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[FOF] Dress Up
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Raena Rizal
Raena Rizal
[FOF] Dress Up 11OS9r6
[FOF] Dress Up XymeHzC

Character sheet
Age: 24 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Mathematics student
Raena Rizal
What Raena almost enjoyed just as much as drinking and partying, was people watching. She had been drinking for a while now as the night progressed naturally with each passing second. Raena was quite enjoying herself, talking to different kind of people, dancing with anyone who would take her hand, grabbing a new glass of wine with every glass she emptied. It was never-ending anyway! But now she was taking a small step back, watching the people around her talk, dance and stand around awkwardly. One of those people was none other than Marius. Raena grinned; she had her target.

Swiftly and a little drunk, Raena made her way over to Marius. She knew he wasn't drinking much and had eyes on him, maybe she had eyes on her aswell. But she didn't care about that, even if that were the case. And she didn't care for Marius either. He may not be entirely sober, but he definitely wasn't drunk. Or even tipsy. Raena was though, and she was going to enjoy her time. Whether Marius wanted her around or not.'Hey,' she started, bumping the man against his shoulder. She smiled up at him, slightly grinning. 'How you doin'? Enjoying yourself?'
Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:23 pm
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