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Honey [+Faolan]
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
Honey [+Faolan] JS82q3hE_o
Honey [+Faolan] 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
"Don't move." she mumbled, biting her bottom lip in concentration as her charcoal flew over the paper. Fast was the only way to do it, really, since most people seemed to find posing hard even with her clear instructions. She supposed it was the awkwardness of it all, having someone study you that intently. This moment was one that she needed to capture, though, even if she would never be able to properly translate it onto a piece of parchment. She studied his face for a moment; the straight bridge of his nose, the dark curls that softly bobbed on the light summer breeze...

She couldn't wait to marry him. This was exactly how it was supposed to be, she could feel it in her bones. He was the perfect man to one day rule Ashmoor alongside her. He was smart, well-mannered, handsome and funny too. She really liked that about him. And, maybe the most important thing, her parents approved of him. Else they never would have arranged it.

The wind picked up for a moment and one of the shorter strands that framed her face escaped from its pin. That wasn't too bad, but then she lost her grip on the parchment and it flew away from the drawing board she had been holding it against. "Oh, no!" she exclaimed in surprise, immediately getting up to try and catch it before it flew all the way to the Agrarian Ring.
Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:52 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
Honey [+Faolan] 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
Honey [+Faolan] Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

love isn’t soft
Like the poets say

Faolan wasn’t a man with many friends. He had a few, enough to count them on one hand and still have fingers to spare, but they were enough. More than enough if you asked him. They didn’t see each other as often as they used to anymore with their jobs, partners and some even had children already. He was 27 with only a few friends, parents that he really rather did not have and a woman he was engaged to without knowing it at first. An engagement his parents had planned for him. For both of them. He was angry when he heard about their engagement at first, but as he slowly got to meet the person in question he realised that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Life always felt suffocating to him. Like he was drowing and all he could do was let the water in to his lungs, but with Alison he could float. He could finally breath. They could be happy together and they would be happy. They were good together and he was certain he’d never felt better in his life.

Faolan could feel the left corner of his mouth tugging upwards into a small smile when he slowly found his way out of his thoughts and looked at Alison. ”Don’t move.” He heard her mumble. ”I’m not.” Something that happened more and more when he was around her was that he cought himself smiling slightly. Still, most of the time his face wasn’t the most readable face you’d see, but around Alison he didn’t mind showing a bit more of the person he was hiding deep inside himself. Sometimes that part was hidden so far away he couldn’t recognise who he was at those times.

He must have zoned out for a few secomnds because suddenly Alison got up to run after her parchment that was taken by the wind and he followed after her quickly, trying to catch it.

love has teeth which bite
and wounds that never close
Tue Jul 26, 2022 4:51 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
Honey [+Faolan] JS82q3hE_o
Honey [+Faolan] 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
She would not let it fly away. It had just started to be somewhat decent in her eyes and that was a lot coming from her. Whether by nature or nurture, she was her own worst critic; a perfectionist through and through. More importantly, though, this was a memory. They all were, so she saved all of her sketches even if the quality made her never want to look at it again.

It was starting to get away from her. The wind seemed to have caught it in just the right way to pick up both speed and height, so it was now or never. She had to make a jump for it. She bended her knees and stretched her arm, eyes focused on her target. Just as she jumped up a strong gust of wind came on and so she had to stretch even more to catch it before it flew over the garden wall. Just a little... Yes! She firmly clamped the parchment in her hand. The extra stretch mid-air had messed up her coordination a little though, and so she landed a bit more to the left, right where Faolan was apparently standing. She hadn't even noticed that he had followed her.

She bumped into him, hard enough to send them both to the ground. Her landing was softened by the fact that he was now underneath her, which was good for her but not so much for him. "Oh, I'm sorry! Are you okay?" she asked him, not quite getting up yet. Call it shock or something else.
Sun Jul 31, 2022 4:21 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
Honey [+Faolan] 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
Honey [+Faolan] Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

love isn’t soft
Like the poets say

Somehow he had ended up on the ground. How? He wasn’t sure. Faolan had always bruised fairly quickly. It was almost as if, when you looked at him the wrong wat you could see his pale skin turning shades of blue and purple. Like right now, with Alison on top of him he could feel the bruises beginning on his back and the backs of his legs, but he didn’t care one bit. There she was, the woman he was supposed to marry, on top of him looking as beautiful as ever. It had taken him an embarrassing short period of time to end up completely smitten with Alison Winter and he was certain that everyone already knew before he did, even though Faolan always tried his best to hide his emotions deep inside.

He cleared his throat softly in an attempt to pull himself out of his own thoughts as he looked up at her, nodding slowly. ”Are you?”

love has teeth which bite
and wounds that never close
Wed Aug 10, 2022 7:13 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
Honey [+Faolan] JS82q3hE_o
Honey [+Faolan] 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
It hadn’t been her intention to tackle him to the ground, of course, or to get her dress dirty in the process, but now that she was here she quite enjoyed the view. And, not unimportantly, she did manage to catch her sketch. She studied his face for a bit, her point of view changed entirely from the side profile she had been drawing. A cheeky smile appeared on her face as he confirmed that he was alright, the shock wearing off. ”I am,” she nodded, ”although I do remember telling you very specifically not to move.” She raised a challenging eyebrow at that, the cheeky look ever so present on her face. She liked teasing him a little bit, liked how it pulled him out of his shell. He could be so pensive sometimes.

Her gaze moved from his eyes to his mouth, his lips that were so often pursed but now looked quite relaxed. Ever so slowly she lowered her face, until their lips were only a whisper apart. She stayed there for a moment and then a moment longer, before ultimately deciding on a short, sweet kiss on his nose instead, a grin breaking out on her face.
Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:50 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
Honey [+Faolan] 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
Honey [+Faolan] Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

darling, dearest

"I apologise for trying to help." Faolan replied with sarcasm dripping from every word he spoke. He rolled with his eyes as the corner of his mouth tugged upwards slightly, showing that he was only messing around. Somewhere between leaning in and ending with a kiss on his nose Faolan found himself looking up at Alison. "Can I see your sketch yet, oh great artist?"

A part of him knew he shouldn't be feeling this way. The negative and pessimistic part of him that was louder than the optimistic side. Alarm bells were ringing in his head every second of every day since their engagement and it was exhausting. The part of him that made him doubt about everything told him that he shouldn't be getting used to this. He'd seen people in relationships, they seemed comfortable and everlasting. Rainbows and sunshine that gave the world a glow that only they could bring with them. With Alison something deep inside told him that they weren't and would never be those people. They were a whirlwind romance at best. Passionate thunderstorms that weren't meant to last long, thunderstorms never did, but he knew that he would treasure every second of the thunder he would get.

Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:23 am
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
Honey [+Faolan] JS82q3hE_o
Honey [+Faolan] 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
She wasn't sure what she had been trying to achieve with her little tease. Maybe nothing. Maybe it had just been a heat-of-the-moment thing. But deep down she knew that wasn't true. She wanted him to want her, wanted him to grab her collar and pull her down, finishing the kiss that she had hinted at. But that wasn't him, she knew that. She wondered if that would change one day; if, sometime in the future, he would feel comfortable enough with her to fully let down his guard. Surely he would, right? It would take time, she didn't doubt that, but marriage should bring them closer together. Like two peas in a pod. A partnership.

For now, a slight upwards curl of his lips was all she was gonna get. She wondered what he was thinking, but the look in his eyes gave nothing away. So she mimicked his smile, studying his gaze for just a second longer. To no avail. "Well, since you're asking so nicely." she answered, her deep voice a cheerful ring to it as she did like being called great artist, even if it was only in a teasing manner. Now was the time for her to get off of her fiancé and so she rolled over until she was lying next to him. By now her dress was dirty, anyway. She held the crinkled piece of parchment above her head, trying to straighten it slightly before passing it over to him. Immediate regret took over, as she didn't want him to feel offended in any way. After all, it was just a sketch and not a perfectly realistic portrait like the ones they all had hanging in their homes. She turned her head to look at him, studying his face for any kind of reaction, even though she knew that he probably wouldn't show it.
Fri Sep 16, 2022 7:13 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
Honey [+Faolan] 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
Honey [+Faolan] Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

darling, dearest

Faolan would treasure every second of this thunderstorm that they called their engagement that he could get. Was it because he actually had feelings for the blonde? Or because he knew that this would be the best relationship, and probably the only one, he could have? He knew he wasn't the easiest man to be around, but he did that mostly just to protect himself from any sort of hurt that might come his way. They could grow to love each other, in a buisness-like way. Maybe a friendship way. only the future would know.

"Well since you asked so nicely." Faolan leaned up on his elbows and watched her. He knew how art could be a personal thing, no matter what form of art it was. Painting, sculpting, poetry. Every piece of art had a part of that one person that made it in them and Faolan treasured these moments greatly. Moments where he got to see the art and maybe another version of the artist in the artwork itself. Faolan took the parchment from her and held it gently, studying the artwork in silence for a bit. He prefered to keep his face blank of anything he was feeling, another thing that drove a wall between the two of them. He should be wearing his heart on his sleeve around her, but old habits did die hard. Slowly he turned his gaze from the parchment to the woman next to him and he smiled softly. "It's beautiful Alison." He spoke, softly. "You even got me from my right angle. Never knew I was this good looking," the man grinned jokingly. All he could wonder was what it would look like when it was finished. Would she ever finish, or would he end up as another unfinished artwork?

Fri Sep 23, 2022 11:46 am
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
Honey [+Faolan] JS82q3hE_o
Honey [+Faolan] 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
As was expected, his face stayed completely blank as he studied her sketch. If he were anyone else that would have been enough for her to snatch it back and not show it to anyone ever again. She rarely did share her art to begin with, too preoccupied with the idea of perfection to risk any critique. But with him she knew that that awfully long silence did not necessarily mean that he did not like it.

She hadn't noticed the breath she had been holding in, until his soft-spoken words caused her to let it go. Apparently she didn't quite trust him not to hurt her feelings just yet, although by now she should probably come to the conclusion that any emotion he did show was sincere. Or so she assumed. They were only just getting to know each other, really. She sometimes wondered whether he even liked her. Not that she had any particular reason to believe he didn't, but what if? Would he tell anyone? Would she know? Some people only married for the sake of marriage and would then go their merry own way. But in those cases, both people would be aware of the fact that their marriage didn't mean anything, right? But these were all silly worries, of course. Wedding jitters, if you will. They were good together, she knew they were; he just liked to keep his emotions to himself a bit more and that was completely fine.

She mimicked his smile at his sweet words, although they did not take away the distance she felt. He was still one of very few people to rarely call her by her nickname; it was always Alison. It wasn't worth it to spend even more time worrying, though. It was a beautifully sunny afternoon, probably one of the last ones of the season, and she was lucky enough to spend it with the soon-to-be love of her life. "Thank you. Although I find that quite hard to believe." she answered, a grin appearing on her face as well. He was an undeniably beautiful person, his face resembling that of a carved marble statue more than anything else. "I am having a hard time getting right that unruly hair of yours." she said, cringing internally at how wonky it looked from her current point of view. Even though it made her job that much harder, she did love how his hair seemed to lead a life of his own. A stark contrast to his always so controlled composure.
Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:24 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
Honey [+Faolan] 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
Honey [+Faolan] Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

there is a rabid beast in me

I am a bruise — the soft rot of a peach  

Small and split open. The seam of me screams.
Faolan had once been a believer that maybe the faith of Renestrae was something he could believe in. He had prayed to Renestrae hoping that his parents would take him to the ocean. A place he so desperately wanted to visit. He had begged his parents until they finally gave in and took him there and for a few hours and he was certain it would be one of his happiest memories. Something he would look back on every once in a while with a smile on his face, longing for the salty air in his lungs and the sand between his toes. It wasn’t.

An hour before they would leave to go back home Faolan jumped back into the sea, not ready yet to say goodbye to the place of his dreams. He couldn’t swim so he stayed there where his feet could still reach the sand and his father followed him in to the water with an expression on his face Faolan had never seen there before. Fear. He doesn’t remember much else about what happened after his father grabbed his arm and tried to pull him out of the water. The only thing his mind never lets him forget is the sea slowly turning a dark shade of red. After that everything went black and he went limp in his father’s arms.

He'd woken up hours later, his mind foggy from the medicine he’d received for the pain and from the blood loss. They never knew what attacked him back then in the ocean. The people that were there all told different stories. The only thing Faolan did know was that his once flawless skin was covered in pale scars since that day and he never spend too much time in the shower or looking in the mirror.

Since that day Faolan had been terrified of the water and he never prayed to Renestrae again.

Sometimes being with Alison felt like he was swimming. She was like the ocean. Dangerous, exciting, unknown. Every time he thought he had her figured out, reached the bottom of the ocean that was Alison, another unknown depth appeared from the darkness.

"I am having a hard time getting right that unruly hair of yours." The wind and them rolling around in the grass didn't do much for his hair either. He had tried to tame the curls that morning, but it was to no avail. "I'll shave it all off. That must make it easier, won't it?" He ran his hand through his dark curls, eyeing her. He would do it, for her. He would do anything she asked him to do.

Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:42 am
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
Honey [+Faolan] JS82q3hE_o
Honey [+Faolan] 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
She loved him. She loved him like she loved long summer evenings and poppies bobbing in the wind. Like early rides when the grass was still wet from dew and like the smell of drying paint. She loved how he was just that little bit taller than her, how the white part of his eyes went all the way underneath his iris. She loved his thoughtful stature, how he never talked over her and never seemed to want any more from her than she could give. How he complemented her perfectly, keeping her grounded despite all her hopes and dreams and worries and fears. She loved how he didn't seem to be threatened by her future rulership, how he didn't try to take advantage of it. And, most of all, she loved how he would look like ruling beside her. Was that not what love was? Accepting someone as they were, seeing exactly how perfect they would be together? Love was a powerful thing, she thought. And kneading it, bending it in the way one wanted was an even more powerful thing. That's why she loved him. She loved him because she made it so.

Her eyes widened at his suggestion. He wouldn't dare, would he? Though there was no sarcasm or humour to be found in his eyes; there rarely ever was. Strange, then, to make such a suggestion, so she better put a halt to it once and for all. "I want no such thing." she said, sternly. She reached out to touch it, letting one of the curls glide between her fingers. Why was it that his hair was always so much smoother than hers? "I will just have to practice a bit more to get it right next time." She would make a thousand sketches of just his hair if it prevented him from doing something so brash.

"Tell me," she said, looking up at him through her lashes, "what are you thinking?" The same question that had plagued her every minute she had spent with him from the moment they met. There was something noble about his private nature, and a good skill to have as well. But she deserved more than that, needed more than that in order to fuel that love that she had so carefully crafted for him.
Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:25 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
Honey [+Faolan] 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
Honey [+Faolan] Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

there is a rabid beast in me

I am a bruise — the soft rot of a peach  

Small and split open. The seam of me screams.
For a second he could feel his eyes begging to close when she touched his hair. He'd do it, for her. All she had to do was ask him to do it, suggest it, and he would show up bald the next day. "Only if you get my right side every time." He would do so much for her. If she asked he would even show her the scars that decorated his torso, his arms, his legs. He would swim for her, pray for her. He would overcome any fear he ever felt and all she had to do was ask. That was how badly he wanted to please her, how badly he wanted them to work because he knew what would happen if they didn't. That was soemthing his mother made quite cleaar when she announced their engagement. But the fear he felt for his parents wasn't the only reason. He truely felt like Alison deserved all that and so much more.

"Tell me." Alison said. "What are you thinking?"



He was certain the confusion showed on his face when she asked him that question. A question no one had ever asked him before. His parents never cared about his thoughts and neither did the friends he had, not in the same way she did, apparently. His mind went completely blank for probably the first time in years. Every thought that rushed through his mind disappeared as snow on a sunny day and he stared at her. "I-" His tongue didn't feel like it belonged in his mouth. It felt too big and too small at the same time. This was probably the first time she truely rendered him speechless. "I'm not sure anymore," Faolan spoke quietly. Her interest in him somehow firghtened him and made him want to build the walls around him so much higher, stronger. He was certain she could see him stacking the bricks in his eyes, on his face that showed what he was truely feeling at the moment. Cofusion and maybe even a sliver of fear.

Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:36 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
Honey [+Faolan] JS82q3hE_o
Honey [+Faolan] 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
A soft smile played on her lips at his demand. "I will. I promise." she said. It was an easy promise to keep, seeing as both himself and his hair looked perfect from every angle. And besides, she did not have to show him every sketch she did. She was allowed privacy, too; her letting him in so often was a deliberate choice, not a requisite.

Of course it was a choice for him as well, and he happened to choose differently. She shouldn't push it, she thought. But she was oh so curious of the world inside his head that she couldn't help but ask.

What had she expected? An off-hand comment about the weather maybe, something to change the subject in a way that would satisfy her hunger for his mind just enough for her to shut up about it. She would have accepted it, for now. She did not expect to receive the truth anyway. But the reaction he gave was not something she had considered. In just a moment, she watched as any connection she had with her fiancé was once again blocked. I'm not sure anymore. What did that mean? Her mind was racing, trying to figure out if it was something she said, something she did. But instead of pushing for an answer she stayed quiet. Silently she looked at him, her brows furrowed in concern. Waiting for him to take control of his thoughts once more and telling her anything he wanted her to know. His choice.
Sat Oct 08, 2022 12:00 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
Honey [+Faolan] 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
Honey [+Faolan] Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

there is a rabid beast in me

I am a bruise — the soft rot of a peach  

Small and split open. The seam of me screams.
Every scolding he had recieved, every time his parents had smacked him on the back of his head, send him to bed without supper because he lost his composure had disappeared. His mouth opened, but no words came out. He felt like a fish out of the water, drying up on the land, hearing the river but knowing that there was no way of reaching it before death clouded it's vision. He could feel himself shutting down more and more with each second of silence that passed between them.

Somehow, somewhere he found his words back again. Words that threatened to be spilled between the two of them for quite some time.

"I'm afraid." He bit the inside of his cheek and he could hear his mother's screaching in the back of his head, but there was no going back now. "I'm afraid of making friends, connecting with people." He spoke, slowly, insecure. "I'm bad at it. I just always seem to get it wrong while everyone else... it seems so easy for them. I want to, but... I just can't." Faolan had turned away from Alison somewhere in the middle of his explanation, though he wasn't sure if he could really call it that. Would Alison think of him as less of a man now that he shared his feelings, his honest thoughts, with her?
Sat Oct 08, 2022 12:25 am
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
Honey [+Faolan] JS82q3hE_o
Honey [+Faolan] 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
It was hard for her to wait. She wanted so badly to give him a gentle push, a word of encouragement to get him to trust her. But doing so would only make things worse, she feared. So she had no option other than waiting, holding her breath for what seemed like hours.

This was it, she thought. This was the moment he would tell her that he didn't want any of this, didn't want her. That he was just spending time with her because their parents were forcing them to live the rest of their lives together. A panicky feeling started clouding her brain, but she managed to keep her breathing steady. She supposed, if anything, it was better to say it now than to wait until after the wedding. At least this way they could still do something about it, even if she wasn't sure what. Convincing her mother not to have them officiated would not be an easy feat, but it would be hard to force someone, right?

I'm afraid. There it was. She was afraid, too, afraid of exactly this moment. And any moments of hardship that a marriage with a practical stranger would bring with it. She opened her mouth to reply, having waited longer than she thought she could, but was shut up when he went on. Afraid of connecting with people? Oh. His words hit her like a truck, sounding so sad and broken that she couldn't help a pitiful frown from appearing on her face. It all made sense, suddenly. She had been projecting his insecurities on herself, thinking that maybe he didn't like her. But not everything was about her.

Slowly, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey. Look at me." she said softly. "If I can let you in on a secret... Most of the connections you see other people make aren't real." If anyone could know, it was her. All those people who pretended to be her friend always ended up just wanting something from her. Maybe that was what had initially started to worry her; he didn't go out of his way to be overly nice to her and that was not something that she was used to. God, how stupid was she to just assume. "I think you have been very blessed with a gift that allows you only to connect with the people that really matter." How nice must it be not to spend any energy on niceties, on trying to be liked. Still, she could imagine how alienating it must feel.
Sat Oct 08, 2022 11:56 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
Honey [+Faolan] 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
Honey [+Faolan] Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

there is a rabid beast in me

I am a bruise — the soft rot of a peach  

Small and split open. The seam of me screams.
She placed her hand on his shoulder and slowly but surely he could feel some of the tension in his shoulders disappear. His eyes were focussed on his hands, the seams of his trousers, the words she said to him. Of course he listened to her even though it felt like all he could hear was his blood rushing through his veins and feel his heart beating rapidly against his chest. Could she hear his heartbeat? It wouldn't surprise him if she did.

Blessed. She called it a blessing where he had always seen it as a curse. Maybe it would grow to be a bit of both if he could comfort the young boy deep inside him enough to see it as not one thing but a bit of both. There were no words that he could say to thank her for her kind words, even if he had to take his time to think them over again and again and again. Instead he tried to do what she did to comfort him. He slowly raised his hand and even though he was clearly hesitatiting to do so he placed his hand on top of th eone that was on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Sun Oct 09, 2022 12:16 am
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
Honey [+Faolan] JS82q3hE_o
Honey [+Faolan] 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
She wasn't sure if her words would come across in the way she wanted them to. It wasn't her intention to be dismissive of his feelings, to treat his words lightly when she would never know what it was like to struggle with what he did. But she couldn't say nothing and she did mean the words she said. In the short time that she had gotten to know him better, there was one thing that was an undeniable truth: Faolan was violently and unapologetically himself. And she loved that about him. But theirs was a cruel world with certain expectations and that made it difficult. She often wondered if she would have fared as well as she did had her mother not been so uptight in the way she wanted her daughter to be. Which part of her was truly her? With Faolan, that was much less of a question; she knew that every carefully crafted word came from his own soul.

She shouldn't be surprised when he didn't say anything, then, even if it was still something she had to get used to. What did surprise her was his response to her touch. Rather than moving away, which she had half expected, he placed his hand on hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. His long, elegant fingers falling easily over hers, their hands fitting together comfortably as though they were made for each other. She could feel her body fill with warmth. Slowly, she reached forward, carefully placing her chin on top of their hands. "Don't be afraid. You'll be just fine." she said softly.
Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:09 am
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