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Seeking a Monster Scholar
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Lemuria Citizen
Sorin Hunter
Sorin Hunter
Seeking a Monster Scholar JRalQ48
Seeking a Monster Scholar Py7jWhX

Character sheet
Age: 40
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Traveling monster hunter

There're still monsters out there, I should know.

Sorin had split up with Hunter for the time being within the city. He wondered how the young man would fare within a strange city so unlike his forest home, but they needed to cover more ground and would need to split up to do so. They needed to find someone who could tell them more about the monster they would be facing, but finding a monster expert or expert in strange woodland creatures proved more difficult than Sorin had anticipated.
Ishgard was a vast city and would have more scholars than the countryside Sorin was accustomed to. Sorin had to find a monster scholar or similar source of information. Hunter was a tough kid and he was an experienced monster hunter, but even he did not like the odds if he did not know what they were up against.
While thinking about the best place to find a monster expert, Sorin walked passed a familiar face. Sorin halted in the middle of the street and glanced at the young man beside him. “You’re that young man we met a while back after our sparring session, aren’t you?.” Sorin asked before dryly adding: “Would you know where I can find a monster expert or bestiary?

@SIRACH LUNTHÁLIN || words: ###

Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:08 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sirach Lunthálin
Sirach Lunthálin
Seeking a Monster Scholar Banner11
Seeking a Monster Scholar Square10

Character sheet
Age: 38
Race: Mage
Occupation: For hire, thief
Sirach looked up when he heard a familiar voice. He’d met the man in front of him only a few days before when he’d enjoyed the show he’d stumbled upon after returning to Ishgard from a hunt. The stranger and a young man had fought in the mud like animals after which Sirach had sent them on their way to an inn inside the city. He nodded, though he looked slightly confused when the man called him young: the other couldn’t be that much older than him. “I am,” he confirmed. Oh, he thought at the other’s next words, this could be fun. “Depends,” he said,” What kind of monster are you after?”
Thiefs and Beggars, never shall we die
Where we will, we'll roam
Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:58 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Sorin Hunter
Sorin Hunter
Seeking a Monster Scholar JRalQ48
Seeking a Monster Scholar Py7jWhX

Character sheet
Age: 40
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Traveling monster hunter

There're still monsters out there, I should know.

The man was older than Sorin had initially thought. He looked very young for his age, that was for sure. Sorin’s hunch proved correct, however, it was indeed the man from a couple of days ago.
I’m a monster hunter by trade.” Sorin explained. Often city folk simply saw other people as monsters rather than thinking about the monsters that still lurked in the wild reaches of the world.
Specifically, the monster I am looking for is a strong, stealthy and agile boar-like monstrosity that has enough force to rip a person in two… If that narrows it down for you.” Sorin dryly added. He did not think the man would know anything about this particular monster he was hunting with Hunter, but perhaps the man could point him in the direction of someone who did.

@SIRACH LUNTHÁLIN || words: ###

Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:28 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sirach Lunthálin
Sirach Lunthálin
Seeking a Monster Scholar Banner11
Seeking a Monster Scholar Square10

Character sheet
Age: 38
Race: Mage
Occupation: For hire, thief
So he was a monster hunter. “Shouldn’t you be the expert then?” he quipped. The fight he’d witnessed a while ago must’ve been him training the younger man which meant the younger one wanted to become a monster hunter.

The description sounded familiar. “Does it dwell in Avalon?” he asked. His knowledge of monsters mostly consisted of knowing which parts were useful for dark magic spells and how to kill the ones that had those useful parts. Because he was always travelling, he’d also heard a lot of stories and myths about local creatures and the description the other gave made him think of one of the tales he’d heard in Avalon.
Thiefs and Beggars, never shall we die
Where we will, we'll roam
Sat Dec 03, 2022 2:40 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Sorin Hunter
Sorin Hunter
Seeking a Monster Scholar JRalQ48
Seeking a Monster Scholar Py7jWhX

Character sheet
Age: 40
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Traveling monster hunter

There're still monsters out there, I should know.

Sorin was in luck, the man was not only as sarcastic and snarky as he was, he knew about the monster he was hunting. What kind of man was he? What kind of city stickler would know about an obscure boar-like monster from the forests of Avalon.
I am an expert. I haven’t encountered this creature before.” Sorin explained before adding: “However, you are correct. It does dwell in Avalon. I believe it hunts from the safety on the Southern reaches, making use of the Nocturnal Woods as a lair.” He eyes the man up an down. It was very unusual to find someone with expert knowledge about such things. Was he a conman or a traveler with some obscure knowledge?
Sorin allowed his lycanthrope senses to be pushed to the forefront of his mind, something he hated doing in the cities, but he had to make sure. The smells of the cities permeated the area. Piss, snowfall, mud and iron were the most prominent scents in the area. The man however smelt like smoke and grass. A traveler…
Might I ask how you know about an obscure monster from such a well defended place such as Avalon?” Sorin asked. He couldn’t rule out the possibility that the monster was more well-known to locals that traveled near there or, the Deities forbid, a shapeshifter.

@SIRACH LUNTHÁLIN || words: ###

Mon Dec 05, 2022 3:47 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sirach Lunthálin
Sirach Lunthálin
Seeking a Monster Scholar Banner11
Seeking a Monster Scholar Square10

Character sheet
Age: 38
Race: Mage
Occupation: For hire, thief
It quickly became clear he was correct: the other was talking about the creature he’d heard about in Avalon. He nodded when the other explained what he believed about its hunting habits and lair. Sirach had no idea how true any of that was since he didn’t actually know much about the creature, but knowing the general layout of Avalon it did sound plausible.

The question came as expected. He hadn’t told much about himself the last time he’d seen the man, simply sending him in the right direction to find a tavern. “I travel a lot,” he answered. “And sometimes I hear stories.” It didn’t explain much, but he wasn’t very generous with information to people he didn’t know.
Thiefs and Beggars, never shall we die
Where we will, we'll roam
Tue Dec 20, 2022 10:52 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Sorin Hunter
Sorin Hunter
Seeking a Monster Scholar JRalQ48
Seeking a Monster Scholar Py7jWhX

Character sheet
Age: 40
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Traveling monster hunter

There're still monsters out there, I should know.

As the other man nodded along to his explanation it became apparent that he indeed knew about the creature. It was shady however that some random traveler knew about this creature.
The answers the man gave did not clarify the matter… Like at all. Kind of dumbfounded by the apparent steadfastness of the stranger, Sorin just blankly stared at him. Something was fishy about the whole thing. The tribes of Avalon were very defensive and the monster was also quite obscure. Was he being messed with?
The name’s Sorin, by the way, a fellow traveler.” Sorin calmly said, offering his hand to the man as a handshake. If Sorin did not know any better, he’d think this was a meeting amongst thieves. “Would you per chance know anyone within this city that would know anything about this monster?” Sorin asked honestly. If the man couldn’t help him with vague answers, perhaps he knew someone… He seemed the type to know just about anyone.

@SIRACH LUNTHÁLIN || words: ###

Sun Dec 25, 2022 9:51 pm
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