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Kiss my locket [FOP]
Time will tell
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Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
Kiss my locket [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
Kiss my locket [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
His legs felt heavy as he watched the door of the familiar estate close behind his friend's back from a safe distance, refusing to take the risk of running into his family once again. It had been bad enough to face Azriel at the first day of the festival, but facing his twin sister was a whole different story. He hadn't been too worried about leaving their older brother behind. Azriel had always been the perfect son, the one he had been forced to look up to keep up with before it became clear that he simply did not carry such ambition. His twin twin sister, however, she had been the only family member to have crossed his mind at times. He couldn't face her after leaving her behind without a word, note or any form of explanation.

The sight of the summoner disappearing through the entrance of the estate left him with heavy heart before he turned around, sparing himself the gut wrenching feelings tied to his childhood home. He had tried so hard to stall their forced goodbye, tempting him to stay a little longer by pouring him wine and spend whatever was still left of their night chatting away, occasionally stealing a kiss when he still could. Straightening his back, he glanced back at the door for a brief moment before stepping back towards the direction of the inn he was staying at to sleep off the haze caused by the great amounts of wine that had been poured down his throat last night.   
@ Julie Zinyra
Mon Jul 31, 2023 9:32 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Julie Zinyra
Julie Zinyra
Kiss my locket [FOP] So7lmQY
Kiss my locket [FOP] RHuclgI

Character sheet
Age: 24 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Responsible sister
Julie Zinyra
It had been way too early. Julie felt the consequences of the night before hitting her like a truck when the birds started to sing their morning songs and the sky slowly became brighter. An annoyed groan left her mouth as she rubbed her face, hoping the headache would dissapear. It wasn't as bad as she had expected, though, so that was something. She let out a sigh and got up. A big and cold glass of water would do her good, she reckoned. While sipping her water she wandered to her window. There was no particulair reason for her to see whats outside, but since she had nothing much to do anyway, she moved the curtain in front of the window away with her hand. Outside she saw a door close, someone clearly came home late. Or early, however you wanted to look at it. But what actually caught her attention was the figure standing a few metres away from the door. She instantly knew who it was, she would recognize him out of thousands. With a loud gunk she sat her glass down, making her way out of her room, her headache mostly forgotten.

It had been — she actually didn't know how long, but too long — and Julie was furious. He had left her, without any notice. Not beforehand, not during, not even a letter sent afterwards. He just dissapeared into thin air, leaving her. She could handle herself just fine without him, she was independent enough and didn't need anybody. Not even her twin brother. But the fact he just left without even telling her. It didn't sit right with her. And then to show up like this, clearly bringing someone home from what she assumed could only be an interesting night to say the least, not even letting her know he was in the city. When Rhysand turned around to walk away from the estate, she stepped in front of him. She wouldn't let him go that easily now. 'Helllo Ryshand,' she said and slapped him in the face.
Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:19 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
Kiss my locket [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
Kiss my locket [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
The necromancer wouldn't have minded a bottle to his lips as of now. Both plagued and accompaned by the flashing images of last night's endeavors the man stepped away from the estate, trying not to let his mind stray towards any feelings attached to the scene he kept being reminded of. His legs felt heavy as they carried him, both from the lingering liquor and the sorcerer which refused to or couldn't walk home by himself. 

Stumbling away from the estate, he was surprised to find a familiar face appearing right in front of him, as if she had simply materialized out of thin air. The man slowly blinked in surprise, wondering if the lack of sleep was causing him to hallucinate, but was soon to be taken back to reality by the force of a flat hand smacked across his jaw, reminding him that the person standing in front of him wasn't some sort of hallucination after all. "For fuck's sake, Julie," he groaned from under his breath, his speech slurred as he rested his hand against his jaw, turning his head back towards her.

Now that he was granted the time to take in the sight of his sister, a plaguing feeling of guilt turned his stomach. By the gods, she had every right to be mad. To be honest, he didn't think he'd ever lay eyes upon her again, being able to drown those feelings of shame and guilt for leaving her behind with the taste of liquor and his endless list of lovers. "What happened to 'hello, how have you been my dear brother?'," he continued, definitely struggling to form adequate sentences, his speech not far from incomprehensible. He knew he was being unfair. He had left her without a word, and yet couldn't fathom the idea of shoving his cocky attitude aside for once.
@ Julie Zinyra
Thu Aug 24, 2023 5:32 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Julie Zinyra
Julie Zinyra
Kiss my locket [FOP] So7lmQY
Kiss my locket [FOP] RHuclgI

Character sheet
Age: 24 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Responsible sister
Julie Zinyra
The moment her hand made contact with his face she felt wash over her. Maybe she was a bit harsh. Was she too hard on him. It was not without reason he left, after all. And to have this be the reunion they have after the time without eachother... But that guilt dissapeared as snow in the sun when he spoke his next words. She scoffed and balled her hand in another fist. 'Don't make me punch you this time, Ryshand,' she said, her words cutting through the silent air. She didn't really care if it woke people up. 'You don't expect me to welcome you back with hot tea and a warm blanket after the stunt you pulled, did you? How dare you leave without a word.' Julie could fend for herself just fine. And even though they seemingly led different lives, they grew up together. They shared everything together. And Rhysand leaving without a word, not even to her, made her hurt. 'Where were you?' She at least deserves to know where he spent his time, what he was doing. If he would dissapear again.
Thu Sep 28, 2023 10:59 pm
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