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M - What was I made for? - Page 2
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Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
M - What was I made for? - Page 2 9RE29ly
M - What was I made for? - Page 2 Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
Knighthood lies above eternity;

Perhaps this was all a big fluke. But it didn't matter. Shyam needed to speak his truth. It was everything he held back all that time. Something he couldn't share with anyone. If anything this felt like one big relief for the man himself. Would it fix all his problems at once? Unlikely. But at least it was out there now for the other to know. To do with it as he pleased. Keeping an eye on the man, wondering what was going through his mind right now. Fiddling with the edge of his shirt. There was a slight change tho. Something in his face cleared up. Which made him stare even more. A warm feeling starting to make his way through his body. Yet then he looked away. Focussed on something else. Which made him cast his eyes down for a moment.

The corner of his mouth curled up when the other reached for him. But he nodded. He was okay. Right now he was okay. Myrddin was here. While he walked closer to him, the man needed to look up. Somehow feeling threatened. Swallowing once more. His older self would've puffed his chest instantly. But he couldn't really. It wouldn't make a big difference. Shortly he blinked at his signs. Tilting his head to the side. The look in his eyes made him take a deep breath. He hated to see him in pain. Gently he placed his hand on the other his shoulder as he noticed how worked up he was getting. 'You won't. There's always a chance. But that chance is even bigger now.' The white haired man spoke, voice slightly trembling. Knowing what he was saying right here. Gently he squeezed his shoulder. Hoping the other would get some strength out of it.

What followed next, was something he hadn't expected. Blinking the entire time, mainly to not start balling his eyes out. Stepping a bit closer to the other again. His heart almost bursting out of his chest then and there. Instantly stepping in and hugging the man closely. 'Can we please figure that out, together? I want us to figure this out Myr.' He looked up, biting his lip. 'I'm nothing without you. I love you and I will always love you. Because for me, you're it. Always have been. Always will. And if I need to fight for you I will.. With all the strength I have left.'

it doesn’t live off fame,
but rather deeds.

Thu Aug 24, 2023 10:48 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
M - What was I made for? - Page 2 RbKYMU2
M - What was I made for? - Page 2 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ I don't know how to feel ❞
The thing with the other, was that he had taken him by the throat that one night. He had always had an interest in him because of his looks, his kind, sweet and fun personality had slowly dragged him in. As they had grown towards one another he had always felt like they could become great friends, until he had noticed his body craving more. He had felt ashamed at first, like he always felt whenever he had such a response to men. Feeling as if he was broken for never having similar responses to women. But the other had helped him out back then, had guided him gently while they were hidden from the world. There, amidst the ocean waves, had they shared their first night together. Guided by slightly intoxicated thoughts, but it was still them who had decided that this was right, that they wanted this. And Myrddin had never felt so alive and loved as he had felt that night. It had made everything so crystal clear; he didn't want to be friends, he wanted to be his.

The other tried to calm him down, placing a hand on his shoulder and speaking to him. The words, sadly enough, didn't put his worries to rest as he only frowned and looked more upset as the other went on. Staring down at his own hands he felt powerless at everything the universe seemed to throw at them. Every solution would have more problems with them and every new opportunity would end up in disaster one way or another. Run away together? It would cause quite a scene here and knowing his mother she would track them down. Short lived happiness, unless they fled the continent all together. But then he would leave his brother behind with the wrath of his family. Perhaps the only other person he cared for, how foolish it was. And that wasn't even starting with all the other people he had come to care for. Would he eventually have to pick a side? Or maybe choose the lesser of two evils? He didn't want to think about it... It only caused him to get more angry as seconds melted away.

So... What he did was pour his heart out to the other. He wasn't great with words, never have been. Communication had always been an issue, but one shouldn't really be surprised knowing his condition. Yet, despite all the odds he had managed to get his thoughts and feelings across to the other. Soft spoken signs that held love and emotion and so much power that it let his entire body tremble under the weight of it. He felt nervous, sad and angry at the same time. He wanted to punch something, wanted to release all the tension from his body, but he knew he couldn't that right now. He would have to wait until he was back in the castle, on his own... For Lythrana knows how long. Arms locked around him as the tall man remained where he was. His hands hovering in the air for a moment as he sobbed. Anger. He was so damn angry and pissed off at these unforgiving odds. He wanted to shout, scream, curse these wretches lands. But even if he wanted, he couldn't. The gods had stripped him away of a voice... And now also of proper love. What a cruel reality this was.

Soft, sweet words filled the room. They held both promise and question as it was reached out to him. A shaky breath left his lips as he slowly closed his arms around the other, pulling him in closer as he laid his head on the others shoulder. Hiding his tear covered face against him as he slowly melted against him. His breath heavy, sobs weaved in between the heaves of unchecked, raw emotion. Figure this out... How would they ever figure this out? It was like trying to read an unwritten book. How could they ever know what path they had to walk if they couldn't see the ending? What laid in front of them and what were the right choices to make? He didn't know... And it terrified him. There were some certainties he did hold onto, like the love he felt for this man. But that just made it even scarier. Knowing that he wanted to hold onto that, he was more aware of the fragility it held. Because, if there was one thing he had learned, it was that the world would always find a way to destroy what shouldn't be. They had witnessed that the hard way.

The words Shyam spoke made him shake softly in his arms. It were things they shared with each other. Knowing that they wanted to share eternity together. Until death do us part... Slowly he opened his eyes as he looked up. Slowly regaining his posture as he lifted a hand from the others back. Wiping away his tears he gently pressed a kiss against the side of the others head. His beautiful and perfect Shy. Oh, how strong he really was. He held up his hands, slowly so, so he could sign to him. 'Promise me one thing,' he signed. 'Never scare me like that again,' a shaky smile came on his lips. 'You almost gave me a heart attack seeing you like this,' he leaned closer, pressing a gentle kiss against his cheek as he closed his arms around the other. Lifting him up easily as he stepped closer to the bed and gently placed him on it. He went through his knees, placing one leg next to the skinny man as he leaned back, a gentle smile on his lips as he tilted his head. Looking over his face, he noticed the details once more of how weak he had gotten. It made him sad, but he tried to keep that smile up. For him.
Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:51 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
M - What was I made for? - Page 2 9RE29ly
M - What was I made for? - Page 2 Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
Knighthood lies above eternity;

Things would never be easy between the both of them. Something he was perfectly aware off. But where his fighting spirit had been trampled by his mother. With him appearing here again, with them being able to share their feelings. Maybe he felt some of that fighting spirit come back. And he would fight. Hell, he’d move heaven and earth to make it possible to be with the other even if it was in their own little way. Never like how it was supposed to be, but enough for the both of them to keep holding on to. Yes, that was something he could do. Or well, that was what he hoped he could do at least. First things first was to actually make the other aware that he wanted to fight with him for this. But he was still deadly afraid that Myrddin would still turn him down eventually..

As Shyam had wrapped his arms around the other, he hoped for him to do the same. Gently letting his fingertips press into his back, drawing little figures on it. A way of hopefully relaxing the other. Of making the other put his anger to the side for a bit longer. However their story would unfold, they wouldn’t just be a footnote in it. Shyam would make certain of that. As soon as he was a bit stronger, bit first he needed to actually become more healthy again. Eat, drink, sleep. The last part would remain a problem for a long time, that was something he was quite certain off. But those other two he could probably tackle soon enough. Right? Yes, he certainly assumed so.

When Myrrdin stood back up a bit more he tilted his head softly. Smiling at the small kiss he pressed against his head. Frowning when the other started signing. Almost feeling berated to be fair. Swallowing softly. ’I’m sorry.’ He whispered ever so softly and before he knew it he was being placed back on the bed again. Placing one hand on Myr his leg for a moment. Before reaching to his nightstand with his other, opening the drawer and getting a small necklace out of it. It was something he had made himself. A simple cord with in the middle a few strands of fur of Finn tied together. Handing it over to the other.. ’I made this for you.. It’s not much but he was ours and this is the least.’ The man his lip trembled ever so slightly.

it doesn’t live off fame,
but rather deeds.

Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:24 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
M - What was I made for? - Page 2 RbKYMU2
M - What was I made for? - Page 2 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ I don't know how to feel ❞
To say he had been shocked to see the white haired man in such a state was an understatement. There was no-one in this realm that he cared so much for. And to see someone you cared so deeply for, in such a state... It messed you up real good. He had already witnessed his beloved being locked up and stripped away of his sanity. As his ink black hair had slowly fallen out and been replaced with thin, white strands. It looked even more frail then what he had seen in the tower. He had never read or seen such a change before, but he could only imagine it was due to the mental and physical harm that his mother had inflicted on him. It really showed that emotional and mental well being was just as important as everything else. For a moment he wondered if Shyam had wept about the loss of his appearance. He was forever changed... And he could only imagine what that could do to a man. Then again, there were always ways to somewhat simulate what he had looked like. But that would only be if he wanted that. Myrddin would love him in any shape or size he came. As long as he was healthy and happy, it didn't matter what he looked like.

Shyam spoke, whispering an apology to him. The black haired man looked down on him, a smile still on his lips as he lifted a hand. His fingers gently cupped around the others jaw as his thumb moved across his face. Tracing his skin, from his lips, to his cheek. Leaning forward once more he pressed a kiss against his temple. Moving back a slight inch he could feel the other move. The young captain moved back a bit as he observed him. Keeping a close eye on him as to make sure he wouldn't fall or hurt himself. His grey eyes followed him as he leaned in closer to the nightstand. Opening up a drawer, Shyam was quick to retrieve what looked like a necklace. The sorcerer tilted his head slightly. In the dim light that slipped past the curtains it was hard to see what it actually was. That was, until he handed it over to him. He looked down at it, his fingers slowly going over the material as he noticed it was made out of... Hair. Only when Shyam spoke did he realize what it was and what it was really made of. A clump was formed in his throat, in his stomach.

He blinked a few times as tear sprouted forth from them. Shaking his head slowly a sob left his lips. Quickly he tried to pull himself together as he used the back of his hand to wipe his own cheeks free of his display of sadness. He leaned in again, pressing gentle kisses against the others cheek and temple. Shaky breath that was clearly filled with so much emotions that he could burst at any second now. He was trembling once more. By the Gods, he had never been good with his own emotions. He swallowed, trying to work away the heavy feeling that had settled on him. And as seconds melted away, he kept kissing him, embracing him as he held him. His heart ached at the thought that he had to go through this all by himself. Why hadn't he said anything? Oh... His poor beloved. He wanted to take all the hurt and sadness away. But he knew that could never work. Not even magic could do such a thing for as far as he was aware. All he could do was hush it all good... And hope he wouldn't never have to go through such a thing again. Keeping him safe from all the wrongs in this world. It was all he wanted. He knew that, even if that wasn't his reason for his creation, he still wanted that to be purpose.

Slowly he leaned back a bit. Looking at the necklace again, he slowly brought his hands up to his neck. As he brought in place he traced the material one more time with his thumb, before letting it rest under his shirt. Not because he didn't want people to see it, but because he simply couldn't let others see it. With all the expensive jewelry he wore, a piece like that would stand out. And he didn't need any more questions to be directed towards himself. Looking back up at his lover, he tilted his head. 'Thank you,' he signed to him. 'I love you,' he leaned in closer, pressing his lips against his as he went into a passionate kiss once more. Breathe still heavy from emotions that had stirred within him. Only when that was broken off, did he lean back again. One hand going upwards as he started to softly go along his hairs, pushing them back and giving them a proper place. And in his eyes, there was nothing more then just purest admiration. As if he had seen the most stunning creature ever. Because, it was true. In any shape or form he would be perfect. Because it was him. And his heart belonged to him, and him only.

Admiring him with both sight and touch, the seconds turned into minutes. It was when he noted the shift in light from beyond the curtains, that he knew that he had been here for at least an hour or two. His grey eyes went towards the window, which was hidden by the fabric, before looking back at Shyam again. 'I just want to hold you forever,' he sigend to him. 'But duty calls...' the corners of his mouth turned down as he looked at his lap. It was a gentle reminder of how he had to go back to that fake life, fillde with fake promises and a future he didn't look forward to. A deep breath, followed by him looking back up at the other. 'Let's meet again, in two days, by the docks just before dawn,' a gentle smile tugged at his lips. 'If you can't see me, look up,' he tilted his head. 'You'll find me as long as you look up,' Bounded in magic, he would always be able to find him through it. As his familiar was him, it would always try to find him. Wings that would take to the sky with only one reason; to be a beacon for them. Because that was what he wanted to be for this... This pure and bright thing they had. It had to be protected and sheltered, no matter what.
Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:55 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
M - What was I made for? - Page 2 9RE29ly
M - What was I made for? - Page 2 Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
Knighthood lies above eternity;

Shyam just leaned into the touches of the other. His arms wrapped around Myr his waist, head placed against his shoulder. They could be there in this moment for all eternity. This was what he needed. What he so desperately needed. Would it make him feel better in a split second? Perhaps not. But this, all of it, brought the will to actually live right back. The will to fight, to become a new version of himself once more. Myrddin was all he would ever need in this world for it to be whole again. The reason why he had kept the passing of their beloved dog from the other? Was simply because he didn’t see any reason to inflict hurt on the other. Since at that time it had been blatantly obvious that the blonde, now black haired man didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. Why would he go around poking a bear with news like that? Besides it was obvious that he hadn’t been welcome in the palace anymore. Which was probably due to Her.

As the necklace was placed underneath his shirt he softly smiled. Nodding at it. So he too, would have a memory of their buddy. A soft nod followed when the other thanked him but he did brush it off like it was nothing. Wanting to reply something to his next word, but he couldn’t. Simply because Myr cut him off by kissing him once more. His hands slowly skimming over his sides, wanting to press closer to him. And he did so. For a very small moment. Leaning into the following touch when the kiss was broken off. ’I love you too.’ There was no denying that.

He looked back up at the other when he signed and sighed deeply. Biting his lip for a second. Yet nodding ever so softly. Brining his hand to the other his cheek for a moment. ’You’ll be okay. If not, you know where to find me.’ The man whispered. And for a brief moment a scary feeling came up. What if they wouldn’t see each other again? Yet his knight in shining armour took away those doubts by suggesting a time and place for their next meeting and he nodded. ’Then I will see you, at the docks.’ There was hope audible in his voice, something that had been long gone had returned. A spark of hope filling his chest that they could work this out. In whatever way possible. ’I’ll promise to get better.’ He muttered ever so softly. A sole promise to the man standing in front of him. A promise that held a deeper meaning than ever before.

it doesn’t live off fame,
but rather deeds.

Wed Sep 20, 2023 7:36 pm
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