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[FoF] Freedom
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[FoF] Freedom PfErOMx
[FoF] Freedom Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
What She Is.. is Freedom
He couldn't deny that it felt weird. For so long he had called this place home, but now, he felt like a stranger walking through the streets. Nobody seemed to recognize him, even with his family being one of the hosts for this entire festival. He had never liked it, but today even less. It was just past noon, and most vendors were packing their stuff already. Tomorrow would be the ball, the big event of this entire festival. One that he and his fiancée couldn't addend. But he wasn't here for pleasantries. It hurt his heart that he was out for business and not business that he liked to carry out. For once, he was unarmed, leaving his weapons in the Captain's Quarters back on the ship. Still, he was never entirely unarmed. Ever since they left, since he had scaled down his addiction, he had felt his magic flourish within him. And now here, back in Raveryn, it felt strongest.

His eyes darted over the marketplace. He tried to keep a bit more in shadows, he didn't want to attract more attention then needed. Looking for one particular boy, one that had been in his visions an awful lot lately. Ever since his fiancée had spoken to him about what happened between the two, he knew he had to have a talk with the kid. His eyes glazed over when he noticed his target, the urge to just call him out right here and now was there. But he kept himself civil. So the moment the kid walked past him, he grabbed him at the shoulders and pulled him with him in the alleyway. "Caelum." He spoke, pushing the kid against the wall. "Let's talk."
< +caelum vylasar >
Tue Jan 30, 2024 8:32 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
[FoF] Freedom KjadvhJ
[FoF] Freedom D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum had been wandering the marketplace a lot these past days. He loved seeing the stalls and decorated streets of Ishgard. It was a lot different than back home, something he loved to experience. Even when the sun was already setting and most vendors were packing up their stuff, Caelum kept lingering around for a bit longer. He wasn't ready to return back to his residence of stay yet. Perhaps he would venture deeper into the city, exploring more of its glory.

Before he could do any of that though, someone had grabbed his shoulders and dragged him into an alley. His heartrate dropped for a second before starting to race. He felt the air leaving his longues when he got pushed against a wall. The voice that had spoken his name sounded familiair, but he could only place it when he looked up and met the face of the man that had dragged him back here. Therion. What was the meaning of this sudden, quite heavy-handed, greeting? Caelums eyes scanned the environment behind him, hoping people would have noticed his sudden dissapearance. Obviously that was not the case and he looked back at Therion. The young man swallowed hard. 'Therion, hello,' he said, anxiety and confusion was heard through his voice. 'Wh-What's going on?' Was there something wrong with Aniu? He almost didn't dare to ask, having a gut feeling this had to do with her one way or another.
Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:42 pm
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