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Nerissa Emoira
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Lemuria Citizen
Nerissa Emoira
Nerissa Emoira
Nienn Bean
Nerissa Emoira FM5OXFNE_o
Nerissa Emoira Cf14b1402bc618070fea3d11bafcd3a88d873d9c

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Citizen

Nerissa Emoira
There is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for
Gender Female
Age 28
Species Human
Magic None
Religion Odirian Deities
Occupation lemurian citizen
P.O.B Moonbright
Residence Moonbright
Height 160cm
Build Average/slender
Hair color Brown
Hair texture Curly
Eye ColorBrown
Skin Tone Fair


Nerissa is a very small but beautiful woman, who shares most of her facial features from her mother. You wouldn’t even need to guess that she’s her daughter if you saw them next to each other, as it is pretty clear. She has quite long brown hair, usually tied together in the most interesting and creative ways. When left untouched, it has small little curls. Her eyes are brown and she has one little beauty mark on her cheek.

In terms of height, she isn’t that tall, standing at only 160 cm. And it is, due to this, that people might find it easy to underestimate her. However, it might not be wise to do that, as, even though she might not show a lot of strength when it comes down to physicality, she can be rather powerful with words. In arguments she can show a lot of fierceness, which can make it hard to take her down. Yet, she never really loses her touch with her own softness.

Even though she tries not to draw too much attention to herself, her wardrobe will surely catch the eyes of many. Nerissa is no stranger to wearing all kinds of special dresses, most due to the fact that her mother is skilled with needle and thread. Most of her dresses are made by her mother, and only a few are made by other dressmakers within Moonbright.
Constellation The Stag
Alignment Lawful Good

If there is one thing that stands out the most in Nerissa, it would be her willingness to work. She works really hard, rarely taking any breaks, unless she is forced to do so. Besides that, she is also quite ambitious, however, her goals are usually rather selfless, given the fact that she wants to serve her own people. They are her first, and sometimes her only priority.

This is one of the reasons why her family had chosen her to represent them in the council, it’s because they know she won’t be afraid to voice her own opinions. She has a very strong urge to protect the common people, and she won’t back down easily when she feels their best interests are kept in mind enough.

Besides the fact that she can act fearless, she has a lot of empathy and rarely comes across as too harsh. She is able to remain calm and control most of her strong emotions, which means that most of the time, she is able to think straight with a clear mind.

Taking after her mother, she has always remained kind and caring towards people. There is always a certain softness to be found in her voice, even when she goes in against someone. She always wants to help people and she tries to see the good in everyone.
Family Tree


father Kahír Emoira
mother Perdita Emoira


Brother 2 younger brothers
Sister 1 twin sister


Sons None
DaughtersNaela Emoira


Aunts & Uncles T.B.A

The Emoira's

The Emoira family is one of the oldest/richest human families inside of Lemuria, and they worked their way up through hard and honest work. In the early days they were all traders or servants working for the elves. But their influence grew over the years, and soon, they became a valuable ally. Their relationship with the elves always remained a good one, and some Emoira’s even became mages, practicing the very same magic as the elves.

When they eventually became big enough, they started building ships to trade overseas. This gained them a lot of wealth, as well as an even better reputation with the elves since they shared in the same wealth. At first the elves were still hesitant about mixing their blood with that of humans, but after some time, when the concept of pure-blood elf bloodlines began to vanish within Lemuria, they started marrying some of their kind to the Emoira family. This was all because the family has stood behind them for many ages.

Nowadays, the Emoira bloodline consists of both humans and elves, including some mages. Though, most of them are still human. They control most of the trade inside of Lemuria now due to the fact that one of them is working inside the council, and because of their good influence. But they do not go in against other trading families, and usually, they work harmoniously together.  

The Amedda's

The Amedda’s were traders as well, just like the Emoira’s were, although they were from a very different continent.. In many ways they started out the same way, but their family didn’t expand nearly as far. And they were still pretty much commoners from where they came from, which also meant they weren’t as wealthy as the Emoira’s.

But.. They were happy, and as a family, they took care of each other. They were also known to be kind and helpful to anyone who needed it, never turning their back on humanity. Teaching their kids the same principles, to act with kindness, always.

Something changed, however, when one of their family members fell in love with a man from the Emoira family, something that, eventually, really placed them on the map. Some of the Amedda’s even moved to Odiria with them, to start a new life there, in a new world full of magic.
Nerissa was put on the world together with a twin sister. They were both the firstborn children of Perdita and Kahír Emoira. Kahír, being one the few elves from within the Emoira bloodline, was very much admired by the entire family. Not just because he was an elf, but because he was a skilled fighter too, and he worked in the royal guard. Yet, then, something happened that changed his life forever. His beloved mother got taken, on a ship, by a group of bandits and thieves. And he went after her, spending many years looking for her, before he met Perdita, his future wife, who would become the mother of his children.

He met her while he was on a different continent, looking for his mother, and somehow, she was able to calm him down, make him fall in love with her. Throughout the years, his mind had grown darker, but she became his light. She was there for him and listened to his problems, trying her best to help him. Eventually, they were even able to find his mother, but she had been abused for many years and had been on the brink of dying. He tried to save her with his elven magic, but due to not being close to the source of his magic, and not having trained for a very long time, he failed. That became the day that Perdita saw the absolute worst of him, but even after everything, she decided to remain by his side, helping him go though it. Eventually, she came to Odiria with him, taking a few members of her family with her, and eventually married him.

Not long after that, her first children were born, two daughters. They were both so different, and yet quite similar as well. If you would ask them that, though, they would both disagree, wholeheartedly, probably because they share the same stubbornness. Perdita and Kahír both cared for them and gave them everything they wanted, making them a little bit spoiled sometimes. Yet, they did teach them the same morals as them and asked of them to be kind, most of the time.

Kahír and Perdita took all the time they could get to raise both their daughters, but eventually, Perdita became pregnant again, giving birth to two boys within a couple of years. Nerissa and her twin sister were already 6 when their first brother was born, and 8 when their second little brother was born. Nerissa learned very quickly how to be a responsible big sister, and she helped Perdita a lot in the raising of the two boys.

When she got a little older, she didn’t show a lot of interest in finding a husband, getting married and having children, and instead, she wanted to learn as much as she could about the trading side of their family. It had already been pretty clear from the start that she maybe had been a little too smart for that kind of life, and was able to work along with most of her aunts and uncles, learning a lot from them. She eventually even became so good at it that she became very important to the whole family trading business, making herself almost unexpendable to them.

As she became 17 years old, she was already running most of the business, and with a lot of success. It was also around that age that she found a young man, someone who had taken an interest in her. He tried everything he could to get her attention, and at first, she didn’t seem too interested in him. Nerissa had always been a hard worker, and she didn’t like the distraction that he formed within her life, but eventually, he was able to get his way.

At first, he seemed like a pretty decent guy, but then he tried to pull her away from everything that she knew, and he became somewhat controlling over her. They weren’t even married yet, but he said he would eventually marry her. Though, even when they found out that she had gotten pregnant, he never asked once for her hand. Instead, he just tried to pull her away from her family even more. Nerissa, by that time, had lost most of herself to him, and wasn’t able to stand up for herself, but thanks to her family, she was eventually able to rid herself of him. They tried to get through to her, and there were also some pretty harsh conversations between them and the man, who eventually just left because of them.

Due to this, however, she was being forced to grow up rather quickly, definitely with a little baby on the way. Yet, she wasn’t completely on her own, as she was still able to lean on her family, especially her own mother. Perdita helped her through the entire way, from childbirth to raising her daughter. And when Nerissa eventually wanted to get back to work, after she had regained her own strength, she took Naela from her, whenever she needed it. Not that Nerissa completely took her hands off everything, because she still made time for her daughter.

Throughout the years, a lot had changed in the kingdom as well, and after the death of their king, their newly announced king decided to rule the kingdom from a council, bidding their monarchy farwell. Sending word to the five most important families to the Elaéydar line, he had sent a letter to the Emoira’s as well. Nerissa was immediately interested, but they decided to hold a vote on who to send and they picked one of her uncles, since he was older and therefore more experienced for the job.

Yet, after her uncle had been working inside the council for months, he started to realize that he maybe hadn’t been the right choice, because while he was certainly good at trading, he lacked some of the other social skills and insights. He asked the king if he could renounce his position and give it to his younger niece, who was far more qualified to be in the council. Nerissa, at the time, didn’t know that he had made this decision, and was very much surprised when she got role of council member.
- Nerissa works for the council as Master of Resources.
- She has to make sure that the kingdom has enough food and resources at hand.
- Therefore she has to work closely with the Master of Finances.
- She also has a 10 year old daughter, who is called the terror of Lemuria.
- Her father taught her self-defence.
- (More will be added later)
Wed Jul 06, 2022 11:54 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Nerissa Emoira XuTWurPc_o
Nerissa Emoira MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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