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IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Marius Ylindar
Marius Ylindar
Mindgames Marias10
Mindgames 5109b4b77e78f87b5a08450f7201df63

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
You are atoms.

Mindgames Rf6I0HJ

Like ants, they moved across the courtyard market, all the same, all too busy minding their business. They crept into each corner and crevice looking for the best price. The people of Ishgard were of the rarer sort in Odiria, blessed with goods from all over the world at the ease of a minute's walk. Merchants thrived here, within the walls of the warm heart of Raveryn- displaying their arrange of goods upon wooden tables.

Marius dragged his fingertips along them now, moving his hand across the many fabrics that decorated this particular stall. Linen fibres he'd been told by an all too excited seller. Softest in all of Odiria according to the guy. Marius smiled at one of his guards, a crazed look upon his dark eyes "What do you think sir Lewis?" the prince asked as the bear of a man looked at the fabrics at Mariuses hands. Lewis had been a guard of his for a very long time now, the silent type, as requested by the prince himself.

Years back he'd hated the idea of having a guard following him every step, checking in on him as though he was a monster waiting to lash out at any minute. Nowadays- it had become something he had gotten somewhat used to. A safety net wasn't that bad anymore now that he had beaten someone enough to drench his fists in blood. Shocking images he still couldn't shake from his waking memories. Red . Red shapes spilt all over the brown floor.

Lewis shrugged, "Whatever makes you happy". Making his young prince chuckle shortly, it was a bore truely. How having things did not spark much joy anymore once everything the world had to offer was at but an arm's length away from grabs. But, he figured it'd be a good welcoming gift to the Xalian royals, greeting them in clothing made from fibres grown within their precious soil. Thus he nodded his head "I'll take two good sir, my tailor will come and pick two of her choosing later this afternoon " Such a nice guy he was, supporting local businesses, he thought as the money passed from his gloved hand to into the merchant's grasp. A tailor would have a blast weaving these, fabricating each and every one of them in gorgeously fitted clothing. It was vital she'd be the one choosing the best out of his stock.

Marius turned away from the vendor then, making his way past a few more stalls. It was not often the prince was around the people of Ishgard-  in truth most of his days these times were spent within the inner walls of it's castle. Sheltered away from the eyes of those that carried his country's worlkoad as well as the many foreigners that made their rounds throughout the continent. All too avoid scandal, whispers and rumours. Ever since the disappearance and death of his older brother, the prince had been out of his mind more - as the healers were calling it. But slowly and surely, the prince was regaining some control over the burden he had been born with. And provided he had a watchful eye beside him whose sleeves he could pull when needed.  And a set of guards to protect him. The prince got away with going further and further more.

Today, he had even been sent outside, for a woman would walk among the many people on the market today- one whom he had to meet. Months he had been working towards the goal of meeting a noblewoman. Lessons in dancing, speaking and charm were within the boys curriculum. For marriage would be the only thing he'd be useful for, well no, that was not how his father had brought it to him, but it was how the boy had deciphered the man's kind words. But non the less, when his eyes fell upon the appearance of lady in question, the corners of his mouth rose. They hadn't oversold her looks.

With a little wave he sent a worried lewis and his man off, though his personal guard seemed reluctant to actually leave the prince's side. And normally he'd argue the decision for he didn't answer to Marius, but to his father. However- orders had been given before they left and with a sigh he parted ways. Staying behind as Marius approached the moon elf, a proud smile upon his face despite the nerves of meeting someone new. And fear she'd fade before his very eyes. "Morning m'lady- You don't come across as someone living here he greeted her warmly "i'd gladly be your guide for the afternoon"

+ Liliandil  

And your atoms are not caring about you existing.

Much thank Nien x
Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:57 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Liliandil Eldrin
Liliandil Eldrin
Mindgames S0fRkxD
Mindgames 6p8YjEH

Character sheet
Age: 25 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Priestess
The tree of life covers me
dulls my eyes, I fall asleep a thousand nights before I wake
Ravaryn was such a curious place. Ever since arriving a week or so ago, Liliandil had been presented with instances that had left absolutely puzzled. Never had she seen so many humans all together, and they acted in a manner she was not used to. Their frosty demeanor was not at all like the welcoming warmth she felt in her own country. The people of Ravaryn were mysterious creatures who did not yield before anyone, yet never showed her their full strength. No, they remained like stars in the nightsky: shrouded in darkness and utterly out of reach.

The moon elf could not complain though. She had been treated like an honoured guest by her royal hosts, who had provided luxurious lodgings for her and her noble moon elf family. Her chamber was not as grand as her governor cousin had received, nor his children, but it was nothing if not immaculate. Liliandil did not mind if she was not surrounded by grandeur, she had never really cared for things like that.

On a particularly frosty morning she had ventured from the palace into the bustling city. At every corner she turned, her dark eyes were surprised by all the wonder she found in front of her. By some point, she had found her way to a market by accident, as she did not really pay attention to where she was heading. Liliandil hardly ever did. In her fully white ensemble she turned quite a few heads, or was that because of her pointy ears that were on full display? She did not have time to think about it, as someone was now addressing her.

A young man, who was a little taller than she, stood in front of her. She looked him up and down, while her mind drifted off quickly. Carefree? No, not quite. Though she did feel the blood rush through her veins at the thought of it. Perhaps that was just how he wished to appear. Reckless then? Closer, but that still wasn't it. The moon elf blinked and realised that she must have just been staring at the man, for however long. Would you?" She asked, a little perplexed at the offer. Was this customary for guests of the royal house? "Who are you?" She then continued, as soft-spoken as she always was. Liliandil spoke in whispers that drifted on the wind. Not at all like him, no, the young man spoke so warmly she could confuse his voice for gentle flames in the cold.

Outfitje hihi
Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:49 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Marius Ylindar
Marius Ylindar
Mindgames Marias10
Mindgames 5109b4b77e78f87b5a08450f7201df63

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
You are atoms.

Mindgames Rf6I0HJ

In her silent stare, Marius had found the time to think. Truely a horrible way of living if you asked him. As thinking often had given him ways downhill. Adventures to places he'd rather nyot go- especially not around a pretty girl who he had to impress. His one job nowadays- truely. Thus he presse his fingernails into the soft tissue of his palm, leaving marks that he'd later cover with a set of gloves. Untill finaly she spoke, pulling him back to the the moment they shared. A fresh breath of air coursed through his longues.

"'Ofcourse-  i'd love to. It is not every day I get the chance to meet new people" these years it had especially been rare. Having been locked behind the castle walls for his own good aswell as that of the family he loved had not left him with much choicev as too how many new people he'd meet. And for a while, that had felt awefully safe, given it were strangers that had taken Regulus away from them. Always someone, there always seemed to be someone out to get them. But not her- she was here for the festivities and undoubtedly to meet a nobleman to marry- maybe him? His father seemed to hope so.

Upon hearing her further words, the prince smiled proudly- it was the one thing he had still going for him afterall. His family, his name- call it cocky, call it vein- to him it was only comfort. Love. "Marius Ylindar, at your service" he courtesied losely, a wafe of his hand to add a bit more pazas to it. If he had gotten a hold on a flower he'd be the picture perfect charmer.
And your atoms are not caring about you existing.

Much thank Nien x
Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:58 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Liliandil Eldrin
Liliandil Eldrin
Mindgames S0fRkxD
Mindgames 6p8YjEH

Character sheet
Age: 25 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Priestess
The tree of life covers me
dulls my eyes, I fall asleep a thousand nights before I wake
In front of her stood a man of great importance, but not quite. Had she time to figure it out? Nonsense, many more thoughts came rushing in about him. Then it was too late, she was staring.

The moon elf pulled herself back to reality in a manner that was rougher than she was used to. With little time to recollect herself, her questions drifted out of her in whispers. He did not get to meet new people often, how so? Did that have something to do with the darkness she felt pressing near? Or was it just a mistaken illusion. It was never truly clear. "I meet new people often, it is not always as great as it seems." She voiced. There were always too many emotions, too many thoughts to overwhelm her.

As soon as he revealed who was, she made a curtsy for him. A noblewoman through and through, Liliandil knew how to greet her peers. "A prince at my service?" She asked as a smile toyed on her lips. "Far away from the castle, hidden among the crowd of foreigners." She mumbled, to no one in particular, in a typical mannerism. Quiet filled the air for a moment as her dark eyes kept on him. He spoke his name with such... devotion. "I'm Liliandil Eldrin." An introduction that would tell him little, she supposed. "I suppose, 'at your service'," she added with a hint of curiosity to what that would mean.

Outfitje hihi
Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:33 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Marius Ylindar
Marius Ylindar
Mindgames Marias10
Mindgames 5109b4b77e78f87b5a08450f7201df63

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
You are atoms.

Mindgames Rf6I0HJ

There was something looming around her. Something Marius could not quite figure out- something that both scared him, aswell as pulled him in closer. As though she was ther eye of the storm, threat loominhg around a golden middle. Marius bit his cheek a little as his nails dug deeping into his skin- a reminder, a way of coping when silence fell between them once more and his thoughts had room to wander. Father had wanted him to impress her, not that it mattered truely. He knew of this, he had heard of it many times before. His marital path had been dug out for him way before he had the chance to meet her. Father and Governer Andreas had probably thought all of it out already. To the clothing they'd wear and the music playing at the feast.

In her looming stare, all of it crashed through his mind, like snow in a snowstorm it meandered the air in never ending circles. Never finding footing in the dark pits of his concious. Marius inhaled as he trashed around for grip- as before he fell, her soft whispers wove netting for him to fall upon, dragging him back to the service. She spoke of encountering many people- yet not finding joy always, well heck- if those words didnt ring familiar to him, he'd be the king of all of odiria. A tiny smile pulled on the corners of his mouth. The shapes of the world realigned slightly.

He introduced himself, finding comfort in his name, his family. Gods if only she knew of the extent in which her soft question that followed ruled true. And once again he found himself in horrid discomfort at the thought that he had to share such a life with someone else- perhaps the soft spoken woman in front of him. Father had told him all would be well- all would be solved and she'd have a life like no other. His hand would be just as valuable as any others. Worth as much as the rings hat decorated it. Marius had only nodded his head- bored of the lessons, Tired of trying. She hadn't asked him, her mumble had been mostly to herself- giving Marius the sense she truely was oddball- the kind biologist took interest in- not that he was one to judge, if biologists could pry him open they would without a doubt.

"It's your lucky day" he retorted, trying desperatly to keep the conversation light weight atleast. She continued- giving her his name, and though he knew hers already- he wouldn't play the all knowing god card today. Nodding his head at her curtsy. Wondering when it was that people just started to hop down upon meeting one and other. Such a strange habit if you really thought about it was it not? He grinned once more, overcompesating if you wil "Aaa see I already thought you were far from home"  he reacted clapping his demaged hands together "In that case we could end this tour of mine at the castle, i assume you will be staying there alongside your family right? gods that would make his life all the more easy. If not safer.
And your atoms are not caring about you existing.

Much thank Nien x
Thu Jan 04, 2024 11:12 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Liliandil Eldrin
Liliandil Eldrin
Mindgames S0fRkxD
Mindgames 6p8YjEH

Character sheet
Age: 25 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Priestess
The tree of life covers me
dulls my eyes, I fall asleep a thousand nights before I wake
While the conversation had started, Liliandil's thoughts were not quite there. She looked at the man in front of her, but she didn't quite look at him. Perhaps, she saw another version of him. Was it the past she noticed? As her dark eyes observed his every move, she felt the world falling around them instead. Perplexed, she just blinked at the sight. It was not quite real, no, it was something far more complicated. It had been a fall from grace...

Or was it something entirely different? The woman did not, could not, quite know. Not unless she wished to dive deeper into the alluring pool that was always surrounding her. But Liliandil knew better than to get lost in someone else's emotion, she had been taught to. So she just smiled an absent smile as her mind slowly returned to the present, until the world carry whispers on the wind to her anymore.

It was her lucky day. In response she tilted her head slightly. What would be lucky about their meeting? Except from the fact that her cousin would be pleased with her. "I do not quite know yet." She told him, her voice laced with doubt. Soon she would know, if he indeed was here for her. A surprised look appeared on her face as he clapped his hands, telling her she was far from home. "You could not say the same." She mused softly. "Ah," she mumbled as more of a smile tugged on her face. "I have been staying with your family for a week or so, yes. The rest have arrived, I believe, today." As she spoke her gaze drifted away to the castle in the distance. She could not quite sense her family's magic yet. Perhaps the governor was hiding it.

"Where do we start?" Her head turned back to the prince, who would be her valiant guide, apparently.

Outfitje hihi
Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:04 am
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Marius Ylindar
Marius Ylindar
Mindgames Marias10
Mindgames 5109b4b77e78f87b5a08450f7201df63

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
You are atoms.

Mindgames Rf6I0HJ

There it was. The thick barrier of clouds neared closer once more, Marius pulled onto one of the corners of his mouth when she questioned his statement. Feeling as though she doubted if it really had been great to meet him. What did she know? How much did she know- Was he the storm to her perhaps. did she fear for him, or did she proceed with caution. Cause if so, this whole courting season would be getting a whole lot more difficult. Even so- the prince attempted a follow up, a procession in this not so spontanious meeting of theirs. As his father would've wanted. And somewhere- as he himself wanted.

As, when the prince really thought about it, he was just a human, unable to look away from a big cloud. So, his smile remained- despite the hurting of his palms, he stood infront of her as the picture perfect prince was supposed to. Never faltering, Never ending. He tilted his head and asked about her current residence- which, as he had expected was indeed within the walls of his own home, thank Ranaan. Though lately he had started doubting her influence over the life she had given him.

"Well-  that is great then, remind me to offer you some tea when we arrive" he smiled with a nod of his head. Avoiding having to explain to her how he hadn't met her before that week. Because if he had to be honest- he had shoved this moment as far back as possibly could have. Refusing to give into the safety of his home once more, wanting to get out of the prison set up for him by himself and those he loved. Because- if he were to be married, he'd have too right? He had to get better if he wanted to give this lady a life worth living within the royal court.

In stress he bit his cheek, reddened his palms- yet he did not let her appearance leave his sight. Goddamn it was just a fucking tour. Why was this such a big fucking deal?  He took a breath, smiled losely. "If i told you it would cost us the charm of pleasant surprise, not?" he teased daringly as he signed her to follow "C'mon i will make sure it is worth your while" Ugh why couldnt they just hit the pub? Why was it improper to show a lady a good time there? "First though-" he stopped in his tracks and shot his look back at the lady "How are you with dogs?
And your atoms are not caring about you existing.

Much thank Nien x
Sat Jan 06, 2024 10:59 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Liliandil Eldrin
Liliandil Eldrin
Mindgames S0fRkxD
Mindgames 6p8YjEH

Character sheet
Age: 25 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Priestess
The tree of life covers me
dulls my eyes, I fall asleep a thousand nights before I wake
It was quite easy to get lost in the life of another person. Oftentimes, feelings and associations were just so loud that it was all she could listen to.  It was deafening really. She did not wish to see what others saw, she did not want to feel what they felt. But it was inescapable. There were thousands of invisible strings tying her to the people around her; she couldn't possibly steer clear of all of them. So sometimes, she knew more about a person than they knew.

The Ylindar prince was no different. She could not help but feel his past, sense what might be rushing through his head right now. But it was not completely clear, it was never crystal clear. Not until she could touch-—No. There would be no getting lost in his being today; no matter how the darkness she felt with him called out to her, whispered to her.

"Tea sounds nice." She spoke softly. It did sound nice. Perhaps he was nice too, he did seem that way. While she waited, rather absentmindedly, for him to say something, she tried to search for a familiar presence. But she could not feel anything at all. Her magic was much less strong here.

A surprise?

What was this now? Confused, she looked at his gentle face. Liliandil nodded, taking a step toward him when she noticed it was time to do so, and follow him. "There are very little surprises in my life." She told him, as if he could do much with that information. Then, he spoke of dogs. Her face lit up at the mention of an animal. "I love dogs, any animal really." She said, a little more confidently. Animals were lovely to be around, much less complicated than humans, for she could not understand them the way she did people. "Where are the dogs?" She said promptly, a little less elegantly than she had hoped.

Outfitje hihi
Tue Jan 09, 2024 11:34 pm
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