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Keijo Elaéydar
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Lemuria Citizen
Keijo Elaéydar
Keijo Elaéydar
Niet Chay
Keijo Elaéydar 316224c0e110fa5b7336f98c72f3620f
Keijo Elaéydar F5c90fe2a26fbf81946f0bcd04c4433e164e5f77

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Luna moth breeder

Keijo Elaéydar
don't press your luck
I woke up feeling dangerous
Gender male
Age 20
Species moon elf
Magic moon magic
Religion Lythrana
Occupationluna moth breeder
P.O.B Moonbright
Residence Moonbright
Height 170cm
Build slim
Hair color blonde (natural)
Hair texture thick
Eye Color blue
Skin Tone white


Keijo is a moon elf, and naturally looks like one. He was born with fair skin, bright blonde hair and eyes as blue as the sky. Considering he's the only moon elf born in his family, he likes to mask his natural appearance however. He uses his illusion magic to change hair and eye colour. Keijo gets bored of his appearance fairly quickly, and therefore will easily change the way he looks whenever he feels like it. He thinks it's also rather practical to go unnoticed or make a getaway from people who don't know him very well.

Keijo usually has blonde or black hair with deep brown eyes. He keeps his elfish ears, and never make such drastic changes in appearance that you won't recognize him at all. He usually wears dark clothing, made from fine expensive material, and silver and black accessories.
Constellation the raven
Alignment lawful evil

cold, unkind, insecure, loyal, determent, curious.

Generally, Keijo appears cold and unkind to most people. He doesn’t care about anyone outside of the small group of loved ones he has and he will not pretend like he does. He makes a very good impression to most people that he shouldn’t be messed with without speaking a word.

To loved ones, Keijo tries. Due to his past, he struggles a lot with identifying and showing his emotions, and rather runs away from feelings than do something about them. Therefore he can even be cold to the people he loves, and it takes even the people close to him a fair amount of effort to get through the walls he has put up.

Inside however, he still craves approval from the people he cares about. Though he would never show it directly, people who know him very well will see he has his own way to show that he cares. He listens more carefully, often stays silent instead of talking through the conversation, and tries to help in his own way. Though he would rarely admit it, he will do everything for someone who’s close to him.
Family Tree


father Alastor Elaéydar
mother Helena Elaéydar


Brother Ezriel Elaéydar
SisterElisha Elaéydar


Aunts & Uncles ???
Cousins ???
Magic type Moon magic
Expertise illusions

Keijo primarily uses illusion magic. Being a moon elf who has been practising from a young age, he has learned a thing or two. Despite being rather young, he knows how to conjure illusions. He has to visualize the image before conjuring however, and the vaguer the imagine in his mind is, the harder it is to conjure it. He’s still young, so he can’t hold very elaborate illusions for more than 10 minutes, or he fails to conjure them at all, only showing a vague shiver of something. People might think they saw something before it flickers and disappears again. But things he has conjured often, particularly animals, he can make appear with ease. Keijo often conjures lunar moths to let people know he’s in the room, or when something is bothering him, it helps him keep his mind at ease.

He’s really interested in his magical ability, spending a fear amount of time developing it. Considering he’s a royal, and he spend most of his life close to their magic source, he feels responsible for figuring out what is possible with his gift. He experiments a lot, and is currently focused on altering memories through illusion, inside someone’s mind*.

He does struggle now that he’s in moonbright, even though he’s not *that* far from the magic source, he’s never from Lyhtrania and therefore he notices much of a difference and is still trying to become comfortable with his magic, searching for his balance.

* A little note for the admins to explain my vision with this.

Keijo is still very much in the early stages of developing mental illusions. He has read about this in research, and didn’t know this was possible at all. However. I plan to make him explore this a little more IC. Keijo will have to touch the person who’s memories he’s altering. Someone will have to describe the memory to him, or he have to had witnessed it himself (especially in earlier stages). Keijo cannot *see* inside someone’s mind, but someone asking him to change the colour of the grass might be easier for him than someone asking to change something that has been said. Keijo will soon realize that using moon magic like this has some more damaging drawbacks than just fatigue. He’ll notice horrible headaches at first, and the longer he uses it, or the more difficult the alterations are going to be, he will get physically sick for twice as long as he’s used the power. The more often he’s going to use this, the more he will loose grip off what is real and what is not (like he can’t remember if he’s using magic yes or no), and this might hurt the power to conjure physical illusions as well. (yes i basically want him to go insane kom plotten xoxo).

As of effectiveness, I imagine it can be the same for physical illusions. The more practiced someone is in casting, the longer things can keep hold. Though I can imagine that altering memories forever might be harder, especially when someone’s far away from the source. (e.g: someone’s mind got altered in Lythrania, they might remember what happened forreal when they get to Ravaryn).

thank you for coming to my ted talk <3 lemme know if there’s anything you want different/ if you’ve got any questions. I’m happy to change alter things (pun intended).
Keijo was born as the last son of the royal family of Lemuria. His mother died while giving birth to him, and left he kingdom in mourning. Keijo grew up believing this was his fault, feeling the weight of his mothers death on his shoulders. Therefore, he has been wanting approval from his family ever since he was a child, believing himself to be a burden upon the family. He always felt like the grief was more present than love when he was in the room, no matter how much his loved ones told him they loved him, and at age six he started to cast illusions with his moon magic to cope with that. Keijo always conjured animal friends to keep him company, and, because he had a reason to keep himself busy with it, became a rather good magician.

Growing up, he mostly focused on this. The illusions wouldn’t leave him, make him feel unwanted, be angry at him. They would simply be there, and keep him company. Keijo primarily focused on his magic growing up, because it gave him a sense of purpose, something to do. And most people in the palace were pretty easily impressed by his imagination. The guilt of his mother’ death never left him however, and he has developed trouble with his emotions. He doesn’t know how to deal with them well, and will often run away from them or ignore them altogether, sometimes hurting the people he loves in the proces.

Though he likes to experiment with his magic, he wanted something *real* to do as well. After Ezriel got rid of the monarchy, and founded the council, he asked how he could be of assistance, another way of trying to make himself useful. They made him responsible of the breeding of their most important animal: the luna moth. Keijo hated that he was dismissed with such a ludicrous task. The more time he spend with the animals however, the more he realized how much he likes it. The moths gave him something real to be passionate about, instead of something he made up himself.


- linking maniac here bc not only is it a great song with pretty accurate aesthetic but also for his voice reference c:
- He used to have a *real* imaginary animal friend until he was about 8; a bunny named dot
- He really likes to dance, almost as much as working with his magic
- He's a rather chaotic, so he doesn't document his experiments or something
Tue Aug 23, 2022 7:35 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Keijo Elaéydar XuTWurPc_o
Keijo Elaéydar MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:00 pm
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