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Naela Emoira
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Lemuria Citizen
Naela Emoira
Naela Emoira
Naela Emoira T9yjNDq
Naela Emoira 867c01a5c455ad4884fbc6764992b942035afc8d

Character sheet
Age: 10
Race: Mage
Occupation: Terror of Lemuria

Naela Ardis Emoira
Be like water, always hide a storm
Gender Female
Age 10
Species Mage
Magic Moon magic
Religion Odirian Deities
Occupation Terror of Lemuria
P.O.B Moonbright
Residence Moonbright
Height 132 cm
Build Childlike
Hair color Brown
Hair texture Wavy
Eye Color Blue
Skin Tone Fair


While she had a childlike face and everything that comes with a child, including her lack in height. What sticks out most with the little lady are her blue eyes and the way she her mom or grandmother puts up her hair. It’s always braided upor tied together in the most creative ways. Certainly a big positive given that she is always running around in the castle. When it’s loose, she has a wavy texture to it. Close to being curly but not quite. If she would cut it short, then it would probably turn into crazy curls. But her mom won’t let her.  

As far as clothing goes, she prefers to wear anything that has pants. Hates the idea of dresses. Often being forced into on when the occasion arises. But she likes to dress more practically. Since it gives her more room to move around quickly and run away from her mother reprimanding her.

Constellation The Vixen
Alignment Neutral good

Witty – Humoristic - Kind

The kindness you give, is the kindness that will be returned to you. Naela is as polite as they come, she will never put someone down. She believes that it is important to be kind to others, doesn’t matter where they come from. Witty. Something that gets her in trouble quite a lot is that she doesn’t keep her mind to her own. Always speaking before her turn and the things she says are both harsh yet funny at the same time. Jokes, if there is one thing she always does it’s playing jokes on anyone she knows. They can go from the simplest things as pranking someone with water or something, to quite serve jokes. Or well, as severe as those get when they come from a ten year old.

Intelligent – Compassionate – Honorable

While young, Naela is an intelligent person already. Thanks to the lessons she has been thought by her peers but also thanks to herself and the fact that she is always driven to learn more. While she might be little, she is taught from a very early age about their ways of life and about how things go in the trading business. The young girl is compassionate. Naela puts other people their needs before her own, always reaching out to help them even though she knows that she can only do so much. As far as honor goes, the little terror has her heart in the right spot. Will never give up on anyone or anything. It’s just the kind of person she is.

Rebellious – Fearlessness – Courageous

A rebel, that is the easiest way one could describe her with. Going against anything her mother or grandparents tell her. Often doing things she isn’t supposed to do. Very skeptical about what others tell her she needs to do. Rather finding her own way to do things. Being fearless might be one of the things her mother dislikes the most. The little girl knows little to no fear, climbing in the highest trees, taunting people (importance doesn’t really matter to her). There are no bounds to what she might do. A good sense of courage. The girl will always keep her composure even in the most dire of situations, probably going in their head first without giving it a further thought. Certainly when it involves saving an animal or someone she cares about.

Family Tree


father Respen Cramys
mother Nerissa Emoira


Brother T.B.A
Sister T.B.A


Aunts & Uncles T.B.A
Cousins T.B.A

The bond with her family

Her father is out of the picture. She has never met the man. Sometimes she wonders, but she refuses to bring him up, knowing it will hurt her mom. As far as her grandparents go, she absolutely adores them. Goes to see them as much as she possibly can.

The bond with her mother

While often causing her mother more problems than anything else. Naela sees her as her role model. She wants to become just like her. The two of them are pretty close. Though she knows that Nerissa is rather busy with her job and is often left to fend on her own. She always tries to surprise her mom with kind little things. Like coming to bring her flowers or a drink whenever she is in her office.
Magic type Moon magic
Expertise Waterbending

Naela can only bend a little. The biggest thing she created is a thin water snake. She can play around with it for a few seconds, but that’s about it. So she still needs way more practice, but she certainly has the gifts. Only needs to find someone who can teach her the way.
Not a lot has gone down in the young girl her life. She is enjoying quite a good life in Moonbright. A place she considers her kingdom when she isn’t being haunted by scholars. Most of her time spend, is spend on fun things. Though she has a nick of being in the library reading as much as she can about anything.

Often enough spending time with her mother, when she is free of course. But most of the time roaming in the city and its outskirts.  
- Naela is quite skilled in horseback riding, climbing and sword-fighting.

- Owns an orange cat called Whiskers.
Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:42 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Naela Emoira XuTWurPc_o
Naela Emoira MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Thu Aug 25, 2022 10:20 am
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