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Kings and queens of old
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Charlie Elaéydar
Charlie Elaéydar
Blub blub
Kings and queens of old Charbb10
Kings and queens of old Eb33365ad8ca68ed4df1de3f843948d6

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Druid
Occupation: Assistant, Otter, Mascot
It's such a perfect day to be washed away
I went and set by the shore  and i counted the waves.

Kings and queens of old Dbzwfby-6f92e29f-a50b-43d4-b1c2-cae7a77a5a63_copy

Halls were halls, no matter what castle you walked through. A way to navigate through the royal houses- Charlie had a lot of experiences on the matter. Having been born and raised in one, the young Elaéydar no longer looked at its grandness. Focusing instead on the smaller details.  Such as the useless furniture along it's walls- or at least here it was useless. Back in Lythrania he used to jump from couch to couch. From chair to table- a whole parkour it had been to him, those lovely blue halls. Here he was sure none would appreciate those antics, just as they wouldn't in Moonbright.

Yet the idea lingered on in his mind as he walked past the many obstacles spread out across this hallway. Which connected the chambers given to the Elaéydar family and the third main hall. Charlie sighed as his hands went over every bit of history within this place. Curiously touching the armoured armour stand put in place there as decoration. He could not recall the last time he wore armour- back then his father was probably still around even. Charlie smiled a little as he watched himself in the reflection on it's shiny service, now stained with his fingerprints ofcourse. Yet, enough of an interest to keep him standing there it did not provide the druid. So he continued his way down into the main hall.

It was one of the smaller ones he believed, though definitely not less important if you were to judge the paintings on the walls. Old kings, queens- Charlie guessed by the look of them. Dark hair, dark eyes and pale skin- the clothing worn, there really was not much time to doubt. The druid blinked at them, watching them all painted in their most stoic dispositions. And whilst copying one, he wondered if he'd ever be remembered like that. Painted like that. Like a hero, like his father had been- Vincent had said he did not need to be like him. But as an Elaéydar he at least should have a painting to be remembered by right? Not just the ones made of him and his parents. But one made of him after having accomplished something, guess he just had to wait on that moment. Accomplishing something- meaning something to his family that would last generations just like everyone before him had done.

+ Vasilisa

Much thank Nien x
Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:24 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Vasilisa Aerendyl
Vasilisa Aerendyl
Kings and queens of old FryYapa
Kings and queens of old F3cc5b2f8c941a91823d9f2dbc5cbdc2ecdc6aa8

Character sheet
Age: 25 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Council Member
Long live all the magic we made
Bring on all the pretenders, one day we will be remembered
The royal family of Ravaryn had been all too kind in accomodating not only the councilmembers of Lemuria that had travelled this way, but also her family and those of Ezriel's. She had not expected anything different to happen. Especially considering the fact that her father seemed keen on an alliance with the Ylindars, and they with them. As for the former royal family of Lemuria.. well it was just good manners to let them stay in the castle.

It had been rather comforting to have her father and siblings close. With Ezriel not being around much, she sometimes wondered what becoming a part of his family would be like. The Elaéydars did not seem all that close; not at all what she was used to. Without even wishing for it, she seemed to be presented with a chance to find out more about her fiancé and his loved ones. One of them now stood in front of her in the hallway, posing in a rather imposing manner in front of a painting. A soft smile appeared on the moon elf's face as she approached Charlie silently, not wanting to startle him. "Are you thinking of having your portrait made?" She asked, announcing herself in a rather casual manner. She crossed her gloved hands calmly as she waited for a response, while a soft smile toyed on her face.

Cute winter fitje
Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:39 pm
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