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Princess of Xaila
Phaedra Daetrys
Phaedra Daetrys
Ongewoon OWDZqY
Ongewoon OWDWmp

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Princess, Soldier
Even the darkest night will end
And the sun will rise
Phaedra was dressed in a soldier's attire. The people that didn't know her would not recognize her as a princess, and she sometimes liked it that way, even though she was also guilty of enjoying the status that her birthright gave her. Today, she wanted to blend in slightly more. As a soldier, she still had authority; and her short hair and tattood forehead still got enough attention anyways. She carried her bow in one hand, and her quiver of oil-tipped arrows was behind her back. A more talented sun elf could probably set the arrows to flame instantly, without any effort at all, but that would take her at least half an hour of holding the tips with her fingers. Luckily she was a talented enough shooter, mainly through practice, that she didn't usually need the extra damage from the flames. She had made sure that magic was not necessary for her to succeed. Phaedra was on her way to the training grounds to do some more target practice. Because of the market going on, the shortest route was through a dark alley that cut a part of the journey shorter. This was also a very famous alley for its many robberies; but she was sure she could handle a thief, if needed.
@ Sinaï
eve's codes
Sat Jul 23, 2022 8:21 pm
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