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Super fruit
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Ashmoor Citizen
Fritz Farrington
Fritz Farrington
Super fruit 53zL75vk_o
Super fruit TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 53
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor / Professor
It was quite early in the morning when Fritz awoke; he was always an early riser. The day had so much more to offer than sleep could ever give him, even though in his dreams where one of the few moments he could be reunited with his dearest wife. However, these dreams were often more bittersweet; he always knew he had to wake up eventually. Today, he woke and dressed while whistling a happy tune. It was a beautiful day, although it might be even too warm later today; now, in the morning, there was a slight breeze and the shining sun was beautiful. He didn't even need to put on his coat when he went outside and started to walk towards the university. It wasn't too far, and he could use the exercise. His early morning class would probably be less happy about the day.

+ Elliot
Thu Jul 21, 2022 11:44 pm
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