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[FoF] She loves me she loves me not
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Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF] She loves me she loves me not  Image
[FoF] She loves me she loves me not  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard

The Moon
a spectral witness to the secrets concealed,
Illuminates the night, where darker truths are revealed.
@ Chaska Vylasar
The days in Ishgard had been rather pleasant. Ezekiel had liked moving about freely in fresh air. He didn't even mind the cold that much. Burying his face in fur-lined cloaks and his hands deep in his pockets seemed to get rid of that problem. He savoured every second he could spend under the sun, even if it was a weak one. The reflection it scattered on the snowy landscape was rather fetching. Even the sulky summoner could appreciate that.

But now as night had fallen and the sun was long gone in these short days, he found himself strictly on his wife's side. His hand firmly clasped around hers, not planning to let go any time soon. He had been dreading this night ever since it was announced that they would be travelling to the Northern Kingdom. The place would be crawling with Rizal relatives that he gained. He had no intention to get to know any of them any better. Apart from maybe his twin sister, who he could not really get out of his mind.

So he did what he needed to. Perform his duty as a loyal husband and father-to-be. Loads of people had come up to them to congratulate them on the baby, as Chaska was now visibly pregnant. He had to clench his jaw as he was politely shaking the hands of men he would never learn the names of. It seemed all very real now the due date was rapidly approaching. He had no idea how to handle all of it. There was no stopping it, yet he hadn't prepared himself one bit. How could he, really? Nobody tought him to deal with this kind of stuff. Especially with their rocky relationship and this child being the only reason why he stuck to her side. He had promised he would love it unconditionally. What if he couldn't? That thought scared him the most. What if he would see the child as a chain to his leg? The reason he couldn't have the life he fanatasized about when he shared evenings in another man's arms.

‘‘Having fun yet?’’ he asked Chaska while he leaned in towards her ear, trying to distract himself from his sinful thougts. He should focus on making this night a memorabal one for his wife. Who knows when the next one would be? His odd eyes scanned the ballroom, turning his back slightly towards another silver-haired man. He could be a Rizal, or he could just be old. But rather not taking a chance. There was music playing, and people conversing, drinking and dancing. The usual ball stuff.

fitje (i told u we needed more glitter)
Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:46 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[FoF] She loves me she loves me not  7mKmf4U5_o
[FoF] She loves me she loves me not  4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

the world
has no right to my heart
The world has no place in our bed
They don't get to know what I said
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Setting foot upon the northern kingdom had been a surprising experience. Even after a few days, the sorceress couldn’t quite get used to the sound and feeling of snow being crushed underneath her feet. Luckily, her pregnancy had forced her to part from her signature heels even before their visit to the north. She couldn’t grasp how some of the other noble ladies did it, gracefully carrying themselves over the icy cobblestone roads while keeping their balance.

The inside of the grand, royal castle was a lot more pleasant than the outside in terms of temperature. The crowded ballroom lacked the icy northern wind, yet her hands hadn’t quite warmed up yet. So she tightly held onto her husband, feeling a lot smaller beside him without the extra height the heels would usually provide her. For once, he’d dutifully remained by her side at a festival, and thankfully so, because their evening had consisted of receiving outspoken blessings and being congratulated on their now visible pregnancy.

Even though she’d gracefully accepted each and every kind word spoken to them, she couldn’t fully suppress her lingering sense of anxiety. Chances were she’d be left alone once again, though she so foolishly believed the promise he’d made before setting foot inside the castle. But no man in their right mind would leave their heavily pregnant spouse to fend for themselves, right?

The sudden sound of his voice forced her back to reality as her husband leaned in to talk to her. The sorceress briefly turned her head to face him, forcing a nonchalant chuckle through her lips. ”Now that we’re being left alone for a few seconds? Absolutely.” Of course she’d lowered her voice not to insult any of the nobles who had been kind enough to congratulate them. All of it was just a bit.. overwhelming, to say the least.

”I’m not used to being the center of attention,” she continued, her free hand resting against her swollen belly visibly showing through her long, light colored dress. The light blue fabric was a stark contrast against the dark hues of her husband’s attire, yet she had insisted on wearing the colors of her homeland, easing the feeling of her homesickness just a little.

Tue Jan 23, 2024 3:46 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF] She loves me she loves me not  Image
[FoF] She loves me she loves me not  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard

The Moon
a spectral witness to the secrets concealed,
Illuminates the night, where darker truths are revealed.
@ Chaska Vylasar
The castle was completely different from the castle they resided in. In essance it was the same: grand halls, high ceilings and beautiful architecture. But that was where the resemblance stopped. The colors, the materials, even the air felt different. But Ezekiel had little time to appreciate that, nor the interest. He was too focussed on every single face in the room, scanning to spot somebody he knew. Only to return his gaze to his wife, checking to see if she was still in a merry spirit.

The summoner had not agreed to drag her across the continent to some foreign party. A month on a boat only to spend some interchangable days in the snow, and back again. It felt useless, especially for a pregnant lady. There had been nothing he could do about it, and he had slowly grown more frustrated with that powerless feeling. In the past he would just shrug and don't waste his energy muling about something he could not change. However, his life had changed so drastically the past year he felt the need to take over the reins of his own future more and more.

When his wife laughed, he couldn't help but crack a small grin. He had spend a lot of time not being by her side. He had no idea she actually had grown fond of their time together. Maybe they had caught up on those lost time on the boat, forced to be together almost all day. Or maybe he was the best option at this party. ‘‘Tell me about it,’’ he replied softly, his eyes drawing over the crowd once again. He felt like leaving already. They showed themselves, made clear the Vylasar's were ready for the next generation. But he had made a promise.

He turned his face towards her as she mentioned not being used to be the center of attention. ‘‘Hmm,’’ he agreed softly. He brushed his thumb against her hand as he scanned the room for the hundredths time. ‘‘Let's blend in then,’’ he said as he looked back at her, before pulling her forwards between the crowd of people.

A slow song was playing and the difficult dances had made place of gentle swaying on the dancefloor, inviting even more couples over. At least they would not be approached by strangers for a while. He offered both his hands palm up to his wife and looked at her with his eyebrows raised in a question, not saying a word as he asked her to dance.

fitje (i told u we needed more glitter)
Wed Jan 24, 2024 4:32 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[FoF] She loves me she loves me not  7mKmf4U5_o
[FoF] She loves me she loves me not  4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

the world
has no right to my heart
The world has no place in our bed
They don't get to know what I said
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Though she didn’t like to admit it, the sorceress couldn’t help but to feel reassured by his presence. Where she had been furious mere moons ago, it almost seemed as if both of them attempted to restore the shattered remains of what was supposed to be their perfect marriage. Of course her suspicion lingered, her heart racing in her chest whenever he’d stray from her side and disappeared out of sight, even when she’d given him permission to do so. Perhaps she would get used to the feeling eventually, or simply mentally detach herself from her husband once their child would be born and she would have someone else to dedicate all of her remaining time to until she’d be rendered useless.

But now he was here, at her side, gazing upon the crowd before them as they cherished a brief moment in which nobody struck up some empty conversation. Even with her lingering distrust, the familiar face of her husband in a room full of strangers was the one thing able to keep her grounded.

Her eyes darted towards the summoner as she felt his thumb brush across her hand, giving his a little squeeze in response. Before she could muster a reply to his words she was pulled towards the crowd, just in time for a slow song which wouldn’t require the fast paced and difficult steps of which she wasn’t sure she could perform them in her current physical state.

”Blend in?” she quietly scoffed in response, taking hold of her husband’s hands. ”I suppose your child is preventing me from doing so.” Though the dress didn’t help as well. The pale blue fabric stood out against the attire of most guests, putting her visibly swollen belly on full display.

The thought of having to deliver the child had kept her up for many nights, but now that her pregnancy neared its end, she couldn’t wait to have her body back to herself. The child would be nothing but blessing, but by the gods, carrying was tiring. ”My feet hurt,” the sorceress complained as they slowly swayed across the dancefloor. ”You may carry the ones yet to come,” she continued to joke, though the subject of intimacy may have been proven to be sensitive still, seeing how they barely laid a hand on one another for moons.

Fri Feb 02, 2024 5:17 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[FoF] She loves me she loves me not  Image
[FoF] She loves me she loves me not  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard

The Moon
a spectral witness to the secrets concealed,
Illuminates the night, where darker truths are revealed.
@ Chaska Vylasar
The idea of having a normal night, without raising their voices against one another or having awkward silences might be a bit naive, but it was going pretty well up until this point. There might have been slight tension surrounding the unspoken subject of their child, even if it was all he could think about as he looked at her and it weaselled its way into every conversation with a stranger. It didn't help Chaska was so obviously due soon.

The suggestion the summoner made of blending in was not received with as much joy as he expected, or perhaps hoped for. But he stayed steadfast and led her in an easy dance, as he was not much of a dancer himself. Not like this. He let out a soft chuckle as his wife remarked the child. ‘‘For this, yes. Let's blame the child.’’ The child was to blame for a lot of things. ‘‘Let's just enjoy one of the last moments just the two of us.’’

The summoner chuckled again as she complained about her feet. But as she joked about children yet to come, he flashed a snide look her way. Was that her view of the future? Being dutiful husband and wife, creating more little summoners for this beautiful little world of theirs? But he decided to not go into the subject, thinking that would be a problem for another day. Even if they would ever be that close again. They could act out their closeness when it was necessary, and sleep in the same bed every night, but they had been avoiding each other in the sheets. ‘‘If we survive this one, I might consider,’’ he joked back at her. ‘‘A big if,’’ he continued with a small smile adorning his lips. If the kid was anything like the two of them combined, it would be a force to be reckoned with.

‘‘I would offer you to stand on my feet, but with the added weight, you know-’’ A little, mischievous shimmer in his eyes appeared when he looked back at his wife as he was obviously teasing her.

Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:05 pm
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