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[FOF] Wherever the wind blows.
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Aeola Helvig
Aeola Helvig
[FOF] Wherever the wind blows. Image
[FOF] Wherever the wind blows. 6008a26af1a0f5360e6b75ac2b968e9b

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Druid
Occupation: Boatfarer
I am only as devine as dirt, no more human than peace on earth.

[FOF] Wherever the wind blows. MB07LIq

Among the crowds she darted, as a leaf among the wind. In the woods, her light feet and agile footwork had been useful among the hunt- but even years later the practice did not prove anything but useful. No one seemed bothered by her rush, not a soul seemed to notice her as she moved through the crowd of people, venturing out into the city for a good time at the nightmarkets ahead.

Among them, he should be. Somewhere here her brother was. Or at least so he had promised to be last time she saw him, with the way he went about life he could be such a pain to get a hold of sometimes. Always on the go, never anywhere for too long, Aeola's logbook had an abundance of outings in order to find her big brother within the big world they both chose to spread out over. She in moonbright- on the sea.  Him, anywhere he was needed for work. It had been more than important for them to at least plan a meet somewhere ahead of time, this time being the festival held in Ishgard.

Having spotted him after not much time of darting around, had not meant greeting him in an instant. No- Aeola much preferred a more fun way of approaching her big brother. She had never been one for formalities after all- a playful thing she was at heart. Even now that she had gotten older. And thus- a chuckle escaped her as her fingers caressed the thin lines of air surrounding her- feeling its strings pull at her soft touch as though she was playing an instrument of her design. Focussing her attention on the way it moved alongside her fingers, following her guidance and changing course toward her brother- pushing into his back forcefully. A grin adorning her freckled face as she waited for him to hopefully spook and if not- at least show some sort of surprise.

Before i was a woman, i was crazy first.
So, give me your worst.

Much thank Nien x
Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:21 pm
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