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[FINISHED] [DMB] Fancy poop stuff
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Ashmoor Citizen
Evan Fields
Evan Fields
[FINISHED] [DMB] Fancy poop stuff 53zL75vk_o
[FINISHED] [DMB] Fancy poop stuff TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 23 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Weaponsmith
What the bloody hell was this? With a scowl Evan looked at himself in the mirror. This is why he hated those stupid rich snobs in the upper ring. Because they had a fucking despicable dress code he was obligated to follow. He had never wanted to see himself in a suit and it even made him want to throw away the invitation, but he had no other choice then to attend. If his father found out that he hadn’t gone… There were few things in Evan’s life that could scare him, but his father’s wrath was surely one of them. The old man may be sick, but he could still give Evan a piece of his mind and his fists if Evan didn’t obey his rules. That didn’t mean that Evan didn’t scold the situation the entire way to the upper ring. He despised the tuxedo he was wearing. He despised the leather shoes that screamed “MONEY” that he was wearing. He had want to spend his hard earned money another way, but he couldn’t escape this. Not with his father still around.

Although Evan lived in the middle ring and was still more comparable to the people in the upper ring than in the lower and agrarian ring, he despised them still. But he despised everyone, so it wouldn’t make a big difference at all. His father ruined his chance of enjoying his life in the middle ring and Evan wanted to turn his back on it so much that it hurt. The man walked towards the entrance of the building where the ball was given. Building. Palace. It was all the same to him. He wore a stupid mask because it was a stupid masked ball. That may be one positive side to it all.. nobody would recognize him hopefully after this, so he could pretend he never attended the stupid party to begin with. The look of pure boredom was even seen through the mask and Evan felt a least a bit delighted when he saw the scowl on the face of the man who accepted him in. Good.

As Evan entered, he didn’t bother to politely ask for a glass of wine. In stead he just grabbed it of the tray and chucked it down within seconds. ”Thanks,” he said in a tone where it was made clear that he didn’t care at all if he was supposed to do what he just did and he walked further. He saw a lot of people gathered together, but he didn’t recognize anyone. Of course not. Everyone was wearing a fucking mask. And as his eyes searched for a good reason to leave this party already, he saw movement in the corner of his eye. No. Please, no. He was only a few minutes at this party and someone already wanted to bother him?

@Alpha Aphelion
Wed Jul 13, 2022 4:25 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
[FINISHED] [DMB] Fancy poop stuff JimtOMm
[FINISHED] [DMB] Fancy poop stuff F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

The event had only just begun, but so far it had not been that entertaining. As High Priest he had been given the required nods, the small conversations, but so far nothing exciting had happened. Not that he had expected to, it was just a ball after all. A way for the higher up's to flaunt their wealth and show how much better they were than others. But they would truly be better, if they believed in Renestrae. They all walked around like idiot sheep, not understanding that their High Priest was truly the superior one.

Even though he far looked from being superior. He wore his usual uniform, pressed with Renestrae's symbol. The mask he wore was the one he always did. A silvered metal horned demon, the thing that would haunt you in Limbo. And yet none around him got the message. His attention was briefly turned towards the entrance when the soft sound of indignation spread around. Alpha tilted his head slightly at the sight of the young man there, the way he behaved. Trouble. Not only could he see it, he could smell it. And honestly, Alpha did not want any trouble tonight.

He easily and quickly breached the distance. It was honestly not even his problem, and he definitely wasn't going to make a scene of it, but the man at least needed to be told his place in this matter. "I suggest you either conform yourself to the values of your surroundings, Sir. Lest you want the night to turn unpleasant," he spoke to the man in his low baritone voice. He didn't even speak that loud, barely a whisper and yet very clear to hear.
@Evan Fields
Wed Jul 13, 2022 5:07 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Evan Fields
Evan Fields
[FINISHED] [DMB] Fancy poop stuff 53zL75vk_o
[FINISHED] [DMB] Fancy poop stuff TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 23 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Weaponsmith

First he got to wear a stupid tuxedo that clung to places he wasn’t willing to mention, now this fool was reprimanding him in a way like Evan would actually give a shit about what he thought. Probably just another rich snob who didn’t want to get his little party interrupted. Evan turned towards the man, but his mask made it impossible to guess who it was. Evan was so locked up in his shop and so disinterested in his surroundings that he wouldn’t remember it anyway. Someone never really made a long enough impression on him for it him to remember it the other day. It just wasn’t that easily impressed and this fool was no exception.

”First of all, I’m not taking orders from someone who tries to give the impression that he comes straight from hell,” Evan told him in a dismissive tone. ”Second… what kind of values do you mean? The value that almost shouts money?” He snorted. He hated these rich snobs with a passion and if it wasn’t for the wrath of his father he wouldn’t even have bothered to come all the way here. He had better things to do with his time, although wandering around the Middle Ring would probably not be seen as a valuable thing to do for most of these people. It surely was for Evan. He wanted to be everywhere right now in stead of wasting his time talking to this piece of shit.

”Anything else you want to waste my time with?” he asked almost nonchalantly, quickly eying the man up and down. While it seemed to his surroundings like he was dismissing the man, he was actually assessing him to see if he could take him on if he decided to make “the night unpleasant”.

Thu Jul 14, 2022 12:38 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
[FINISHED] [DMB] Fancy poop stuff JimtOMm
[FINISHED] [DMB] Fancy poop stuff F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

Alpha had decided that he wasn't going to be the person judging everyone that was entering. And yet, here he was. Judging someone who was entering. But at least he wasn't going to make it his problem. If the boy didn't comply, Alpha would simply call it a day and let the other ruin everything on his own accord.

Which was most likely the exact thing the other was going to do, given the answer Alpha got to hear. Excellent, at least the entertainment of tonight wouldn't be boring then. Alpha gave the boy another good look. He looked moderately wealthy, just not wealthy enhough to be in the Upper Ring. And still he had the audacity to act like this. Ah, no bother. "Hm. No," he answered, as if he'd been wondering if there was anything useful to say. But nothing would probably reach the brain of the boy through that thick head of his. "Please enjoy your evening, Sir." And with those words, Alpha turned on his heel and easily walked away, going to find company elsewhere.
@Evan Fields
Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:12 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Evan Fields
Evan Fields
[FINISHED] [DMB] Fancy poop stuff 53zL75vk_o
[FINISHED] [DMB] Fancy poop stuff TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 23 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Weaponsmith

Evan smirked when the man didn’t reply at his words. It felt like a small victory. Anyone who backed down after challenging him and opening up their big mouth felt like a victory to him. Was it because he couldn’t stand up to his father so he had to stand up for himself in another way? Maybe, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to let himself get intimidated by a wealthy snob who thought he could control Evan with his words. And he really couldn’t, it would seem. His threatening words from earlier fell on deaf ears and the man either didn’t want to waste his time with Evan or either didn’t want to ruin this so precious party; he didn’t react to Evan’s challenge, but instead backed down and walked away.

”Yeah, that’s what I thought, you stupid wealthy prick,” Evan mumbled, then turned around himself and walked away in a different direction. He knew he couldn’t go home just yet, so he had to find another way to entertain him. He probably would just sit in the corner of a room until he thought it was the right time to leave. Or he would search someone to do illegal business with.

At least he didn’t have to bother with that stupid fool anymore, so that was at least one little light in the dark, sober evening.

OOC: Topic uit!
Sat Jul 16, 2022 12:23 pm
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