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I'm gonna fight 'em off
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Malcolm Morris
Malcolm Morris
I'm gonna fight 'em off DN6yB78
I'm gonna fight 'em off 7bfdfe980368613395abf4ab26619fea

Character sheet
Age: 21 Y/O
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Thief
PEACE IS OVERRATED, IT'S THE FIGHTERS WHO SURVIVE @Thiago Gallio Malcolm took a deep bite from the fresh red apple he picked from the tree a couple of fields away. His other hand was buried in his pocket. In a quick pace he walked through what was called the Agrarian ring. His grey eyes flashed from left to right. Always cautious of his surroundings. It was hard to find peace and relaxation in places like these. Even though the Agrarian ring was more peaceful than the blooming streets of the other rings, it was still peppered with criminality and especially the danger of unexpected water. Accidents were always lurking around the corner. Often he felt like he was sick of it. The constant hiding, the constant running of basically everything and anyone. But hey, what other choice was there left for him? He took a deep breath of the fresh air. The atmosphere was still filled with the poisoned emissions from the crowded city. However, here it was a lot fresher than in the rest of Alderrath.
Thu Jul 21, 2022 10:51 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
I'm gonna fight 'em off Wp10309412
I'm gonna fight 'em off Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
Loud swearing sounded over the dirt road. The wheel of his cart had hit a hole in the road and the whole damn wheel had snapped clean of. Thiago had to pull on the reins hard to stop one startled Jake from bolting and ripping even more of the cart to pieces. He had picked up some wooden poles from a neighbouring farm in exchange from some coin. He had a part of his fencing to fix, but now he was in a lot more trouble.

The man hopped of the side of his cart and hurried to the face of the big gelding. He patted him gently on his cheek. ‘‘Woah there, Jakey,’’ he muttered to the big bay. He chose him for today, because he was strongest of his horses. But he was also a bit more skittish, that's why he rarely took him to town. It was annoying this happened when he was harnessed today. ‘‘Steady now.’’ He patted him on his neck, and then walked towards the wheel. Goddammit. He lifted the broken wheel of the road and leaned it against the cart. He had to lift the cart up and shove the wheel back on. Then, maybe, he would be able to make it home. He could fix it later.

Thiago leaned his hand on the cart and sighed deeply. He wanted to kick something, preferable, but he knew that wouldn't fix anything. He swore under his breath and looked around. Just then a man came towards him. Perfect. If there was any decency left in the world, that was. ‘‘I'm sorry, mister!’’ he called towards the approaching man. ‘‘Could you spare a second of your day?’’ Together they were probably able to lift the cart. He just needed an extra pair of hands, he would never be able to fix this on his own.
× @tag × voice ×
Fri Jul 22, 2022 6:07 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Malcolm Morris
Malcolm Morris
I'm gonna fight 'em off DN6yB78
I'm gonna fight 'em off 7bfdfe980368613395abf4ab26619fea

Character sheet
Age: 21 Y/O
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Thief
PEACE IS OVERRATED, IT'S THE FIGHTERS WHO SURVIVE @Thiago Gallio A deep sigh filled with dullness escaped his mouth when Malcolm saw how to carriage that hadn't been far in front of him had came to a stop. Now the owner was shouting at him. Malcolm mumbled a couple of curse words under his breathe. His best option felt to simply turn around and take a run for it. He'd honestly give anything to avoid any form of human contact. He felt no sympathy towards these people. No loyalty, no bond whatsoever. The only thing that connected them was the fact that they happend to be born in the same district. That didn't make them friends. Name one reason he would help this man. It was to late to become a good person now.

However. The carriage could be filled. The man didn't appear to be anymore than a simple farmer but that didn't make the goods that could be veiling in the cart worthless. It wouldn't hurt taking a quick peek. If there was nothing that would take his interest he could still chose the turn-around-and-take-a-run-for-it option. Malcolm walked up closer towards the unlucky farmer until he was near enough to see the wheel from the cart had fallen off causing the rest of the wagon to be blemished pretty roughly. He didn't bother to put on one of his innocent smiles. "Unfortunate turn of events I see," he said with a dry undertone. He threw the remnants of his half-eaten apple away. "I guess I have a second to spare," he continued with a small nod towards the other without putting any effort into sounding polite.
Sat Jul 23, 2022 12:15 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
I'm gonna fight 'em off Wp10309412
I'm gonna fight 'em off Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
it ain't much
but it's honest work
Thiago regretted his words the second the man came closer. He should have waited for a more trustworthy, happier looking man. He just had this sour look on his face. And he threw away a perfectly fine apple. Jake here would have loved a piece. But okay. The weird man offered his help, also it seemed a bit reluctantly. ‘‘Thank you, mister,’’ Thiago said between his teeth. He didn’t smile either. Thiago smiled rarely anyway, but he could perform an act when needed. But he didn’t feel like it in this moment. He turned back towards his cart. ‘‘If you could just slip the wheel back on its axis when I lift it up. That would be great.’’ Thiago decided to just stay polite and thankful, and then both men would be able to continue their way merrily. He glanced up towards the man and raised his eyebrows for a second. ‘‘Okay?’’

Thiago leaned his back against the cart and wrapped his fingers around the lowest beam there was. He was ready to pull a muscle, but what other options did he have? Jake had started to paw at the ground. ‘‘On three,’’ he told the man. ‘‘One.. two.. three.’’ Thiago groaned with effort when he used his whole weight to push the cart up, clenching his jaws together in the progress.
× @tag × voice ×

Thu Sep 08, 2022 5:23 pm
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