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Lemuria Citizen
Charlie Elaéydar
Charlie Elaéydar
Blub blub
Poep  Charbb10
Poep  Eb33365ad8ca68ed4df1de3f843948d6

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Druid
Occupation: Assistant, Otter, Mascot
It's such a perfect day to be washed away
I went and set by the shore  and i counted the waves.

Poep  Dbzwfby-6f92e29f-a50b-43d4-b1c2-cae7a77a5a63_copy

With one step it seemed as though he took many. With one leap he slid further down the ice than he had expected, a joyeous chuckle escaping his in slight panic closed throat as he tried to balance on his way forward. Arms stretched out, faltering and raising in a not so organized way. It was a miracle he hadn't fallen on his way to the middle of the lake.

Charlie had hoped it would not have been frozen over, longing for a nice swim as the cold would not have bitten through his thick otter coat. But alas, the cold had bitten through very many layers of water, perhaps something he could have expected given the wayn snow had piled up around them and icicles hang from the roofs of the city. Non the less, he had been dissapointeed shortly before making the best of the occasion. Shoveling around on the thick slate of ice like some kind of misshapen goose that was. A wide grinn on his face that only grew as he saw a familiar man up ahead.

That was all he was to him however, familiar. Charlie didn't have the time to truely get to know him in the short period they lived within the same walls together.  Having to move out of them quite quickly after the Vylasars moved into his ancestoral home. "Oh Ezekiel!" he called out for him, his voice echoing over the sheet of ice that kept him from running up to the Vylasar. Though only having lived together shortly the man had made a good impression on him, aswell as all the times they'd meet as kids back in the days. Given they were of the same age, they would often be stuck together on the many festive ocasions that kept Lumerian nobles busy.

With a smile he slid towards him, having hoped the man would keep waiting on him from across the ice. Unfortunetly though, one hastened stepped proofed rather unfortunate as Charlie lost his footing and keeled over without a gracefull landing. Hitting his face hard on the cold flooring beneath his feet, a tooth piercing through his upper lip upon impact, earnig a hiss from the boy as he looked up.  "oh" he blinked in surprise as he brushed his gloved hand past his bleeding lip, his shocked eyes meeting those of the man he had called to a halt. "W-wait i'll be right there!" he continued, a slight tremble in his voice as the cold from below fought it's way up his body.

I counted a hundred and eight reasons i want to escape.
But then the reasons they'd crash upon the shore.
And they'd break

Much thank Nien x
Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:44 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Poep  Image
Poep  Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
The summoner had wanted a little bit of time for himself after an exciting first day in Ishgard. He found himself rather enjoying the cold, much more than his Xailan counterpart who he could only meet in secret. Maybe it was part of his Rizal heritage that found itself at home in the snowy kingdom. He had dressed himself almost up to his nose in thick clothes. He had decided to venture a bit further outside than the cobbled streets of Ishgard. He was lazily twirling his staff, which he had regained not long after he had returned from Xaila. He was not exactly sure why he had brought the thing. He was thinking Kenai might like the snow. But now he was by himself, summoning started to become more daunting with every step he took.

Approaching a shimmering lake, the summoner narrowed his eyes as he thought he saw a person sliding about on the dark ice. Ezekiel took slow, long steps as he came closer to the bank. The sunlight was reflecting sharply against the white world around him, making him place a hand on his brow as he studied the person. He didn't want to be too obvious, but as he was noticed, he quickly straightened his back as if to act like he wasn't staring. Luckily, it was somebody he knew. Or rather, he was recognized before he recognized the skater. His name was called over the water and it suddenly clicked. ‘‘Elaéydar!’’ he called back, waving a hand above his head. He didn't mind him that much. The two were of similar age, knowing each other only on surface level, as much as nobles did. As he wasn't much an heir of his family either, he could get along with the friendly Elaéydar.

It seemed Charlie had given up on playing on the ice. He did strike him quite childish over the years. At least he enjoyed himself. Ezekiel dropped down in the snow on the bank, crossing his legs as he saw the boy stumble closer. Until he finally, quite spectacularly, found his feet slipping away from him. Ezekiel slapped a hand across his face as he tried not to laugh. ‘‘You okay?’’ he finally mustered after a while. The ex-prince did sound a bit unsure. Maybe he shouldn't be so amused. He dropped one foot to the ice, testing the slippery surface for a second before pulling it up again. He leaned forward, his elbows placed on his knees as he narrowed his eyes. Charlie still wasn't getting up. ‘‘You sure you don't need help?’’ he called over with a sigh.
Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:54 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Charlie Elaéydar
Charlie Elaéydar
Blub blub
Poep  Charbb10
Poep  Eb33365ad8ca68ed4df1de3f843948d6

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Druid
Occupation: Assistant, Otter, Mascot
It's such a perfect day to be washed away
I went and set by the shore  and i counted the waves.

Poep  Dbzwfby-6f92e29f-a50b-43d4-b1c2-cae7a77a5a63_copy

Laid down on the ice he could almost see the water below now, hidden underneath its cold shell, stained with the little blood that had fallen on it's surface. And though he hoped to see the fish below, none would show up now after he had fallen down quite loudly. Undoubtedly spooked by the vibrations it had sent through the depths beneath. Thus, his focus phased back toward the man standing at the banks. Waiting for the Elaéydar to regain his balance. Having missed the sorcerer's first question Charlie smiled through the sting that shot though his lower lip- still slightly numb anyway from the cold that had bitten through it way before his own teeth had done upon impact.

And before even attempting to stand up himself, Ezekiel already seemed unsure of his capabilities to do so, asking him to aid him in his struggle. After which Charlie chuckled a little uncertain himself " Wait!"   He called out over the ice before moving his hands forward to try and push himself up, which resulted in him on sliding back more on his stomach. And when he tried turning on his back- standing up from a seated position, he fell down even harder. " Oke- oke, uhm, action plan" looking around now he realized just how difficult this was going to be. And just how lucky he was to have stable sturdy ice beneath him here. Though he supposed he could just otter his way through the water somehow.

His gaze fell upon the man ahead once more. " Wait I'll just slide it! Hold on oke, don't go!" the druid made clear before sliding forward on his stomach, which would've been way easier had he just shifted into an otter. However, the drawback of going nude in front of the Vylasar was not worth the ease. Especially not in the weather. Either way, he would reach the bank, even if this way it was way later than it could've been. Atleast now, he could hold his hand out for Ezekiel to grab and pull up onto safe ground without flashing the entire bare lakeside. He smiled, " A hand, pretty please?"

I counted a hundred and eight reasons i want to escape.
But then the reasons they'd crash upon the shore.
And they'd break

Much thank Nien x
Fri Jan 26, 2024 10:00 pm
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