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[DMB] Ashes
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
[DMB] Ashes JimtOMm
[DMB] Ashes F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

So far the evening had been enjoyable. Sure, there had been the strange conversations, the weird entrance here and there, but it was nothing too boring. He still had drank very little and it was obvious that the people around him hadn't done the same. But he was not one to judge. He was judging, though.

But the time of judgement had passed. He had his eyes on a certain woman a few times already. Somewhere he had hoped she would reach out to him but of course the odds weren't in his favor. He would talk to Renestrae tonight about it. Or maybe he would just drop it, maybe this was just exactly what Renestrae wanted. And he had to show a little bit of effort of course. So, when it appeared the woman was finally alone and not engaged in any conversation, Alpha stepped towards her. "I apologise for intruding on your evening, Miss Farrington," he started to get her attention. "But I was hoping we could talk tonight. Perhaps more... private," he showed her a smile through the mask, pleasant and yet... strangely cold.
@Billy Farrington
Wed Jul 20, 2022 1:43 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Billy Farrington
Billy Farrington
[DMB] Ashes Naamloos
[DMB] Ashes Ezgif-1-9c1437ceca

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Engineer, inventor & scientist

❝ I like to keep all my options on the table ❞
It had been quite a boring night so far. Yes, the decorations looked pretty good and there were some really pretty girls that were wearing way too much make-up... And clothing that could be a bit better. But beside that there wasn't just... Much going on. She had made some small talk with some other scientists and engineers that had approached her, wanting to know about her latest work and studies she had done. She had happily complied and just chatted along as if she wasn't bothered by the fact that the old geezers were just so... short sighted. So when they finally took their leave, commenting that they had a nice chat with her, she just nodded and wished them a good night. Finally, they were gone.

She was finally alone for the first time that night... As she adjusted her suit a little she took the time to walk around and take a look a better look at the interior of the huge room. She noticed some imperfections in the corner and she slowly tilted her head. She opened her mouth a little, slowly calculating the adjustments that had to be made to make it better... But it didn't take long before someone interrupted her.

A voice. She turned around as she was quickly met by... A mask? For a moment she looked at the man, before a soft smile curled on her lips. The high priest of Ashmoor sure was a weird looking man up close, wasn't he? But he did have his... peculiar mask. Billy couldn't stop wondering what it was made of and how the mold was created to finalize a piece like this. As her mind was already exploring the depths of the how and what, the priest continued. He wanted to talk... More privately. For a moment her curious mind stopped wandering places and sat still for a moment. This felt oddly familiar. Kind of like the man that had approached her a couple of weeks ago regarding the anti-magic project she had picked up.

"Of course! That sounds absolutely lovely," she said as she smiled at the man. As her gaze went around the room, she wondered what kind of private the priest was talking about. "Would you prefer to go outside for a little bit or...?" When it came down to these formal conversations, she just kind of flopped. Not that she cared or anything. She was good at a few things, such as working with her hands and learning new stuff. If being social wasn't part of her skillset, well... So be it.
Fri Jul 22, 2022 6:25 pm
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