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Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one]
Time will tell
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Xaila Citizen
Aisha Mukhtair
Aisha Mukhtair
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] QQPFtryq_o
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] NOadFu3v_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Student of the sun

After the hanging of the wreaths, the festivities started in the streets. Those who had already started drinking in the early evening, were already drunk in the gutter. Her mother, who had made the familywreath earlier, had disappeared from her sight. It was a relief not to have her around anymore. She hadn't known herself to be alone for a moment since she'd returned from Lemuria. She could finally breathe and was free to come and go as she pleased. Her eyes scrolled past the people around her. Everyone seemed to be on an equal footing and beamed with joy. Their joy convinced her to accept a glass of local liquid, unknown to her. She was not yet familiar with the local drinks. She turned to the first best person next to her. "Do you happen to know what this is?" she asked, raising the glass in her hand.

Takoda first
Fri Jul 21, 2023 5:51 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Takoda Naero
Takoda Naero
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] Ob1nbqI
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] RgvJT8g

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Singer
If you think I'm just pure and innocentyou're wrong@ Aisha Mukhtair
notes: -
Plans did not exist in his agenda. He just came and went however and whenever he pleased. There were a few people he wanted to talk, dance and do more with, but as long as they were not in his sight, nothing could be done. He combed his white hair with his hand, before he turned around to ask for another drink. He had been drinking since pretty much earlier this day, but took it slow. Getting something non alcoholic in between, to keep himself steady on his feet. Once again, he wondered where his friends were hanging out, but if they didn't want to be seen with him, it was their loss.
His blue eyes looked around the room where he had been drinking for the past couple of hours. The room was slightly spinning around and he was happy to be able to sit down for this last one. Slowly sipping from this one, he blinked a few times when someone spoke to him. Koda turned around, noticing the woman standing behind him. She was from around his age, or so he thought. He was not that good in guessing ages, had probably something to do with him being an elf. "Fire whiskey," he answered her question, taking a quick look at her glass. "I'd take it slow if I was you, especially if you're not used to it. It burns your throat close if you're not careful." He picked up his own glass, clanked it against hers and took a sip. Lovely.
Fri Jul 21, 2023 6:06 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Aisha Mukhtair
Aisha Mukhtair
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] QQPFtryq_o
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] NOadFu3v_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Student of the sun

As soon as she had a glass of liquid in her hands, she asked the nearest person for the name. In Lemuria she regularly had been offered alcohol, but there she was checked on by her father. He was known as a respected moon elf and had a reputation to uphold. There were plenty of rules that kept her from the alcohol. Here in Xaila, however, it was completely different. Her mother, who was the complete opposite, was not really well known. Her environment knew her as someone who tried very hard to fit in. That was quite a challenge with Aisha in the house. A sun elf with a slightly colored skin, but not dark enough. That was not exactly a common occurrence. That was the reason why her hair hung over her ears. This way she didn't have to answer a thousand questions and answer for her unusual appearance as a sun elf. Fire whiskey was the answer to her question which she had previously stated. "Sounds dangerous," she muttered with a raised eyebrow and a small smile. "I'd take it slow if I was you, especially if you're not used to it. It burns your throat close if you're not careful." As he clanked his glass against hers, some whiskey was spilled. She watched briefly as the young man took a sip and followed suit. It was clear from her face that, despite the warning, she was still surprised by the taste. "Ugh," She tried to straighten her face again. "You were absolutely right about the burning. The name certainly gave it away too." She started her statement seriously, but ended with a small grin. Despite the burning sensation, she could take it. It surprised her, but somehow she had the feeling that her sun magic supported her in this.

Fri Jul 21, 2023 7:29 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Takoda Naero
Takoda Naero
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] Ob1nbqI
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] RgvJT8g

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Singer
If you think I'm just pure and innocentyou're wrong@ Aisha Mukhtair
notes: -
This was the kind of place where he would take whatever date he could find, it was a bit further away from the festivities, yet close enough to not be shady. The kind of place where he might find someone he knew. Koda chuckled at himself, thinking back at those times. The man would probably be too busy to think back at an old flame. And, especially if he thinks about it like this, the flame was only at his end. There was no way that Rhysand would ever think back at him.
He was a bit absent minded when he answered the question of the woman next to him. Se seemed content with his answer, taking a sip from her drink after him. Koda couldn't help but flash a smile when he noticed her face. "Told you so." He chuckled softly. The moon elf held up his glass, looking at the liquid still in it. "Trust me, the more you drink, the less you feel it. Eventually your stomach is nothing more than a pit of lava, but your mind will be numb enough not too care." He took another sip, before trying to give a bit more attention to the woman next to him. "What name may I call you?" There might be an abundance of alcohol in his system, didn't meant he would lose his way. On the contrary, he would probably be a bit easier than normal.
Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:00 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Aisha Mukhtair
Aisha Mukhtair
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] QQPFtryq_o
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] NOadFu3v_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Student of the sun

The burning sensation in her throat continued to tingle for a moment, which prevented her from taking another sip immediately. She took a quick glance at her glass, which turned out to be as full as before. She wouldn't be out of here anytime soon. "Told you so." The drink in his hand looked very hard like hers. Chances were there was also fire whiskey in his glass. "Trust me, the more you drink, the less you feel it. Eventually your stomach is nothing more than a pit of lava, but your mind will be numb enough not too care." It was clear that he was speaking from experience, which made Aisha wonder for a moment how far along he was at this moment. The fact that he took another sip, gave her the message that he was indeed much further ahead than her. He drank like it was nothing, it didn't show on his face like it had on her before. It wasn't long before she took a second sip, this time a little more daring than before. Clearly, some liquid had drained from her glass. Her face still reacted to the spicy taste, but she said nothing more after swallowing the drink. Do they call that progress? "What name may I call you?" A question was asked, which drew her attention back to her neighbor."You can call me Aisha," she explained nicely. She deliberately withheld her last name. Was there a reason she was holding him back? No not at all. But she'd always been taught to be careful, and that was now taking the upper hand. "And how can I address you?" she responded. As she was talking, some people started to sing, causing her to turn her head to the group for a moment.

Sat Jul 22, 2023 12:38 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Takoda Naero
Takoda Naero
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] Ob1nbqI
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] RgvJT8g

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Singer
If you think I'm just pure and innocentyou're wrong@ Aisha Mukhtair
notes: -
She was looking him up and down. Or, actually, she was gazing over his drink, clearly wondering why he wasn't having such a bad time with it. Part of him wanted to answer her unasked question, but it wouldn't make his reputation much better. It was true that he had been drinking for longer, all day to be precise, but he was also used to this drink by now. He had spent the last year in Xaila, and while they serve non alcoholic drinks, fire whiskey was by far his favourite.
She answered his question, telling him that he could call her Aisha. A smile appeared on his face. "Lovely name, for a lovely woman." A burst of laughter followed. "Sorry, that was just too bad, even for me." He followed, still chuckling. His question got redirected towards him and he placed his glass on the table. "Takoda, but please call me Koda." It wasn't that he didn't like his full name, but he was way too used to people calling him Koda, that he had issues when someone actually called him Takoda. It always felt as if his mother was adressing him. And he didn't want that to happen again.
Sun Jul 23, 2023 11:59 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Aisha Mukhtair
Aisha Mukhtair
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] QQPFtryq_o
Liquid pleasure [FOP - day one] NOadFu3v_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Student of the sun

Her sayings were still very neat, as she had been brought up in recent years. She hadn't seen any bad influences, or hardly seen them at all, you could hear that clearly in her way of speaking. She herself had never thought about her own upbringing, although her parents had thought this through very carefully. There had always been plans for her, despite her parents living apart all her life. She answered his questions politely and quickly got a response back that made her raise an eyebrow for a moment. "Sorry, that was just too bad, even for me." Aisha kept her face straight as the other chuckled at his own reaction. She had to remind herself eventually to also raise the corner of her mouth to show that she was on board with the story. However, she cursed herself for her late response. She really tried her best to have a genuine conversation that wasn't about etiquette and embroideries. She hoped it hadn't been as obvious as she'd thought. Her hands started to get a little warm. Trained in etiquette for years, but unable to control her little sun, as she called it herself. When her thoughts started to roll, the control wasn't always great. In response, she temporarily placed her glass on the table in front of her and rested her hands loosely on her legs, out of sight. "Takoda, but please call me Koda." Her conversation partner introduced himself as Takoda, a name unfamiliar to her. "Nice to meet you, Koda." she said a little faster now. She wanted to keep the conversation going, but struggled to come up with anything. She clenched her hands into fists as she felt the heat ebbing away. One thing less to worry about. "I am not the best person to have a conversation with." she finally proclaimed honestly. "My experiences at festivities like this are limited." She was able to finally put her hands back on the table.
Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:42 pm
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