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[FOF] A chance meeting of a chancelor
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Lemurian Council
Vincent Greywell
Vincent Greywell
[FOF] A chance meeting of a chancelor QNxT0fR
[FOF] A chance meeting of a chancelor 8LjFhs4

Character sheet
Age: 70
Race: Mage
Occupation: Council member (Master of Arms)
Vincent Greywell wrote:
Vincent Ulysess Greywell III
a cold flame is a flame none the less.
Vincent looked at the sea of people partying asnd dancing in the grand hall of the palace. Despite the attempted regicide last year, spirits were high. Vincent's stern eyes looked at the crown from the rim of his glass. Servants kept walking around with goblets of wine, a dangerous prospect. If this had been Moonbright, there wouldn't have been a party the year after attempted regicide. He would have seen to it.
Vincent's red and black doublet clashed with the lively winter theme of the ball. With a heavy sigh he took another sip and watched to see if the king, that was the host of his gathering, was present during the festivities. No doubt the king of Ravaryn would be flanked by guards. The servants all around the chamber and the few guards there were present seemed to be on high-alert.
With a glance, Vincent turned to move away from the hall. It was to busy for his liking. In his old age he had gotten oddly comfortable with being alone. Before, he would hander long nights through the military camp but now he longed for his reading chambers. Amongst all these perople, amongst the gleeful festivities, he truly felt old. While turning he nearly bumped into someone. The bright-white hair, piercing eyes and winter-style garments were a dead giveaway. “Ah, chancelor Aerendyl, a pleasure meeting you here.” He said with a smile. It wasn't a surprise she was here, most of them traveled together to Ravaryn. Though it was a pleasant surprise for Vincent to meet the chancelor outside of work. He hadn't spoken much with the extremely young chancelor outside of work. Perhaps it was time he got more aquainted with the other council members. Despite him not liking the fact that there was a council, they were collegues and fellow patriots all.

Tags: Vasilisa Aerendyl
Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:42 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Vasilisa Aerendyl
Vasilisa Aerendyl
[FOF] A chance meeting of a chancelor FryYapa
[FOF] A chance meeting of a chancelor F3cc5b2f8c941a91823d9f2dbc5cbdc2ecdc6aa8

Character sheet
Age: 25 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Council Member
Long live all the magic we made
Bring on all the pretenders, one day we will be remembered
The moon elf had never been to Ravaryn before. It had simply been too far away when she had just been a little elf, and her father had deemed it too dangerous. But nowadays she did not only hold the title of a lady from the most noble and ancient Aerendyl family, she held her very own. When her fiancĂ© was absent —which he was quite a lot— it was her who led the council, and thus, Lemuria. Sometimes she wished she was just her father's daughter, since that seemed to come with a lot less expectations. But Vasilisa could not deny that ruling seemed to suit her.

The moon elf moved through the large crowd with a graceful ease. She was looking for anyone she knew, family or friend, just to be able to talk to a familiar face. A third option presented himself in Vincent Greywell: a fellow councilmember. As he greeted her, she quickly straightened her glittering gown she wore, so she was most presentable again. "Lord Greywell, a pleasure indeed." She greeted the man with a smile, along with the utmost respect. Not only was the man far wiser than she was, he had served their country for far longer than she had. "I do hope you are enjoying the festivities thusfar?" She asked him as she briefly looked around. "It is nothing like home, but the Ravarians certainly know how to feast." She remarked in a positive manner. Deep down, she guessed that both of them would rather be at home right now.

Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:12 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Vincent Greywell
Vincent Greywell
[FOF] A chance meeting of a chancelor QNxT0fR
[FOF] A chance meeting of a chancelor 8LjFhs4

Character sheet
Age: 70
Race: Mage
Occupation: Council member (Master of Arms)
Vincent Ulysess Greywell III
a cold flame is a flame none the less.
Vincent wasn't surprised that the elven chancellor was the hight of manners. A true noble from an ancient Lemurian noble house would do well to take notes from her when it came to venomous grace. The young woman was very young for her position, but she presented herself as regally as a queen. Vincent gave her a proper bow. “The pleasure is all mine lady Aerendyl.” He spoke softly before raising himself up again.
Vincent nodded at her statements. As she spoke, it dawned on Vincent that lady Aerendyl hadn't been on a political delegation to Ravaryn before. “The royal family of Ravaryn do know how to host a party. The palace itself is quite grand, though busy.” Vincent said with a warm smile before adding: “It is indeed quite different from our home... At least, once we had grand balls hosted by a royal house.
Vincent took a sip of his wine before waving over a servant with a tray of wine glasses and offering lady Aerendyl a glass. “Though such festivities do come with their own dangers.” He said, hinting at the events of the previous year's festival.

Tags: Vasilisa Aerendyl
Mon Feb 12, 2024 8:54 pm
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