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[FOF] Impressionable
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Royal Family
Raena Rizal
Raena Rizal
[FOF] Impressionable 11OS9r6
[FOF] Impressionable XymeHzC

Character sheet
Age: 24 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Mathematics student
Raena Rizal
Raena always liked excuses to drink. Surely, if she made a scene being too drunk, that wasn't gonna look good. Her being a Rizal she did have an image to keep. But even then, Raena didn't really care. She had been drunk enough to know her own limits, especially on occasions like these. This festival welcomed all people from around the countries, so Raena enjoyed it even more being able to talk to all the different kind of people. And besides that, it was a celebration of the new year, so even more excuses to drink. No one would really mind, she was sure of that. And she also didn't really care.

Raena had already a few light drinks when she made her way outside to the royal garden. She didn't want to go too hard, though. A breath of fresh air would sober her up a little, exactly what she needed right now. Small clouds formed when she breathed out into the cold air. It was a bit chilly, but that would make returning back inside even better. Yet she couldn't help to hug herself, pulling her fur coat tighter around her body.
Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:14 pm
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