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Fritz Farrington
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Ashmoor Citizen
Fritz Farrington
Fritz Farrington
Fritz Farrington 53zL75vk_o
Fritz Farrington TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 53
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor / Professor

Fritz Farrington
Let your conscience be your guide
Gender Male
Age 53
Species Human
Magic None
Religion Faith of Renestrae
Occupation Inventor / Professor
P.O.B Alderrath
Residence Alderrath, upper ring
Height 1m85
Build Dadbod
Hair colorBrown / Greying
Hair texture Straight
Eye Color Grey
Skin Tone Pale


Fritz is, especially for his age, quite good looking; this comes from an easy life. He does not have stresslines on his face, but he has little crow's feet at his eyes from smiling. His gut is soft, but don't be fooled; he is stronger than he looks. Although he is not a vain person, he is usually dressed with care; he was raised on the principle that looking good was always necessary. However, it is not unusual to see him with his apron and his hands stained, when he is working on an invention.
Constellation The Stag
Alignment Lawful good

Fritz is a curious, kind-hearted man. He lives by his principles and finds it very important to follow the law and all regulations. He is trustworthy, protective of his family but not easily inclined to get angry. He will do everything for his daughters; they mean the world to him. He loves learning new things and is willing to try everything once - although physically, that gets harder with old age. He will only believe things he sees with his own eyes. He used to be more of a wild spirit, but with age he has mellowed out and found an easy rythm in his life. He is outgoing and loves telling stories. He seems to always be in a good mood, whistling a tune, devising some new invention in his mind. He is easily distracted, and often a bit of a scatterbrain. Fritz is always thinking about a million things at once.
Family Tree


father Ferdinand Farrington ♱
mother Ophelia Farrington ♱


Daughter Billy Farrington
Daughter Adalaine Farrington


Wife Paulette Farrington ♱
Other N/A
Fritz was born to rich and influential parents. He was raised by his mother, who was a stay-at-home mother, and never saw his father that much. Ferdinand was a tradesman, and often travelled all over Ashmoor for his business. Fritz was a very smart kid, and learned new things quickly enough that at a very young age, his parents got him a private teacher. He never really specialized in one subject, but was simply willing to learn everything there was to learn. He went to university as soon as he was able to, and got a degree in physics. Because of the money of his parents, he never had the pressure to find a lucrative job, and so he went into academics; got his doctorate and then became professor. That was, however, mostly just a hobby. His main interest lies in inventing new things; this has proved to be quite a lucrative business. He mainly focussed on things that would make his own life easier, or things that were just fun. During his studies, he met a girl at the university; she studied philosophy, and intrigued and challenged him in entirely new ways. They had a long courting; at first, they were friends, both afraid to break that friendship. Long nights staying up and talking about everything and nothing eventually turned less platonic and more romantic, and one night, under the stars, he asked her to marry him. Theiur love story was beautiful; their parents agreed, because both were from well-off families. She became a writer, and was working on her first novel when she became pregnant with their first child. When Billy was born, Fritz built her a crib with little twinkling stars in the shape of her constellation, the Vixen, that would twirl around above her head. There were five wonderful years where they were a beautiful little family. But during her second pregnancy, his wife began to get ill and weak. They went to the best doctors in Ashmoor; but nobody could help them. The day his second daughter was born, was the day he lost his wife. It is an incredibly painful memory for Fritz, but it is also intrinsically laced with the beaufitul memory of holding his youngest daughter, Adalaine, for the first time. He would never blame her for her mother's death. His daughters were the thing that kept him from breaking. He never took them for granted again and spoiled them endlessly. What they wanted, they would get.
- Fritz loves children and will often try to make them laugh or tell them stories
- Fritz knows a lot of jokes and likes to tell them (although people usually would like him not to)
- Although he was raised relatively religiously, it doesn't really play a big role in his life anymore
- He loves doing weird or exciting experiments in front of his classes
Mon Jul 18, 2022 9:51 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Fritz Farrington XuTWurPc_o
Fritz Farrington MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Let faith decide
Thu Jul 21, 2022 4:46 pm
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