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Vylasar, Vylasar, against the wall [FoP - Day 2]
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Takoda Naero
Takoda Naero
Vylasar, Vylasar, against the wall [FoP - Day 2] Ob1nbqI
Vylasar, Vylasar, against the wall [FoP - Day 2] RgvJT8g

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Singer



The second day was for resting, or so it had been written. Did he care much about it? Not really. He wasn't exactly sober, for starters. His world was still spinning as if he had been dancing till the early hours. Actually, he might have, he couldn't remember much about it. After his talk with Chaska, the one thing he had remembered, everything became a blur once he started dancing, singing and drinking to forget the fact that his best friend wasn't here. As of now, he hadn't forgotten the betrayal of Ani, but it stung a little less. Could've been the alcohol in his system, but who cared. Koda was looking for a bit of fun, while trying to walk straight through the streets of the city. It wasn't exactly working out for him, as he had bumped into numerous walls, threw a few potted plants on the ground and spilled at least one carafe of wine. All while giggling like a little kid before running away. He loved this semi drunken stupor that he was in right now, but still it felt lonely. He had to find someone to share this moment with. But the streets seemed empty, there wasn't a single soul around these parts. Maybe he should try and find Rhysand. But if he had to believe the stories of Chaska, the man wouldn't want to see him right now. Koda sighed, before stopping in front of the Zinyra's town houses. This was where Chaska and her family would be staying. This was where he could've find Ani, if she was here. Maybe he could find someone else to spent some time with. He leaned against the wall of one of the houses, waiting for someone to get outside. Cursing himself for not bringing something to drink.

TAG: Caelum Vylasar -

Tue Jul 11, 2023 5:52 pm
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