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Honeymoon fades - Page 2
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Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
Honeymoon fades - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
Honeymoon fades - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

shed every skin that doesn't fit
even if they call you cold-blooded
While there was something peaceful about the situation, she couldn’t help herself from dreading the moment for that peace to vanish into thin air, when they would be at each others throats once more, continuing their seemingly endless cycle of fighting and ‘making up’.

Yet she felt comforted by his replies, no matter how shallow. Even when her anger and frustration lingered, a part of her craved moments like these. Moments in which she could at least pretend to have the marriage she would silently pray for at nights. It was quite ironic how it all played out. How she went from despising the whole idea behind this arrangement, to finding herself craving but a glimpse of his reassurance. For now she could blame the fact that she was carrying a child, the process of doing so known for toying with a lady’s emotions and rationality.

”Of course not,” the sorceress replied to his question. ”You’re as stubborn as the rest of us, to say the least.” A faint smile laced her lips as she spoke. Beside his silver hair and unusual eye colors he was quite indistinguishable from the rest of them. They all shared the same, peculiar traits. Which sometimes became apparent as they clashed on occasions like their previous dinner during the festival.

Even if his eyes might’ve given away his Rizal ancestry, she was glad he hadn’t cast some kind of illusion on them when he decided to change to color of his hair. She had always been drawn to his unique eye colors, them being the first familiar aspect she recognized from their brief time spent together as children when she arrived at the castle all those moons ago.

His next question and softened voice flushed her cheeks once more, leaving them in brief silence. ”Maybe,” she quietly replied, matching his tone of voice as she continued to hold his gaze. ”They’ve always intrigued me.” Her heart raced in her chest as she felt herself leaning into him a little more, blaming his absence and therefore her loneliness for this sudden craving of intimacy with a man of which she was certain that he did not love her. Not in the way she she still silently hoped he ever would as soon as she’d grant them a healthy child. ”Would you?” she fired back his question, her face now but an inch away from his as she whispered the question against his lips, fighting the urge to make a fool of herself once more. He’d only disappoint her in the end. He always did.

Outfitje x
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Wed Dec 06, 2023 1:05 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Honeymoon fades - Page 2 Image
Honeymoon fades - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
going insane to stay saneRaise your hands for the past me
If stubbornness was heritable, he was afraid of their child. It would truly be the worst of them all. Or should he explain that he used to be much more tolerable? How that his childhood innocence had vanished into thin air the moment he understood he and Myrddin were no longer equals. Once that bridge had burned, his caring side had disappeared as well. She wouldn't believe him anyway. He had gambled the only sliver of trust away.

So how come they were talking with hesitant smiles again? Because they grew tired of fighting? Or because they simply had no other choice and there was no other way but to struggle through this and make it work somehow? It was actually quite ironic that this was probably one of the most mundane things they had done as a married couple. Even if it felt a bit awkward at times.

‘‘That's supposed to make me feel better?’’ he joked at her "stubborn" comment. She might as well call him a mule. But he cracked another gentle smile, rolling her eyes at her before he looked away for a moment.

So when they went to imagine how their child might look, that was maybe another more mundane thing couples did. It was quite daunting in a way. What if it would be a carbon copy of either of them? He hadn't really thought about having a little version of himself waddling through the castle; silver hair and mismatched eyes. Would he like that? Or might he prefer a child with white streaks in their hair and light eyes? Luckily that was a choice of their deity.

Intriguing hm? When he was a kid, he thought it might have been a fault in his creation, that some higher power had messed up. Something somewhat funny. Because if even a goddess could make a mistake, what would that mean for the rest of them? When he grew older, it felt more like a brand of his questionable heritage. And when he lost care for his family, it became a tool. Every new person he met always commented on that peculiar trait, and so it was easy to lure in shallow friendships and easy lovers.

So when Chaska came closer, he was reminded of their countless nights. He didn't smile as she asked him if he would be happy. He just shrugged his shoulders and kept looking straight at her, their faces suddenly so very close. He could count her eyelashes. ‘‘I think it should have your eyes.’’ His free hand raised up to her cheek as he softly brushed his knuckles against her face, before bridging the gap between their lips and he pressed a soft kiss against hers. Only for a second, before he pulled back, brushing back her silky hair over her shoulder. ‘‘I should let you rest,’’ he continued softly, remembering the reason why he entered the room in the first place. To check up on his sickly wife, nothing else. Yet, he didn't pull away completely, as if he anticipated her reaction.
Tue Dec 12, 2023 2:57 am
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