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The Devil [FOP - Day 1 - Early Night]
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Ravaryn Citizen
Mortem Rizal
Mortem Rizal
The Devil [FOP - Day 1 - Early Night] J2Hi32L
The Devil [FOP - Day 1 - Early Night] Vf6kGp6

Character sheet
Age: 45 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Chef/Seer
Mortem F. Rizal
devil, devil. clever devil, devil
He had found his next victim. Not for one of his feasts, this time, but for another scheme. It had been a while since he had a vision as vivid as this one, but it had brought a smile on his face nonetheless. As he had noticed that someone was missing from the Lemurian guests. His gaze had fallen over every single one that had arrived, the council, but also the Vylasar family. He had seen the wolf twins, but missed the eldest one. Wonder where she was hiding, he had spoken with a few other people. None could give him a coherent answer. And thus, Mortem was on his way to see if he could find someone that was a bit closer to the eldest wolf child of the Vylasar family.
People all around him were dancing, some singing, but mostly drinking. He had left his wife for a moment, so that he could find the young girl he was looking for. Chaska had arrived with a man, but it seemed that they had been separated. He might even have seen the man leave with someone else, which made the young woman seem distressed and annoyed. This might be his chance to confuse her mind even more. The older Rizal had a glass of wine in his hand, while smoking on a pipe that he had borrowed from someone from his extended family. He took a sip from the glass, twirling it around, wondering how he was going to bring this message. How to form the words that would settle in her mind, the little seed of doubt and confusion. He knew the message that he had to relay, the words that had to be spoken. The image of his vison fresh on his minds eye. With a last sip from his glass, while he inhaled the last of his pipe, he placed everything on a table and straightened his back.
With a calm and stoic demeanour he walked up to the girl. "M'lady Vylasar." He tried to get her attention, a small smile on his face while his dark-brown eyes tried to pierce hers. "It's a pleasure to see you here. Although, I have to admit that I am surprised to not see your older sister on the feast. Is dear Anui too busy with the care for her son?" If only he had taken his Hookah with him, so that he could show her the vision that he had seen about her sister and her son. But this would be all. He smiled again, when he looked over her. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. But it looks like my wife is looking for you. And I'm not going to let a Zinyra wait long." He smirked to Chaska. "I hope we can speak more later." With those words, he walked past her, placed a hand on her shoulder for just a moment, before disappearing in the crowd.  
tag: chaska vylasar | note: one drive-by topic for you
| code by elyon |
Wed Jul 19, 2023 10:49 pm
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