he could find the humor in her little jab and not be offended by it. She didn't think he would be, but it was so hard to say how he would take these kinds of things. It just goes to show how little she actually knew him.

When they stepped outside, Fauna had to shield her eyes from the light, it seemed to be much brighter here than in her dimly lit room or the shadowy hallways they traversed. Her eyes adjusted quickly, though, and soon she could lower her hand again. The sorceress could feel a light breeze on her skin, one that seemed to carry the faint smell of spices with it. Fauna took a deep breath, her lungs filling with the dry and yet pleasant Xailian air. 

Fauna followed Deimos when he started to move forward, thinking that this little walk was an aimless one. And that he just went any which way without much thought behind where they were going. He asked her trivial questions in an effort to keep things lively, which Fauna appreciated. "A little..." Her voice trailed off as she thought about what exactly she missed about her homeland. "I miss my family most of all." Even if she pretended like she didn't, even if she left them all behind so suddenly and not even on the best terms. A certain sadness flashed through her eyes as she slowly nodded her head. "And yes, it is a big change; I feel as if I went from one extreme to another." To put it lightly.

Fauna then shook her head slowly. "What about you? You must miss Lemuria, no?" She asked, but just then she noticed that little building coming into view. It was a restaurant. One that Deimos had been guiding her towards all this time. This wasn't just a walk without a purpose. He had actually planned something for just the two of them. When the realization hit the brunette, she couldn't help but place her hand in front of her mouth. She felt so stupid and terrible for doubting him like she did. But she truly hadn't expected this. "What a lovely little place." She said this after she removed her hand from her face. She wasn't really able to say anything else because Deimos excused himself. But she knew it; he had kissed her hand and walked away. 

Still, Fauna reached out to him, and perhaps if her reflexes had been a little sharper, she could have grabbed onto his arm again. But instead, she only grasped the air, taking hold of nothing. So instead, she watched him as he talked with what she presumed to be the owner of the place. The brunette noticed the coin bag he handed to the man, and when she did, she felt even worse than before. This was what she wanted, and yet she couldn't help but feel guilty. When Deimos came back to her, he apologized. Before he linked his arm with her again. And this time, when he did, she held onto him a little tighter than before. 

It seemed, however, that Deimos still had some more surprises for her. Because he next led her into an area outside the restaurant with nothing but a table for two, a fountain, and the most glorious view of the city she had yet seen. He even held out her chair for her, like a true gentleman. Fauna was bewildered; she truly was. She wasn't even sure how to react to all this. Still, she took her seat before she turned to her fiancé once more. "I'm absolutely blown away by all of this," she whispered, with a genuine expression of gratitude on her face. 

Tue Jun 27, 2023 5:41 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
[FoP - Day 2] Sleepless Nights CypBckU
[FoP - Day 2] Sleepless Nights ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

It seemed to be going well, somehow. She had answered his questions with a somewhat sarcastic answer, but he could appreciate the humour. He even chuckled at some of them, still somewhat stunned by her beauty. Chaska had praised him for his bride to be, but he knew that she wasn't in the wrong corner either with Ezekiel. Of course did that feel different, with him being family and all. But still, maybe it was true. Maybe he should call himself lucky that a woman, not a girl, a woman, like her wants to marry him. He smiled shyly when she called him handsome. "That means that these looks serve at least one purpose." He answered while locking his arm into hers and leading her outside.
The sun tried to blind them when they stepped outside, but it quickly faded. He wondered if he should have helped her with anything, but it would only look stupid to place his hand above her eyes to protect them against the sun. Maybe next time, he could bring something for her to avert her eyes from the sun. Deimos felt how his thoughts were trying to spin out of control and he took a deep breath, before leading her to their destination.
He tried to make some small talk in between, hoping that she didn't mind. The eternal silence only made his thoughts go even wilder and he didn't want to all to fail. If his plan worked out the way he wanted it to, he had conquered at least one thing. Fauna told him that she missed her family mostly and he nodded. "Isn't some of your family here for the festival?" He asked curiously, he had seen some members of the Rizal family, or so he thought at least. He had heard the name at the party and had assumed that they were here. And granted, Deimos knew of one Rizal and that was a man he hadn't seen here. That one had stayed with his older sister back in Lemuria. "I can imagine that. It must be quite a shock to go from the freezing cold to this blistering heat." Even he didn't like all this heat and he was used to the tropical weather of Moonbright, this was just a bit too much for him. His question got bounced back to him and he looked into the distance. "I miss Moonbright, mostly. Lythrania was never truly my home, we moved there once word got out that Chaska had to marry Ezekiel. Moonbright is a much better place. I'll show you once we're back in Lemuria. If you want to, of course." Deimos felt how his cheeks flushed a bit when he spoke about taking her back to the place were he was born. He would show her how pretty the city could be, without living under a dome. But he couldn't think long about it, as their destination was coming up. He smiled only once she spoke about how lovely she thought the place was. That was good point, he was making progress. He excused himself, before only slightly bribing the owner of the establishment. Once he returned to her side, he gently guided Fauna towards the back and showed her just how pretty Al-Qahil could be. He held out her chair for her, smiling from ear to ear when she told him she was blown away by all this. "I'm glad you like it." He spoke softly, almost shy, while he took place on the opposite of her. "I've told them to work with some Raveryn flavours, they couldn't promise me everything, but tried their best." He had been working hard all day to do this, or even longer. As he had tried to make some arrangements before they got on the boats even.
Sitting here, in silence, made him even more nervous, so he was glad to see that a waiter came out with some coffee and the first platter. It looked like they did indeed tried their best, as the platter was filled with the commonly found fruits from Xaila, mixed in with small sides of body warming meats that you would expect from a Raveryn household. "Thank you." He told the waiter, before getting up from his chair to help Fauna, waiting for her permission. There was still a chance that she wanted to do it herself, and he would let her if that was the case.

+ tag Fauna Rizal
+ notes -Insert Panic-
Tue Jul 04, 2023 1:10 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
[FoP - Day 2] Sleepless Nights SRiYB3K
[FoP - Day 2] Sleepless Nights 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

loveI love you more than all the stars in the universe

She smiles softly, chuckling at his response. Though, she did mean what she said, she really did think he was handsome. That was the initial thought she had when she first met him. Not that looks were the only thing that mattered to her—she wasn't as superficial as that—but she would be lying if it didn't help in endearing her to him. 

They walked, arms intertwined, through the strange city that was Al-Qahail. The sun and the warmth it provided were still something so new to her, something she couldn't get used to. The bright gaze burned her eyes, and she found the intense heat to be an annoyance. She missed the days of trekking through snow with several layers of fur keeping her warm. Here, it felt like it didn't matter what she wore or what she did. She was in a constant state of melting away. She only hoped Deimos didn't notice how accustomed she was to this climate. When they walked, there was silence between them, at least for a little while. But Fauna didn't find it to be awkward—well, perhaps a little bit—but really she found it more comfortable than anything else. Which she thought was a good sign.

Yet, she also didn't mind it when he broke the silence; she appreciated the fact that he was trying so hard. That he was making such an effort. He didn't have to do that. They talked for a bit, and when he spoke, she did her best to give the impression she was not only listening to him. But that she was also interested in what he had to say. "Some of my family members are here, yes," she admits, although they weren't the people she wanted to see, like her mother or sister. She didn't really know many of her Rizal kin well, and the Ylindars-well, she supposed they didn't really want to see her right now. Not after almost causing a diplomatic incident and then abruptly leaving to get married in some other country.

Luckily, they didn't dwell on that point for too long; they moved on to talk about the climate. "I honestly don't understand how some people can live in this smoldering heat; I'll take a snowstorm over this any day." She was half-joking, but not really. But perhaps the natives of this land would say the opposite; maybe she just preferred the latter because that was what she was used to. 

When she bounced the question back, he gave a surprising answer. Lythrania was never his home. But Moonbright was? Fauna's brow furrowed as he continued on speaking. She slowly started to understand how much had changed for him in such a short period of time—he had to leave his home; he had to see his sister get married off; and then he himself was betrothed to a stranger from a foreign land. That couldn't have been easy to digest. "I truly hope your sister will be happy in her marriage," she said with a genuine smile. "And I'd love to explore Moonbright together with you." 

The whole dinner he had set up for her truly blew her away. And so she told him as much. It must have taken a tremendous effort to set this all up, and even now, he took care of everything, making sure she was comfortable. She was still taking in the scenery as he took his place at the other end of the table. "Of course I like it," she murmurs as she directs her gaze back at him. "How can I not?" The sorceress chuckles softly, but really, anyone would appreciate a gesture like this, surely. "Ravaryn flavors, huh?" The woman mused with a smile, "I'm not sure if you'll be a big fan of that; we northerners tend to have a bland palate," especially compared to the spices and seasonings that people use here in Xaila. She would consider Ravaryn food to be simple but comforting. 

The waiter came out soon enough. Bringing their appetizers, Fauna eyes the plate curiously. Wanting to see how much Ravaryn they would incorporate into their dishes. The fruits were undoubtedly native to this land, but the meat looked more familiar to her. She smiled at the waiter, giving a nod in appreciation. Deimos stood up; she could sense that he wanted to help. While she could very well serve herself, she didn't have the heart to refuse him. She smiled as she held up her plate. "I hardly have to move a single muscle; everything is being done for me. You don't have to spoil me like this, but you won't hear me complaining."

Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:38 pm
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