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Avalon - Percival Willow (Chief of the Blue Moon Tribe)
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IC Posts
Chief of the Blue Moon Tribe
Percival Willow
Percival Willow
Avalon - Percival Willow (Chief of the Blue Moon Tribe) H7Jvhsh
Avalon - Percival Willow (Chief of the Blue Moon Tribe) TSK5Tf7

Character sheet
Age: 33 y/o
Race: Druid
Occupation: Blue Moon Chief

Percival Willow
This is my Design
Gender Male
Age 32 y/o
Species Druid
Magic Druidic Magic
Religion The Odirian Deities
Occupation Blue Moon Tribe Chief
P.O.B Falerien
Residence Traveling around
Height 1.78m
Build Normal
Hair color Brown
Hair texture Messy
Eye Color Light blue
Skin Tone Slightly tanned


Percival is a handsome man. With his wavy and slightly messy brown hair and blue eyes, he has the appearance of a puppy. There is, however, a darkness in the depth of his eyes. A darkness he doesn't want others to see, so he tries to keep it under control. Percy does not care about what others think about him or how they view him. So he will wear whatever is comfortable, most of the time this is just whatever he has laying around. He wears glasses, but uses them most of the time when he's working on his potions. They are not really needed for anything else.
Constellation The Archer
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Percival is and always will be the quiet kid. He will not speak much, he will not even look you in the eye. In his own words: "My horse is hitched to a post that is closer to Asperger's and autistics than narcissists and sociopaths" meaning that he has some form of autism, even though some people think he's a narcissist or a sociopath. He doesn't like to be social or being in the spotlights and has a fear for being in a large group for a prolonged amount of time. Being a druid, Percival is most happy surrounded by nature and animals, so he won't be found in cities that often.
There is a darkness hidden within Percival of which he is both scared and ashamed. He's actively trying to get it under control, but with his position as chief, things might get difficult. There might be a moment in the future where he has to let this darkness out and he's afraid of what will become of him when het gets a taste of this feeling. This is the reason why he would always try to settle things without violence in the first place.
Percival can take a leaders position when need be. He will be more commanding and demanding and he's shy demeanor seems to have disappeared. This switch in personality can scare people in the beginnen, when they are not used to being around him. The man is also, what has been called, a true empath. This 'gift' as people call it, although he calls it a curse himself, means that he's very capable in thinking like others and can place himself in others shoes with scary accuracy. This helps him a lot with problems within the tribe, but it is also the source of his contant fears.  
Family Tree


father Hubert Willow
mother Marianna Willow


Brother -
Sister Bonnie Willow


Aunts & Uncles Unknown
Cousins Unknown
Magic type Druidic
Expertise Shapeshifting

Percival is a gifted shapeshifter. Within the tribe he likes to be in the form of a tiger with piercing blue eyes, but he's also capable in shifting into other animals. He likes to study animals before shifting into them, so he understands the animal first. Percival can keep his animal form for half his age in hours, so right now, he can stay in his animal form for 16 hours. Sadly, he's not strong enough to shift into something that can fly. Even as the chief of the Blue Moon Tribe, Percy is naturally attracted to canine and felines, this is why he like to keep a good relationship with the Lycantropes. He can understand the basic communication of both canines and felines and even has a mixed pack of wolves and larger cats in his own home. Percival is also capable of making different kind of potions and poisons, but these are only on a basic level.
Percival is born from a human and druid relationship. His mother, Marianna, was a druid within the Blue Moon tribe, while his father Hubert was a human merchant. Although this love was not forbidden, it did give his mother a bad reputation. So, the moment Percival was born and it became clear that he was a druid like his mother, Marianna stopped her relationship with Hubert and moved herself and her child back to the tribe where she originated from. This means that Percival has no clear image of his father and only remembers flashes of the man holding him sometimes.

Percival had a quiet youth, he played with other kids within the tribe, figured out his shapeshifting abilities and tried to be alone most of the time. His shapeshifting caused some trouble, as he woke up having a tiger's tail one day and threw a tantrum because he had no idea what was going on. Marianna took it upon herself to teach her son about his gifts and what he was capable of. She also was a gifted shapeshifter, so the bonding was natural. As he became more capable in his gifts, he could shift into numerous animals by spending a few hours studying them. Marianna also noticed that Percival wasn't the social kid she hoped him to be, as she was the more social type herself. She had already noticed that he wasn't one for making eye contact and he didn't like being in the spotlight, but hoped that it would be just a phase.

Sadly, it was not and Percy was still the anti social and narcissistic person when he grew up. He became a skilled huntsman and fisherman within the tribe and got the respect from the elders to be able to provide for the tribe. A ripple came through the tribe, however, when his mother Marianna was found dead. Who or what killed her was never explained, but this was quite the shock for Percival. Also, because he had a dream the night before in which he attacked something in the darkness of a moonless night.
Not being able to understand if the death of his mother was his own fault, Percival wanted to leave the tribe, but the elders stopped him, telling him that they needed him. He decided to stay, but this was at the cost of his psyche. He would get frequent nightmares of this black raven feathered stag and at some point he even thought he shifted into a stag without his consent. This made him scared of what was within himself and he decided that it was better if nobody knew.

For a few years, he lived with this darkness hidden within himself and he's too scared and ashamed of what it. He will not speak of it, he will not mention it, but he will be a bit jumpy whenever someone mentioned death of a kill. When the late chief became sick and not a single remedie of the tribe seemed to work, the elders begane looking for a suitable successor. One they found in Percival, even though he told them repeatedly that he didn't want to take the role. Apparently the tribe had other plans and he could do nothing but accept.
- Percival has recurring nightmares containing a raven fathered black stag who looks like this [click].
- Percival's nickname is Percy, but only lets friends and family call him that.
- Percival smells like the forest after heavy rain.
- He's a skilled hunter and fisherman.
- When he gets overwhelmed, Percy will go running in his animal form.
- Percival is often called a nervous, twitchy man.
- Percival is bisexual.
- Percival would love to have a daughter at some time
Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:32 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Avalon - Percival Willow (Chief of the Blue Moon Tribe) XuTWurPc_o
Avalon - Percival Willow (Chief of the Blue Moon Tribe) MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:03 pm
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