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Electric touch [FOP]
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Xaila Citizen
Azriel Zinyra
Azriel Zinyra
Electric touch [FOP] GYI7WXb
Electric touch [FOP] YAqStd8

Character sheet
Age: 27 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Historian
In the heat of his electric touch
He could either break my heart or bring it back to life
Who would be the foolish one today? His brother who was now on his way to make an advance toward a woman way out of his league? Or Azriel himself, who had sent Rhysand that way? And all so he could talk to a girl that he had been eyeing for a while. He would have made his way over there sooner, if it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of his brother. At least he knew he now knew he was safe, Az supposed that was something. But alas, he had other matters on his mind now.

With his signature swagger in his walk and an air of mystery surrounding him, the dark-haired sorcerer stalked over to the girl. The sun glistened on his exposed tan skin, which must have made him look incredibly attractive. If he had to believe the looks he got from both men and women alike. "I must say I have never seen a lady quite as fair as you in these parts." He told the girl in a calm manner as he made a short bow for her. "Would you be so kind as to accompany me for a drink?" He then asked while a confident smile graced his beautiful face. This ought to work, it always did.

Mon Jul 17, 2023 11:40 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Electric touch [FOP] DtUsT8E2_o
Electric touch [FOP] 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

After visitng the southern kingdom, the young sorceress knew one thing for sure. The people in Xaila all looked stunning in their brightly colored attire and shimmering jewels of gold against their often tanned skin. For the first time ever, her own outfit consisted of these beautiful, golden details as well, though the dress was quite.. revealing, compared to what she was used to wearing in Ravaryn. Perhaps her mother's reason behind picking out these dresses were simply because she didn't want her daughter to suffocate under the burning rays of the Xailan sun. At least she'd made sure for her daughter to fit in, which managed to lace the sorceress' lips with a bright smile as they walked through the streets of Al-Qahil.

Even though enthusiastic about it all, she didn't quite find the courage to talk to anyone beside her own companions yet, mostly chatting away with her guard as she pointed out everything catching her attention. It wasn't until a strange, handsome looking man walked up to her, effortlessly striking up a conversation using flattering words which eft her with flushed cheeks. Not knowing how to respond to such advances, she managed to reciprocate his bow while nervously fidgeting the sheer fabric of her dress in between her fingers. "Y-you flatter me," she managed to reply, suddenly very aware of the eyes of both Kenji and her mother burning into her back and following her every move from a few steps behind her. "I'm not from around here, actually," she then admitted, hopefully explaining the cause of her notable features compared to that of the Xailan locals.

She wasn't prepared for his sudden invitation, however, looking back at her mother with a confused and quite startled look in her eyes as to ask for guidance on her next decision. Which, to her surprise, simply answered with an encouraging nod, before silently instructing the guard to join them. It did take her a brief moment to process her mom's decision. Didn't she always warn her for most strange men to be dangerous? Did she just know when a man was dangerous? Visibly puzzled by her mothers approval, she quickly turned her attention back towards that devilishly handsome man, refraining from letting her gaze stray from his face to his exposed chest. "I- uh, yes, I'd love to," she swiftly answered, not entirely able to form full sentences yet. "But I would like to know with whom I have the pleasure of speaking." She finally seemed to have overcome her stumbling over words, shooting her mother a final, quick glance for approval from over her shoulder. Was she doing this right? She had never actually been asked out for a drink by a stranger like this. Certainly not on her own.

@ Azriel Zinyra

Sun Jul 30, 2023 10:28 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Azriel Zinyra
Azriel Zinyra
Electric touch [FOP] GYI7WXb
Electric touch [FOP] YAqStd8

Character sheet
Age: 27 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Historian
In the heat of his electric touch
He could either break my heart or bring it back to life
The sorcerer had seen the girl instantly. As his   keen eyes had roamed the busy crowd they remained stuck on her far too long. While he had managed to hide his interest from any prying eyes, his gaze constantly returned to her. He noticed how she looked around with those grand doe-eyes of hers, as if she had never seen anything like the spectacle unfolding in front of her. She couldn't possibly be from the southern region of Odiria, he mused quietly to himself. When it came to introducing her to the country no one was better than him: someone even more beautiful than his surroundings.

The moment he struck up a conversation with her, he couldn't help but don a softer smile than he usually did. There was just something about her adorable nerves; those probably existed because of his gorgeous appearance. "I already suspected that," he told her. "Which delighted me even more. I don't often get to speak to frostlike beauties such as yourself." He went on as if his words were made of silk. Much to his satisfaction, she agreed to having a drink with him. "The honour is all mine." Truly, it was. There was no one as beautiful as she, and he wished to be the only one to accompany her today. "Azriel Zinyra, my lady, at your service." He introduced himself with another bow. "Would you possibly grace me with your name too? He then asked as he held out his hand. All she had to do was take it.

Tue Sep 19, 2023 11:38 pm
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