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Aurelia Vylasar
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Lemuria Citizen
Aurelia Vylasar
Aurelia Vylasar
Aurelia Vylasar R2vy2AT
Aurelia Vylasar Giphy

Character sheet
Age: 45 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Lemurian Citizen

Aurelia Vylasar
“Knowledge is life with wings”
Gender Female
Age 45 YEARS
Species Sorcerer
Magic Summoning
Religion The Odirian Deities
Occupation Lemurian Citizen
P.O.B Lythrania
Residence Lythrania
Faceclaim Gillian Anderson
Build Slim
Height 170CM
Skin tone Pale
Hair color Blonde
Hair Texture Slightly wavy
Eye Color Grayish blue


While smaller in frame, Aurelia is certainly a woman that makes heads turn whenever she enters a room. She radiates a certain confidence that draws others in more easily. She has a rather long face with a small sharp nose, translucent light grayish-blue eyes and long blonde hair with a slight wave in it. The woman carries herself with pride, it’s visible in everything she does.

Aurelia is known as a rather distant and cold person, though it isn’t extraordinary if a small smile is always present on her lips.


While most of the outfits she wears are indeed beautiful dresses in the colors of her family which are silver and blue. Yet when she goes hunting or riding she chooses for more practical garments since that’s easier to move in. She prides herself in being the head of the family and it shows in her outfits.

Constellation The bear
Alignment ???
TraitsCreative, Insightful, loyal, principled, intelligent, private  
TraitsCold, perfectionist, stubborn, temper  

She is known to be a strong woman, both in physical strength as in character. The loyalty towards her family and home knows no bounds. Due to the way she has been brought up, she holds on to family values and tries to do what’s best for them. Often resulting into inner conflict with herself because she knows she’s too harsh at times. But in her mind, it’s all for a good cause in the end. The prosperity of their family and city.

Honesty is something that comes first. Though often it is considered as bluntness from her side. She won’t take other people's feelings into account and states it how it is.  Which is why people don’t consider her as kind or sweet. Which is something she knows. But it’s part of the persona she has put up over the years. Aurelia is a woman that consists of multiple layers, but in the deepest parts she is truly someone that has a good heart.

But she also has another side, one that is filled with temper. Something she doesn’t necessarily show, not unless being pushed in that direction. Though not many people know how to break through to those darkest parts of her.

Aurelia is an extremely witty person, brought up like royalty due to the standing of her folks. So she is skilled in quite a lot of matters that regard governing.
SkillsDiplomacy - Etiquette - Finances - Marksmanship - Horse riding - Liberal arts - Politics
Unskilled at Swordfighting - opening up -  wat meer
HobbiesHorseback-riding - Hunting - Writing

Family Tree


Grandfather Richier Vylasar
Grandmother Jeyne Vylasar


father August Vylasar
mother Titiana Vylasar


Brothers Elyon, Valerio, Abaris
Sisters TBA


Children Myrddin
Cousins Ezekiel, Chaska, Edelynne

The Vylasar’s

While the Vylasar’s have all kinds of businesses spread over Odiria, one of the things they are known for is: protection. Over the span of decades members of their family have been either members of the Lemurian army or known to protect members of the former Royal  Family of Lemuria, the Elaéydar’s. Which has strengthened the bond with the family a lot. Though protecting other important families wasn’t uncommon. They take great pride in the many battles that they have been a part of.

(I have multiple other ideas as well for what they are more known for, though I’d like to talk to the other members of the family first so it can be a team effort.)
Magic type Sorcery
Expertise Summoning

The Celestial being that Aurelia can summon has the form of a ferruginous hawk. Due to years of training she only needs to use her staff, but she can form the words in her head and then the mighty beast will appear. Her hawk carries the name of Nolante. Summoning the celestial still takes up a lot of her energy but over the years she has trained on that specific part of her magic quite well. At times it will still drain her entirely, but most of the time she keeps her energy levels rather stable.

Her hawk is the one thing she trusts most. They have gotten a very close bond with each other, the hawk always knows what’s up with her. The bond they have established is a friendly one, while the animal does speak, it doesn’t do it very often. They work more with thoughts instead of actual speaking. Something that is due to how private Aurelia actually is in person.

Weapon type Bow
Expertise Expert

Aurelia is an expert marksman. From a very young age the woman has gotten to know this weapon inside out. While she mostly uses it for hunting, she does always carry the bow around whenever she goes out of the safe borders of Lythrania. It gives her some peace of mind, knowing that she can always defend herself if needed.


Born in the middle of the Cold Moon. Quite a heavy birth, one her mother shouldn’t have survived. Since there wasn’t just her. No, there was also her twin brother who was born a few moments after her. Both August and Titiana were overjoyed when the twins were born safe and sound against all odds. Though Titiana didn’t get much time to recover. Somewhere after Aurelia and Valerio’s birthday Elyon was born. Which made them a family of five all of the sudden. While both of their parents cared for their children, they also were quite business with family matters. Both on the business side of things and the emotional side. Aurelia didn’t get much from it, since she was only a toddler.

But disaster struck after the birth of Abaris, the summer child. Due to complications, her mother died after delivering the boy. Though she would only learn at a later age that her father had chosen his son above his wife. Yet while there was some acknowledgement from the two oldest children, on the brink of turning a year older, they didn’t quite get it and carried on.  Around the age of five, she discovered her gift. Both she and her brother were granted their staff, so they could start practicing their summoning. Or should we say Aurelia’s summoning? Since her brother didn’t show any sign of actually inheriting the magic. Not when Aurelia discovered her gift, not months later, not years later. Which made her father change his mind about who would become the next person to be head of the family. Which was a huge blow for her brother, yet Aurelia seized the opportunity.  Her father had always been a loving but strict man, but he was her role model. And to finally catch the attention of her father, made her turn into a real daddy’s girl.

From that point on her life turned around. Everything was focused on her knowing how the world worked, how politics worked, and everything that had something to do with being head of the family. The young girl proved to be quite smart, picking up on things faster and mastering them quite easily. Aurelia, although already a bit distant towards friends she made in her hometown or towards her family, grew up in a protected environment which was due to her father’s fear of losing her as well. Since she resembled her mother so much, he saw her as the last thing that was truly connected to her. Which was a lot to carry around for her. Trying to live up to the perfect image that August had pushed her in.

Teenage years

Her teenage years were a bit rowdier. Due to the good connection the family shared with the Eléaydars, then the royal family of Lemuria, she often spent time at court. Which also shaped her into the woman she is today. But of course, being a young woman, came with certain developments as well. Something she did discover without her father knowing of it.

Life however couldn’t be all fun and games, most of her days were spent being taught numerous subjects. Aurelia had taken a liking to anything related to math, and later on, that would grow into a keen interest in financial matters. Something she had started to help out with as well. Though a big part of her teachings was also to discover more about her magic, learning how to control it, how to control the celestial that was hers now. Developing herself as a keen fighter as well. While she can certainly handle a blade, her love lies with the bow. Becoming an excellent marksman in time, she often went out hunting with friends of hers or her father.

Growing up without a mother figure present, surrounded by boys, it was a difficult task. Since she often felt that she wasn’t heard enough or that her brothers would simply be able to do more. The woman lacked some kind of guidance during these years especially. But she tried to get that from the actual servants that walked around or other people in general. Though in the end, she did lack some female role model in her life, which is again something that made her rather closed off. Talking about her feelings or anything like with her brothers or father, was simply something that wasn’t done.


The day she became an adult was a day she didn’t want to occur. Because there had been one thing her father had always stated, the moment she became of age a search for a husband would start. And by the age of 19, she was already married. Despising the whole idea surrounding it, and despising the match her father made even more. Quillen, a man five years her senior. He was somewhat handsome, but it didn’t make it better. Within the first month of their marriage, she had already seen the true colors of the man himself. Something she did address with her father, but he was possibly being manipulated by her husband as well. Which meant that he didn’t believe in his blood. Quillen was a summoner as well, and in her father’s eyes that was what mattered. The chances of her continuing the line of summoners with their kind of magic were big.

Quillen however proved to be a rather vile man. Manipulative to the core, abusive, and controlling. A combination no woman would like. It started with little things, him addressing that her outfit wasn’t fit, or stating that she looked plain ugly. But over time it got worse, downright to the moment where physical abuse did happen. Aurelia had been struck plenty of times by him, sometimes minor, sometimes quite heavily. But she always managed to brush it off. It didn’t mean that she didn’t fight back. If anything she wasn’t the kind of woman that would be dominated by anyone.

By 24, she did end up pregnant. Something she tried to hide at first. She didn’t want to be a mother, let alone a man like Quillen to be a father. The reason why she didn’t want to have a child was simple, she never had a mother so she didn’t know how to be one. Eventually, she had to tell both her father and her husband the news. They were overjoyed with the surprise. August was looking forward to becoming a grandfather, and Quillen a father. His demeanor did change for a little while as well. Which gave her time to focus back on herself more and on family matters.

A year later, her brother Elyon married a Rizal. They got pregnant with twins quite fast but the same happened to their children as what had happened to her. One was gifted, while the other one was gifted with the magic of the Rizal’s, something that had been predicted by a member of the Rizal family. Elyon however couldn’t enjoy being a newborn father that long since he was needed on board a ship. Which would end up being his downfall. Or so the story goes. Aurelia blamed his wife, which in the end was the start of a rift between the two families. After a period of discussing matters with both her father and her husband, while taking care of her son, they concluded that Ezekiel was going to stay in Lythrania. No matter what would happen, the boy was a Vylasar due to his magic and he would grow up that way as well. So backed by her husband and father, she took Ezekiel under her wing. Taking care of him as well. Myrddin was barely a year old, it was something that she simply had to do and was able to do so. The woman could manage it with the help of some servants to raise them both. In her particular way, but she did.

While Quillen had been keen on taking in Ezekiel, the situation turned quite fast. He became annoyed with the child, even more, annoyed with Aurelia not solely focusing on Myrddin. But after years of being struck by the man, there was a constant fear living in the back of her mind. That one day he’d maybe struck one of the boys. Something that she couldn’t let happen.

So after some careful research about certain poisons, a plan had formed in her head. A plan that resulted in Quillen ending on his deathbed. Being taken down by a common illness. Or at least that was what she wanted everyone to think. In the end, the woman poisoned him, not enough to instantly kill him but certainly enough that he wouldn’t recover anymore. She played the part of a grieving wife almost perfectly. Which was also the reason why her father backed off for a little while with the idea of proposing another marriage for her.

When Myrddin was around the age of two it became clear that the boy wasn’t able to produce much sound, which brought up the fear that her boy would possibly never be able to perform his magic or that he had inherited it at all. It was something she couldn’t particularly deal with at that moment. Nor did she mention telling August about the matter, afraid he’d despise his grandchild. Ezekiel didn’t show much progress either, though he was still fairly young. But as the years progressed, her son managed to find a way for himself. Proving himself to be a summoner nonetheless, which made her father extremely proud. Ezekiel followed a little while later. Which brought some peace. While she was proud of her two boys, the worry about Myrddin always stayed and the fact that he resembled his father more and more by the day didn’t contribute to the relationship the two shared.

So while keeping up appearances whenever it was needed, now Aurelia was also a full-time mom. Most of the tasks were carried out by nannies however since she had a job to maintain as well. Being the financial advisor to her father. But she managed to keep every ball rolling. Tried to spend enough time with Myrddin and Ezekiel, teaching them about their magic and what more. But also making sure that everything was alright with the family as a whole.

But disaster struck when her father became sick, his memory was fading quite rapidly, often called her Titiana... Which ended up, with her taking over as head of the family and overseeing it all. She turned out to have a keen eye for business as well. Often enough she dined with the most important people, striking deals left and right. But also overseeing the training of not only her boys but also keeping tabs on the progress of the guards that were serving as a protection detail to a few important people within Lemuria. She grew out to be a well-respected woman, even striking some fear in other people with how cold she could be. The connection she shared with her boys was a difficult one to say the least, both for their own reasons. While she considered Ezekiel as her blood, she couldn’t keep it from him that he wasn’t her own. So she told him that his father was actually her deceased brother when he was in his early teens. Never mentioning a word about his real mother.

In the end, her father died when she was 35, he was granted a funeral like any Vylasar, something big. But he was finally together with his wife again. And while the passing of her hero did hurt her, she put her feelings in a box and threw the key from the box away. Pushing through whatever grief she had with the help of both Ezekiel and Myrddin, but also by burying herself with work.


Four years later, the ruling monarchy of Lemuria ended. Which was decided by the King. From that moment on Lemuria would be ruled by a council. It was an idea that struck her as odd in the beginning. The capital would also be transferred to Moonbright, another idea she didn’t like very much.

Though when the now-former King approached her with the question to govern Lythrania, she was perplexed. At the very first moment she wanted to state what she thought about the whole situation, but she bit her tongue. Respecting the connection the two families had built up over the years. Accepting his offer.

Everything was handled quite smoothly throughout the whole shift. Aurelia became even busier with managing everything. But with Ezekiel and Myrddin growing up to be fine young men, things were a tad easier on the mom front. Not that she had ever been an actual present mother but still. Though Myrddin had presented himself as quite a difficult teenager and it seemed to be going in that direction while he grew older. Governing a whole town wasn’t exactly an easy matter, but she had help. Both people from within the family as advisors that had worked for them for years did manage to lighten the load a bit.


☆The Vylasar’s have established a festival that honors the dragon Lapphis, it is held yearly in Lythrania during the Snow Moon and lasts only a day. (This will be worked out later on.)

☆Despises the cold seasons, though mainly Frostcrown/Nightreign. Often isn’t seen outside of Lythrania then, apart from when she is needed in Moonbright. Yet she hates it.
☆ Both the search for a new husband for her, as a wife for Myrddin will be picked up.
☆ Has an affinity for animals
☆ Loves listening to any kind of music
☆ Enjoys going out for a hunt
Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:25 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Aurelia Vylasar XuTWurPc_o
Aurelia Vylasar MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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