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Quick maths
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Prince of Ravaryn
Marius Ylindar
Marius Ylindar
Quick maths Marias10
Quick maths 5109b4b77e78f87b5a08450f7201df63

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
You are atoms.

Quick maths Rf6I0HJ

There was no way a man on this continent had read each one of these, the prince thought to himself as he dragged his gaze across the many books that decorated the shelves of the royal library in which he wandered. Truely, somewhere had to be a book no one had ever read. A secretive book with knowledge so unknown even the highest scholar would be puzzled upon reading its content.   Perhaps it even contained a way to treat him, rid him of the burden he was born with. Marius pressed his lips together as he sought out this fictive unread book, though as he did he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the huge pool of possible books. Finding it would be impossible, and thus the library returned to being an old boring place full of dustcatchers and woodlice. A place for nerds to gather and pick their brains.

Luckily however, it was in fact a nerd he was seeking today- his cousin Raena probably had the best pair of brains in the family. Studying maths of all things ( extremely boring). But apart from her boring interest, Raena was a blast to hang around with, not caught up with all the marriage and formalities like so many others around the place. And today he really needed some of that energy, for being tutored on the mysteries of love and politics all day had left him drained and desperate for some good old chaos. "Raenaaa" he called out, as though the library wasn't as huge as a small flat. " Cousin dear where are you" the prince joked "A shelf didn't fall on you right?"

+ Raena

And your atoms are not caring about you existing.

Much thank Nien x
Tue Dec 05, 2023 3:24 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Raena Rizal
Raena Rizal
Quick maths 11OS9r6
Quick maths XymeHzC

Character sheet
Age: 24 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Mathematics student
Raena Rizal
Despite the popular belief, mathematics wasn't boring at all. Raena had been interested in the subject from a young age, it wasn't her favourite subject in school for nothing. She liked to surround herself in formulas and seemingly impossible equations. She always felt a surge of energy flow through her when the math mathed. But don't be scared, it wasn't her only exciting interest in life. Raena loved good company, and speaking of good company, she heard a familiar voice through the silence of the library. Raena couldn't keep her smile in and looked up, stretching her neck in the process. 'Wouldn't you like that if that were to happen, huh?' she called back to him, responding on his so funny comment. Marius and she spent a good amount of time together growing up, and still do. They could have fun together at least, something you couldn't say for most members of the royal family. At least when it came to restrictive rules and whatnot. 'What are you avoiding this time Marius?'
Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:26 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Marius Ylindar
Marius Ylindar
Quick maths Marias10
Quick maths 5109b4b77e78f87b5a08450f7201df63

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
You are atoms.

Quick maths Rf6I0HJ

He chucled upon hearing his cousin's witty remark- knowing for sure he had one in store aswell. "Oh yeah definetly Cousin. U in a sick bed- sure to bring the family together for a fun family reunion" he chuckled "Finally a reasson to open up the wine bottles again"  he continued as he had follwed the sound of her voice. Finding her surrounded by the boring books she adored. Probably working on some useless formulas she saw as all meaning puzzles to the mysteries of life and beyond. Her cousin smiled and sat down on the desk she was seated at, leaning backwards onto his scarred hands.

The prince tilted his head a little upon hearing the words that followed from her direction, an amused smile on his pale face. God gotta love how well family knew one and other around these parts. "Gods, who do you think i am?" he retorted, laying a hand on his chest "i would, N e v e r hide away from anyone cousin dear, i am a prince" shortly he kept her lie filled gaze upon the Sorcorrer before breaking out in chuckles "Nah- i am supposed to have class now, but god i can not stand to be in class with Proffersor Rodricks for one more minute, such a bore"
And your atoms are not caring about you existing.

Much thank Nien x
Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:26 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Raena Rizal
Raena Rizal
Quick maths 11OS9r6
Quick maths XymeHzC

Character sheet
Age: 24 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Mathematics student
Raena Rizal
He responded to her before appearing into her line of sight. Raena rolled his eyes at him when he eventually found her. She didn't want to think about all the family members she would have to meet if she were to end up in a sickbed. God that would be so many. 'I will be the first to open the wine then,' she responded. She would need it, in that case. Marius sat on the table, facing her. She shoved her books and scribbled on papers away to make more room for him. She didn't even bother explaining what it was all for, knowing Marius did not care at all. It would be too much of a hassle to explain anything to him anyway.

She was curious, however, to why he was here. Surely the prince had someplace else to be, somewhere far more important than the library. She rolled her eyes at him again when he tried to act like he would never do such wrong as avoiding things. She suddenly had the urge to throw her pencil at him, but decided against that. A waste of a good pencil, you know. 'Ugh, not Professor Rodricks,' she sighed in response of his answer. She knew him all too well, of course, being one of the professors that gave classes to her aswell. 'Yeah, I can see why you're avoiding that. But shouldn't you be focussing on your studies, dear prince? It's important y'know.' She couldn't help to tease him a bit more, even though she understood him completely.
Sun Jan 07, 2024 12:03 am
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Marius Ylindar
Marius Ylindar
Quick maths Marias10
Quick maths 5109b4b77e78f87b5a08450f7201df63

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
You are atoms.

Quick maths Rf6I0HJ

He huffed when she pretended as though she understood. For sure they both could argue Rodricks was as boring as watching Raphaëls paintings dry- at least she found interest in the studies he gave on maths and horrid stuff like it. Making for some interesting past times at the least, when Marius would only find dispair and a reason to jump out of the window beside his desk. "Oh shut it i do not need maths and the likes of it to be a prince" he argued with a shake of his head. " All i need is wit and a pretty smile, " And to be right in the head but alas he had failed in that department the moment he went insane years ago.

Now all dad asked of him was for him to be fit for marriage at least- ruin some poor lady's life by having to share it with him. A fate he would not even wish upon the one who invented math to begin with. "You might want to work on your smile too by the way" he reflected then as he flicked his finger against her forehead "People usually do not enjoy being near a smartass" the prince argued with a girnn on his face as he referred to the teasing grin on her pale face. " Not very ladylike of you mrs Rizal"
And your atoms are not caring about you existing.

Much thank Nien x
Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:22 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Raena Rizal
Raena Rizal
Quick maths 11OS9r6
Quick maths XymeHzC

Character sheet
Age: 24 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Mathematics student
Raena Rizal
He told her to shut it and Raena chuckled. She would never ''shut it'' and they both knew that. Of course, he argued again that he didn't need maths to be a prince. Raena shrugged, only partially agreeing with that. 'Perhaps, but wouldn't it be nice to know whats 1 plus 1?' she teased him with a grin. A simple calculation wasn't what maths was, at all. She knew that of course, she had been venturing into way more complicated maths the last couple months. But for Marius, calculating and maths were one and one. Hence the question.

He then continued to bash her about her smile, flicking his finger on her forehead. 'Hey!' She swatted his hand away, leaning back in her chair. Raena rolled her eyes, shaking his head. 'What, you don't think my smile is pretty?' she asked him, leaning forward again, her chin leaning on her hand as she showed her prettiest smile. Raena knew that smile of hers was pretty enough to have plenty of fun in her free time, something Marius quite certainly knew as well. 'I am very ladylike when I want to be, Marius,' she continued, leaning back again and swinging one leg over the other. 'Are you as masculine as they say you are? Or do we need to work on that, too?'
Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:20 pm
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