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A chance meeting [FOP]
Time will tell
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Lemurian Council
Vincent Greywell
Vincent Greywell
A chance meeting [FOP] QNxT0fR
A chance meeting [FOP] 8LjFhs4

Character sheet
Age: 70
Race: Mage
Occupation: Council member (Master of Arms)
Vincent Ulysess Greywell III
a cold flame is a flame none the less.
Vincent looked out over the festivities. He had traveled here to the Xailan capitol as a noble representative of the council, but in truth he was here to protect the crown prince in waiting, whom had turned council head.
Vincent had lost track of him in the festivities and was looking for him, although he wondered what he would find. The party was lively, but the situation had him tense.
With a sigh, he took another sip from his wine cup. It had been some time since he was in Xaila last. He enjoyed the warmth and the cool breeze that blew during the nighttime. He could also feel his fire magic being significantly stronger than he was used to. When he focused he could feel the warmth of the source burn like a coal in his chest. He was a mage, first and foremost, and being closer to the source felt... Right.
The clattering of cups on the floor next to him, pulled him from his musings. A couple had accidentally bumped into a servant, making her drop a tray of drinks. Vincent looked down at the servant whom stooped low to pick up the cups. Vincent stepped away to avoid the wine spilling on his shoes, plus he had to find the prince. However, as he turned away he bumped into a man with a gaunt face and dark eyes.
My apologies sir.” Vincent cordially added. He hoped he had not been as disruptive as the other couple. He also couldn't spend to much time talking, as he had to find the council head, so he really hoped he did not just bump into a noble.

Tags: Mortem Rizal
Sun Jul 02, 2023 4:16 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Mortem Rizal
Mortem Rizal
A chance meeting [FOP] J2Hi32L
A chance meeting [FOP] Vf6kGp6

Character sheet
Age: 45 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Chef/Seer
Mortem F. Rizal
devil, devil. clever devil, devil
Like a hawk had the man been standing on a higher up place. His deep brown eyes checking out every guest that had arrived at the scenery. The older gentleman was waiting for someone special to arrive. As his information was correct, he had seen most of the high end people that were coming today. And that included.. Ah yes, there they are. The council of Lemuria, lead for the ex crown prince. Behind him the other members of the Lemurian council. Mort's eyes scanned every single one of the people coming inside, but his gaze focused on the older man who was hovering the crown prince like a shadow. A smile formed on his face, that was his target. The older gentleman was stoic, keeping the younger ex crown prince in his eye as good as possible. Mort decided to wait before pouncing on the man, he had a feeling that something was bound to happen.
As if he had seen it himself, he noticed how the older gentleman had lost track of the crown prince, which meant he had free reign to get to the man. With a glass of red wine in his hand, he walked down and into the crowd. Slowly stalking his prey, while keeping his surroundings in check. A few glasses fell, the older man stepped back to avoid getting splashed on and bumped against his chest. Mort kept his own glass high, just in case and smiled while shaking his head. "No worries, sir." He spoke to the older man. "Are you enjoying the festivities, good sir?" He asked before holding out his glass.
tag: vincent greywell
| code by elyon |
Tue Jul 04, 2023 9:29 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Vincent Greywell
Vincent Greywell
A chance meeting [FOP] QNxT0fR
A chance meeting [FOP] 8LjFhs4

Character sheet
Age: 70
Race: Mage
Occupation: Council member (Master of Arms)
Vincent Ulysess Greywell III
a cold flame is a flame none the less.
Vincent nodded. “I am good sir, I am.” He said with a huff. “I am sorry sir, I hope that I did not spill your wine.” Vincent explained while looking over the man's shoulders. He was looking over the vast sea of faces and could not make out the visage of the crown prince. Where did that little bugger scurry off to? He could have sworn he only left him out of his sight for a couple of seconds.
Vincent then noticed the glass in the man's hand being extended towards him. Vincent smiled and politely declined: “I am looking for someone. I am afraid I have no time for a drink, but the night is young, perhaps I'll see you around the festivities.” After which he took a step passed the gaunt looking man. Something about the man was worrisome.
He looked at the crowd and the dancing, drinking and joyous people all around them. The crown prince was just gone. With a sigh he turned back to the man. “I don't think I'll be able to find him any time soon...” He said while looking the man up and down. He was gaunt and had a noble demeanor about him. Vincent couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong about him.

Tags: Mortem Rizal
Sat Jul 08, 2023 6:12 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Mortem Rizal
Mortem Rizal
A chance meeting [FOP] J2Hi32L
A chance meeting [FOP] Vf6kGp6

Character sheet
Age: 45 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Chef/Seer
Mortem F. Rizal
devil, devil. clever devil, devil
"It's alright, we don't cry about a bit of spilled wine here. Enough will flow anyway these days." The older Rizal spoke with a certain mystery in his voice. He kept his dark brown eyes focused on the even older man standing in front of him. The man of war was not focused on him, if he wanted to try and steal anything from him, he would probably succeed. Mortem wondered what he was so occupied with. But it didn't take long before he got an answer on his mental question. Apparently sir Greywell was looking for the crown prince, as he had predicted. Before he stepped past him, only to take a look around the crowd. Mortem decided to wait, knowing well that he wouldn't be able to find the young ex crown prince. He might even have seen him leave the dance floor already, but he wasn't going to tell the master of arms just yet. When the older man turned back to him and sighed, he smiled with sympathy. Had he already seen all of this? Well, yes, most of it. Mortem knew how to play his cards correctly. "If that is so, can I maybe persuade you to a walk and a good glass of fire wine?" He stopped for a moment, mentally kicking himself. "Oh please, forgive my manners. I completely forgot to introduce myself. I'm Mortem Rizal, diviner and loving husband of Naheara Zinyra."
tag: vincent greywell
| code by elyon |
Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:19 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Vincent Greywell
Vincent Greywell
A chance meeting [FOP] QNxT0fR
A chance meeting [FOP] 8LjFhs4

Character sheet
Age: 70
Race: Mage
Occupation: Council member (Master of Arms)
Vincent Ulysess Greywell III
a cold flame is a flame none the less.
Vincent mulled the prospect over. If he took a walk with this noble sorcerer from the Rizal family, he might even run into the crown price. A fake smile crept on his lips and he politely answered: “I would be humbled to have a drink with you Mr. Rizal, please allow me.” Vincent gestured to a waiter to bring them some extra glasses with a bottle of fire wine.
A nervous servant brought them their drinks and poured the wine for them. Vincent raised his cup in salute to his newly acquired drinking companion. “To Xeion.” He said before taking a sip. He did not know this man, but it was an unwise policy to drink with a foreign noble without having tested the contents of the cups beforehand. However, even a connected family from Ravaryn would think twice about pulling a stunt like that during the festival.
Are you here at the festival due to your wife or have the nobles of Ravaryn some vested interest in the political tides that are stirring in the desert sands?” Vincent asked bluntly, trying to gauge the man's reaction. Vincent was a poor diplomat, being a soldier by trade, but he was good at reading people.

Tags: Mortem Rizal
Sun Jul 23, 2023 4:22 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Mortem Rizal
Mortem Rizal
A chance meeting [FOP] J2Hi32L
A chance meeting [FOP] Vf6kGp6

Character sheet
Age: 45 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Chef/Seer
Mortem F. Rizal
devil, devil. clever devil, devil
The older man accepted his prospect, exactly as planned. Mortem smiled friendly while he watched how Greywell gestured a poor waiter to gather a bottle of fire wine and two cups. It didn't take long for the young man to return and pour the two older men their beverages. Mortem joined Greywell in his toast, clinking his cup against his and politely returned the "To Xeion." The festival was in the ancestral dragon's name after all, but it still felt weird to drink to another patron. He often felt alone in his prayers to Raanan here in Xaila, knowing that he was one of the few here praying to the dragon of the north.
Mort took a sip from his cup before he turned his attention back to the council member. A question got asked and he thought about it for maybe a second to long. "After getting married into the Zinyra family, this festival became as much my own as theirs. But Raveryns royal house is also present, as is my niece, the high priestess, and her daughter." He answered, carefully thinking about his words. He had yet to speak with Camila and he was wondering how she would react to the fact that her son was also present for the festivities. He took another sip of his win, this might become one of the most interesting three days in a long time. "And for you, good sir? Lemuria and Xaila are long time friends, are they not? How's the council handling such a relationship?"
tag: vincent greywell
| code by elyon |
Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:04 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Vincent Greywell
Vincent Greywell
A chance meeting [FOP] QNxT0fR
A chance meeting [FOP] 8LjFhs4

Character sheet
Age: 70
Race: Mage
Occupation: Council member (Master of Arms)
Vincent Ulysess Greywell III
a cold flame is a flame none the less.
Vincent listened to his company's explanation. He understood the difficulties of navigating the political ties on such events. Vincent registered the words spoken by the sorcerer and realized that he was playing a political game. How long had his shrewd opponent been fishing for information?
The blunt question of Mortem did put Vincent on the back-foot. Vincent's eyes narrowed as he took a sip, looking at the sorcerer over the edge of his glass. He put down the half empty wine glass and retorted with venomous grace: “I am afraid I am not at liberty to discuss the internal affairs of the council.” Vincent allowed a smile to creep on his lips and added: “However, I for one am very happy to be back in Al-Qahil. The warmer sands are a welcome change, don't you agree?

Tags: Mortem Rizal
Sun Aug 20, 2023 10:06 pm
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