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Now I see daylight [FOP]
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Avalon Citizen
Lauriel Sythaeryn
Lauriel Sythaeryn
.. guess
Now I see daylight [FOP]  MFGhj4C
Now I see daylight [FOP]  QJaTJb1

Character sheet
Age: 26 years
Race: Wood Elf
Occupation: Bard
Diamonds in my eyes
What's a girl gonna do? A diamond's gotta shine
A hearty breakfast was just the thing to save oneself from a hangover. Lauriel had this extraordinary ability to look flawless after a rough night out. Perhaps that was her magic all along, instead of waving her fingers and making diamonds fall out of the sky. Today she looked like a dream: her cream-coloured dress showed leaves and vines and left her shoulders exposed. Her long blonde hair fell loosely over her shoulder, aside from one braid that kept her face clean of any stray hairs and showcased her pointy ears. It was the perfect getup for a resting day like today.

The tall wood elf strolled lazily down the streets of Xaila. The sun was high up in the sky and cast shadows all around. By the gods it was warm.. Perhaps she ought to seek refreshments here. But where could she go? She certainly couldn't go where she went last night... or could she? Lauriel, ever the optimist, decided to just ask the first stranger she saw. A beautiful looking woman at that, it was her lucky day. "Excuse me miss," she said as she stepped up to her. "What is the best place to get some refreshments in these parts?" She asked, showing her a gracious smile. That ought to do it.

& Julie Zinyra

Hete jurk
Sun Jul 09, 2023 10:40 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Julie Zinyra
Julie Zinyra
Now I see daylight [FOP]  So7lmQY
Now I see daylight [FOP]  RHuclgI

Character sheet
Age: 24 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Responsible sister
Julie Zinyra
The first day of the festival always excited Julie. And she had partied, oh my. It was a wonder that she was up and about right now, but then again, Julie was a professional at partying and drinking and could easily function with hangovers. After all, she had a good breakfast this morning and the sun on her skin did do her well. A walk through the streets of Al-Qahil should do the trick of curing her hangover alltogether, even with the warmth of the day. She pushed her long hair behind her shoulders, letting some of the breeze cool off her neck, when someone started to talk to her. The woman was taller than her and wore a beautiful dress. Her pointy ears were clearly visible by the way she wore her hair. Clearly a guest for the festival. Julie smiled. 'Oh, I know just the place,' she said with a nod. 'Come, I will show you.' She gestured for her to follow her and lead her in one of the sidestreets. It will cut off the main road, saving them time and walking any longer in the heat. 'How are you enjoying the festival?' she asked the elf.
Sun Jul 09, 2023 10:58 pm
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