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It must have been the wind
Time will tell
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Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
It must have been the wind RbKYMU2
It must have been the wind 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ I don't know how to feel ❞
His walk back home had been filled with mixed emotions and intrusive thoughts. He really had done it now, hadn't he? Twirling his staff in between his fingers, the young captain looked so much happier than he had been just earlier that day. He barely noticed it himself, as he was still somewhere else with his thoughts. He wanted to think about possible solutions... And yet, after a while he had gone back to those sweet lips, that gentle touch and those sounds. By god, the sounds he could make. He smiled softly as he glanced at the ground for a moment, letting his raven black hair cover his face so no-one could spot the forbidden joy he felt. He really had to try his best not to turn around and go back to the Efrain estate. Man, if he did that, they would both be in trouble. Mostly because he still had some duties to fulfil today... And well, he was certain that his mother wouldn't appreciate the fact that he was paying them so many visits... In such a short time. Even a child could understand the reason for such activities.

When he walked into the castle, he noticed the glances he got from some of the guards. Lifting a brow he looked at them, to only notice that his shirt was still slightly unbuttoned. Oh well, now, that was really uh. He cleared his throat as he quickly buttoned it back up, hastening his step before he rolled his eyes. He might as well have done some intense training. And maybe that was the reason for his messy hair and his clothes. Everyone in this castle knew that he didn't care for anything else, after all. Going back to the ways it had been before.

As the young man turned a corner, he almost ran into someone. Quickly coming to a halt as he lifted his arms he looked down. To his surprise, it was someone he hadn't seen in a while... And she didn't look her best. Had the trip to Xaila not been great? The man frowned as he lowered his arms slowly, tilting his head as he nodded at her. He hadn't received letters that things had gone bad or that Ezekiel had killed someone so... He didn't quite know what was happening. He waited for a few seconds, not entirely sure what his sister-in-law really wanted. But he could already sense that something was very off. And he wasn't sure if he should say something, or simply keep quiet and let her do her thing.
Fri Aug 25, 2023 10:11 pm
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Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
It must have been the wind 7mKmf4U5_o
It must have been the wind 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Home. A word which had grown to be nothing but a concept she couldn’t quite grasp ever since moving into the castle beneath the sea. Back in the southern kingdom she had been quite excited to return ‘home’, being able to bore her cousin with stories about the festival and navigating her newfound role as a wife. Now that the arrangement between her and Ezekiel had been sealed there would be lesser matters to cloud her mind with worry. Or so she had been foolish enough to believe.

Their journey had been all but pleasant, her throat still somewhat sore of the screaming matches between her and her husband. For a brief moment both of them seemed to have let their guard down after the ceremony, only to hide behind the thick walls of their newly built fortresses. She did not want to speak to him. By Lythrana, she’d even refuse to share a bed with him.

A storm ravaged through her mind as she made her way through the familiar hallways of the castle, eyes and lips swollen from the tears shed as she turned corner after corner, not entirely sure where she was headed, the sound of her fastened footsteps echoing throughout hallway. It didn’t matter where her fast paced steps would take her, as long as it was somewhere she didn’t have to witness the sorcerer’s stupid face.

It wasn’t until a familiar figure appeared in front of her that she halted. While his recognizable height and features remained, the absence of his signature golden locks left her with furrowed brow. Before she could comment on it, however, the sight of a familiar face after making sure to avoid every breathing individual in this godforsaken castle couldn’t help but to cloud her vision once more. Without a word she closed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around her cousin’s waist and burying her face within the fabric against his chest, a quiet sob escaping her lips as she sought comfort within the only family member which hadn’t disappointed her over in one way or another.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:48 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
It must have been the wind RbKYMU2
It must have been the wind 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ I don't know how to feel ❞
Time alone, without the chaos that was this cursed family, had been nice. But now he knew he would have to return to the drama that the youngest generation of the Vylasars brought to the table. As heir he felt responsible to at least uphold a decent image. And to a lot of people, he did. Being a high achieving young man that had many talents. The golden boy, as some would say it. Both in honour of what he could already do, but also his signature golden hair. That same golden hair that his mother had and her mother had before that. But he had painted over them, rejected both his title as that golden boy and his heritage in one short statement. If people couldn't see the way he rejected all of that, by simply looking at him, they surely didn't know the ins and outs of the family. If it hadn't been for his duties, he would have been out of this castle a long time ago. Where one would say he would feel a certain duty to his arranged marriage, he didn't. If his titles ever were to vanish, he would as well. There was no reason for him to hold onto fake loyalty.

He had run into her, hadn't anticipated the pain in her eyes. He had thought that the entire younger generation of their family would have had a great time in Xaila as he had been left behind to tend to the city, as always. She didn't say anything, however, and simply walked closer to wrap her arms around him and burry her face against his body. He lifted his arms a bit, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the sudden hug. He had tensed up for a second, as it had taken him by surprise. After a few seconds he relaxed himself, slowly lowering his hands as he gently wrapped them around her small body. He pulled her in a little closer, giving her shelter with his own body as he let one hand run over her back. If he could speak, he would whisper a gentle word of encouragement. But he couldn't, so he simply kept it with holding her and letting her relax in the safety of his embrace. Even though they had never shared a gesture like this before, it felt right, and Myrddin wondered who or what had happened for her to seek out this kind of support.

He waited, until he was sure that she was a bit more relaxed, before he went through his knees a bit. One arm still held onto her back, but the other went down a bit, going along with his movement as he went closer to the ground. He halted right before bringing it beyond her back, looking at her for a moment. He waited until she gave a nod, or any permission for him to move his arm there. All he would be doing was bring his arm under it, so she would be able to somewhat sit on the arm. She could wrap her arms around his neck to allow herself to be closer to him, to hide herself or simply to find more stability. His other arm loosely held onto her back as he stood back up. Holding onto the small sorceress as he started to walk. He passed by some guards, perhaps even other people looking at them with strange looks on their faces, but the stern, seemingly emotionless expression on his face didn't give anything away. The young heir simply kept walking.

He passed by some maids, who looked at them and he lifted his free arm. Gesturing them to get some tea ready and bring it to his room. At first they didn't quite understand, but after he glared to them, they were on their way. The tall, slender man continued on, moving through the hallways of the castle until he had arrived at his room. He opened the door, pushed it open with his shoulder as he looked at Chaska to make sure that she was okay. With one swift movement he closed the door behind him, walking further into the room and going through his knees again at the little lounge area he had in his room. He placed her on the chair, making sure she was comfortable and okay before letting go. He looked at her face for a bit, gently letting a hair run along her head to adjust some astray hair that he had messed up by carrying her. He held up a hand at her, a gesture at her to wait before taking a step back. He grabbed a blanket, reached it to her so she could keep herself warm before he left the room.

He came back after a few minutes. His familiar perked on his shoulder and a tray in his hands. He closed the door of his room behind him again. Walking over to the lounge area and placing the tray down. A beautifully decorated teapot filled with hot water, accompanied by two matching tea cups. On the side was a plate with sweets, cookies and other goods that he had handpicked himself. He had yet to select the tea for the water, as he was unsure what Chaska wanted, so he had just grabbed some, labelled them and laid them on the side. Myrddin looked at Chaska, walking towards her again and going through one knee as he grabbed her hand. He gently let his thumb run over the top of her hand, tilting his head a bit. "We got you some tea, do you have any preference for one?" the parrot spoke in a gentle and sweet tone. The animal remained as she was, however, regal in shape and stature. "We can also just talk or just... Go to the gardens. We don't have to talk if you don't want to," the summon spoke once more. Her glowing eyes focused on the young woman in front of them.
Fri Oct 06, 2023 4:05 pm
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