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We were somehwere else [FOP]
Time will tell
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Avalon Citizen
Lauriel Sythaeryn
Lauriel Sythaeryn
.. guess
We were somehwere else [FOP] MFGhj4C
We were somehwere else [FOP] QJaTJb1

Character sheet
Age: 26 years
Race: Wood Elf
Occupation: Bard
Diamonds in my eyes
What's a girl gonna do? A diamond's gotta shine
What a night it had been... Lauriel knew the Xailans adored their patron deity and would do everything to honour it. So if honouring it was giving a party they did it best. So she had joined  in with the celebrations yesterday, and then some. Now she understood why the second day of the Festival of the Phoenix was a resting day.

With sleep still in her eyes she had wandered down the corridors of the hallway of the palace. Her eyes marveled at the sight of it, even after staying there for a few days. She'd have to thank the Aerendyls for letting her sister and her stay with them, and the Xailan royals for being such gracious hosts. Somehow she found her way to breakfast, which in her case was a display of everything nice in one of the living rooms. There was no one there, so she just assumed the rest of her company was already done or still asleep. She picked up an orange and headed for the balcony. It was still early, so the temperatures were still very comfortable. As she sat down on a sofa she swept her long blonde hair over her shoulders so she could properly enjoy the rays of the sun. With her eyes closed she leaned back in the seat. She could get used to living like this.

& Castor Aerendyl

Hete jurk
Sun Jul 09, 2023 9:40 pm
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