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Kings and queens
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Ashmoor Citizen
Julliet Ambrose
Julliet Ambrose
Kings and queens 20f4b8f1482e094ee73649c7c03ec298
Kings and queens Dd726201a3fe0d0a986e091fec43c4c8

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: The Ambroise business
Born with an insatiable desire for distruction.
It wouldn't be advised to mind her. Let alone cross her ways. Unlike many others from the upper ring, the Ambroses had business down here. Had roots down here. Julliet's father had come from the agrarian ring, and worked himself up the socio-economical ladder. He had turned to the dirt and made it his fortune. Unlike others, Julliet had been thought to do the same- for only a fool would forget where gold was hidden, and only those knowledgeable on the underground and it's ways would know that even here- it could be found.

Her father for one, had a few of his factories down here in the muck, and the family name lingered around these parts just as it did up town. Making it so Julliet didn't have to bother herself with staying within the shadows, she didn't have to hide her face nor identity. Yes- she had money, she had all those would want. But even the bravest lions wouldn't go for a catch that wasn't worth it. And she, despite it all, was not worth the repercussions. The Ambroses had business down here, and one would be a fool to mess with the future ruler of the whole whiskey empire her father had built. Juliet herself had been witness to many such, repercussions . She had witnessed the many times her father cleaned the blood off his sleeves and had maids take care of the stains on the stairs. For the smallest inconveniences-

She smiled as she passed through the streets confidently, her bruised hands decorated with rings- even without her father she'd be a difficult target given the education she had had, and the large black dog that followed her at the hip. Yet- one man didn't seem daunted by her presence- no, one even seemed to be challenged by her approach, She didn't recognize him from any of her fathers contacts- and thus the heiress raised her brows whilst addressing the man, whose status her seemed of equal warning to others- but not her. "If you want to say something, spit it already.'  she challenged a devilish grin on her face.

+ Xander

Much thank Nien x
Sat Jun 24, 2023 12:13 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Xander Thatcher
Xander Thatcher
Kings and queens 9fhwJKT
Kings and queens Lil_header_gif

Character sheet
Age: 30 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: crime
Xander Thatcher
It wasn't since yesterday that the man had his eye on the name the girl carried. The Ambroses were a well-known family, both in the lower and upper ring. He never met the man personally, but he did have respect for the way he had climbed up from nothing. Yet he never let himself known to the family, at least not on purpose. Xander wasn't all too comfortable sharing thoughts with upper ring people, even though they had roots down here. He was just cautious. But keeping an eye on them, and with that the young daughter of mister Ambrose, was something he had been doing for a while now. Obviously he liked to know everyone who came in and out of the slumps of Alderrath, what business they had and what he could get out of it. Xander had never let himself known to the Ambroses, and thus the girl, but today was different. He found he had to step out of the shadows. He might gain something from it, after all.

That's why Xander didn't react when the girl had noticed him and decided to talk to him, a devlish grin decorating her face. Xander tilted his head a little to the side. 'Should I say something to you?' He knew what the young girl was capable of, he had seen the bruised knuckles the first time he had laid eyes on her. The big black dog next to her looked daunting as well. But both didn't leave an impression on him. He left his question in the open, looking at her with slight expectation. What was her approach going to be today?
Sun Jun 25, 2023 10:56 pm
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