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[FoF] The Monster Only You Can't See
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IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Solomon Emoira
Solomon Emoira
[FoF] The Monster Only  You Can't See 4KQK15D
[FoF] The Monster Only  You Can't See Atsthj1

Character sheet
Age: 38 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Master of Whispers
Raveryn was never his favorite place to be. But with his work on the council, he was almost forced to go to all the high end festivals. Still, this place was cold and he wasn't exactly used to the colder weather. Deep within his fur lined coat, Solomon walked over the market. This was probably the only thing that was enjoyable about this festival. Of course, tomorrow he could gather more intel than he could probably handle, but that was part of the job. Every bit could be useful and he wanted to make good use of his time here. Before he had to voyage back for a couple of weeks. Solomon hummed while browsing through some pleasantries on one of the stands. Something in the back of his neck alerted him and he quickly turned around, only to find exactly the one person he wasn't keen on finding here. A soft sigh rolled over his lips before he put up a smile and walked over to the stoic man. "Vincent." He greeted the man with a nod of his head. "I didn't expect to find you at the market." That much was true, the Master of Arms didn't looked like someone who would enjoy this place, at all.

[+ Vincent Greywell]
Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:04 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Vincent Greywell
Vincent Greywell
[FoF] The Monster Only  You Can't See QNxT0fR
[FoF] The Monster Only  You Can't See 8LjFhs4

Character sheet
Age: 70
Race: Mage
Occupation: Council member (Master of Arms)
Vincent Ulysess Greywell III
a cold flame is a flame none the less.
Vincent wandered over the marketplace and noticed his fellow council member, Solomon the spy master, perusing the wares on display. With the political importance of the festal and the ball tomorrow, he wished to speak with him in preparation... And annoy him a bit.
Solomon simply addressed him by his first name, a nod and small-talk, like a commoner. Vincent answered with a fake smile: “Well met master Emoira. I had not expected it would be so easy to sneak up you, considering your profession.” Vincent's fake smile did not reach his eyes and he intently glared at the spy master. Thus far, the two did not see eye-to-eye and they had a keen ability to get on each others' nerves.
However, Vincent did need to speak to the man on a pressing matter. “Considering the previous assassination attempt last year, I assume you have made preparations to covertly provide the council with adequate protection? Particularly the king-in-waiting's protection is a concern.” He said while joining the man next to market stall, allowing the busyness of the crowd to drown out their conversation.

Tags: Solomon Emoira
Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:29 pm
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