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[FOF] Sociopath
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Mortem Rizal
Mortem Rizal
[FOF] Sociopath J2Hi32L
[FOF] Sociopath Vf6kGp6

Character sheet
Age: 45 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Chef/Seer
Mortem F. Rizal
devil, devil. clever devil, devil
From all the elite that he had seen thus far here, there was one that stood out the most. It was painfully obvious who the person was, as he looked as ego-centric as the others. However, the Snow White hair and sharp look in his eyes gave him away. Mortem had kept the man in his eye sight for some time now, after noticing him in one of his visions. As he had made it his personal goal to meet all the elite at least once, this was a prime opportunity.

With a glass of deep red wine in his hand, one that he had picked out himself, because why would you drink anything else but your own makings, he strolled over to the Moon Elf. Noticing that most people watched him, he couldn’t hide the small smirk on his face. His haze brown eyes sharp and focused on the man he was approaching. Holding up the glass, he nodded to the man. ” Governor Aerendyl, it is an honor to meet you.” He spoke with a respectful tone, yet there was something venomous hidden within his words.
+ Andreas Aerendyl | Notes:
| code by elyon |
Thu Jan 25, 2024 2:51 pm
IC Posts
Governor of Silvercrest
Andreas Aerendyl
Andreas Aerendyl
[FOF] Sociopath GJ4pgOj
[FOF] Sociopath Thranduil-hobbit

Character sheet
Age: 56 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Governor of Silvercrest
I sailed seas of emotion
i am a dance of light and darkness, a galaxy of shadow and stars
Even in this remote corner of the world, the Governor found his magic at his fingertips, waiting to be unleashed. His magic did not bow to anyone but the gods that had granted him with it. Like Andreas, his magic was unwavering and ruthless, and also unnervingly calm. Even with the many noble guests in attendance, he was the one that stood out in his natural regality.

Andreas had not bothered to talk to many of the guests. Aside from his own family, there were only a few who he deemed important to talk to. The rest of the people, well, they simply had not dared. Until, it appeared, now. A tall man —that was, for the human race— approached him. The stranger knew of him, yet not the other way around. For a moment, the governor merely tilted his head slightly, observing who stood in front of him. A human indeed, but he guessed that was not all there was to it. No, there was something more. "And who is it I am talking to?" He inquired in a calm manner as he kept his cold eyes directly on those of the other. Before he took the cup the man was holding, he wished to know his name. Whomever this might be clearly deemed himself important enough to strike up a conversation with him, he would surely relay his name with pride. That, or he was just incredibly foolish.

Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:49 pm
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