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Thought the risks had benefits....
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Rhayella Armstead
Rhayella Armstead
Thought the risks had benefits.... 0eYXWem9_o
Thought the risks had benefits.... C005c378ff071f40306106c54d5a3f02

Character sheet
Age: 27 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Housewive & Musher
Not always does the wolf howl. Not always does the sun shine.
Rhayella took a deep breath while her hand slowly moved across her stomach, protectively. Her dark eyes, while softened with emotions, also seemed to hold an almost fiery power.

Most people did probably keep themselves as far away from traveling, while being pregnant. The woman would have, if not for the fact that she needed to see her friends and family while trying to prepare for her first child to be born. Her first child, she felt the roughness of emotions at times trash against her chest.

It had not been her wish, to be alone on the brink of such a huge change. That being said, while she could forgive her husband. She could not forgive the pain his family, her family in a way as well, had left her in.

The child in her womb kicked, making her furrow her brows a little whilst looking at the castle with a sigh. Hoping against the reality of it all. Sometimes she could almost feel the power of her dream rising up against her skin. Not that her dream or her wish would come true, anytime soon.

Everett would miss the birth of her child. While she would decide whether or not she would stay here for a bit or travel back home again. It did not matter, this visit was for more than just meeting her friends. It was to gather the slightest bit of love which would help her. Help her through this.

Not truly paying much more attention to the environment, the woman turned around sharply, or as sharp as she could, before she managed to lose her hat by a surge of the wind. Almost ready to curse, she pressed her hands on her side.

& Char from Sannemander
However, the sun will always return and the pack will reunite.

Tue Dec 12, 2023 9:51 pm
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