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Pull the strings of fate [FOP - Day 2]
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Pull the strings of fate [FOP - Day 2] DtUsT8E2_o
Pull the strings of fate [FOP - Day 2] 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

Al-Qahil, what a sight to behold. The sand colored buildings, the shimmering, golden details. More than enough to feast her uncommon, odd colored eyes upon. Yet she wasn't quite satisfied with watching all of the city's beauty through the palace windows, waiting for her mother to finally take her out on a stroll through the city. Instead, she had been able to sneak out, using a lame excuse of taking Kenji with her on a stroll through the now empty streets of the city. No crowd, however, meant no chances on sneaking away from the dark haired man keeping his watchful eye on her. Well, at least she was able to explore more of the city, even with his dark eyes following her every move.

Well, with her and het guard being attached at the hip, at least it meant having someone to talk to. And by the gods, did she talk. The poor man would've probably whispered his silent prayers, begging the gods to give him a break from her rambling about every little detail about the city catching her eye. Walking a few steps ahead of him, she'd turned herself towards the man, looking him in the eye as she talked his ear off about how eager she was about witnessing the sun ring, telling him the stories of the many battles held there that she'd been reading about. The poor man had turned his face to the sun, perhaps hoping that Xeion would show him a glimpse of mercy.

"Did you know that sometimes, a warrior will have to duel against a traitor? I heard they're allowed to take their lives even. How cru-" Alas, his prayers had been answered. Not paying attention, the sorceress managed to bump into one of the few people on the streets today, losing her balance and tripping over her own feet as she was quick to fall to the ground. "M-my apologies," she stuttered as the guard had taken hold of her hand, helping her back to her feet while glaring daggers towards the culprit in question, seemingly refraining himself from throwing a snarky comment his way. The man in question didn't look like a commoner, though he surely didn't look like a native citizen of the city as well. "I didn't mean to bump into you. I should've paid more attention to my surroundings." Bowing her head in an apology, she couldn't help but to have noticed his dashing silver locks. A haircolor she hadn't often laid eyes upon, other than when looking at some of her relatives or, you know, ancient people.

@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Tue Jul 04, 2023 2:12 am
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Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Pull the strings of fate [FOP - Day 2] Image
Pull the strings of fate [FOP - Day 2] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
The morning after - or rather a few hours after he had gotten back in bed - he had woken up very groggy and still tired. His head hurt, he had more mysterious bruises than he could explain, and regret filling his mind. The main reason of getting out of bed while he would rather stay in all day, was to not face Chaska for a while longer, because they would certainly otherwise spend their whole morning and afternoon bickering. So he had quickly thrown on some easy attire and told everybody some fresh air would do him well and he would return quickly.

Not that the air ever felt that fresh in Al-Qahil. It was hot and dusty, and the sun was beaming down hard. Ezekiel had not a true goal of today, only that he just needed to be away for a bit and think about how he would set things straight. Or rather, just keep everybody in the dark about where he had gone off to the previous night. He wasn't even sure if he could remember everything that had happened, but some parts were certainly ingrained in his brain for a long time to come.

The sorcerer wasn't really paying attention as he walked at a leisurely pace through the what he thought to be empty streets. It was so different than Lythrania, but he still could not focus on the pretty surroundings for now. Nor did he notice the merry chatter of a passerby, which he completely body checked. Only when he felt a person against himself, he snapped out of his thoughts and was back on earth. He even tried to get hold of the person who was falling over as he tried to find his own feet, but it was in vain as the girl fell to the ground.

His face was completely blank as he looked at her, stepping towards her to offer his help, but not before the man that was her company kept looking at him as if had just committed murder and he refrained from it. ‘‘No, the fault is mine,’’ he told her as she apologized. He placed a hand to his chest as he made a tiny bow, as manners demanded. And with that, he wanted to hurry along, because the man she was with, certainly didn't seem to enjoy his company. Was he thinking that he was hitting on her, because she wore a pretty, revealing dress? Sadly, his ringfinger was already adorned. But when he looked back up at the girl, he couldn't help but furrow his brows. Because what he saw, was like looking in a mirror, odd-coloured eyes and silver hair.

‘‘Ezekiel Vylasar,’’ he quickly told her, not knowing what else he should say at this moment. It was probably coincidence. Not that he had ever seen anybody else with his eyes. But he couldn't help but jump to conclusions, to have that flutter of hope in his chest, that maybe, maybe, this girl knew more about... well, parts of him that had been closeted away from him. ‘‘My apologies, once again. I hope you aren't hurt,’’ he started to ramble, after his awkward introduction.

Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:14 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Pull the strings of fate [FOP - Day 2] DtUsT8E2_o
Pull the strings of fate [FOP - Day 2] 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

Wide eyes stared at the ground beneath her as she bowed in apology, only able to relaxed her tensed muscles and straighten her back once the young man confirmed that it hadn't been her fault. Last thing she wanted to do was cause trouble in a foreign continent as soon as she'd strayed from her mother's side. Looking back up at him, she couldn't help but to stare into his familiar looking gaze. Never before had she stumbled upon someone with eyes similar to hers. Her mother had always been afraid that it was a bad omen, preaching the fact that most Rizals were known for their dark eyes and silver hair.

Her hand briefly twitched at his words, lost in thoughts before his voice pulled her back to reality and curled her lips into a smile. That name did ring a bell, meaning he was a sorcerer just like her. "Alyssia Rizal," she replied, offering him her hand to shake while signing her guard to take his distance with the other. She didn't need him to be breathing against her neck during a meeting with a fellow sorcerer, being sure he would mean no harm. "Rest assured, I'm alright," the sorceress answered, that same smile lacing her lips as her gaze continued to be fixated at his strangely similar features. "So, you're a Vylasar, hm?" she continued, tilting her head and visibly intrigued by the young man. Too intrigued to just wander off and continue her stroll without destination. "If it hadn't been for your introduction, I might have mistaken you for one of us." Chuckling at her own joke she looked back at her guard, which didn't seem as pleased with her decision to chat with this stranger. "Are you one of the Vylasars living within the underwater city?" Her eyes gleamed as she turned back to him and asked him that question, remembering everything she'd read about Lemuria's former capital. It must've been amazing to grow up there.

@ Ezekiel Vylasar

Wed Jul 12, 2023 12:17 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Pull the strings of fate [FOP - Day 2] Image
Pull the strings of fate [FOP - Day 2] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Between the small girl and the guard standing beside her, he had difficulties where to look. Because he caught himself staring at her familiar features, and the guard was glaring at him suspiciously. It was only when the girl made him back off, that he felt safe to engage with her again, as she seemingly was willing to speak to him after his impromptu introduction. He still couldn't shake the confused expression as he studied her, and ignore the hope that fluttered in his chest. He had given up on the thought of ever meeting family of his mother's side. That was deeply buries within him, a can of worms he should not be touching right now. So why did it bother him so much, when he had nothing more than a coincidental stranger?

Rizal, there it was. Not Vylasar. He liked his lips and bit the inside of his cheek for a second. It would be stupid if it was that easy, wasn't it? He knew sorcerers often wed between each other. His brother-in-law even had to marry a Rizal. No, he could not allow himself to make excuses for himself and he gave the girl a weak smile as he shook her hand. ‘‘Pleased to meet you,’’  he continued with the usual pleasantries. He gave her another small smile as she confirmed she was unharmed and he nodded, averting his eyes to the ground. As she went to continue the small-talk, he placed his hands behind his back and his face tensed up as she ever so observantly noted that he could go as "one of us". He laughed without his eyes as she seemed so pleased with herself. ‘‘Oh,’’ he noted. ‘‘I never knew I was Rizal passing,’’ he spoke, his hands squeezing tight around each other. One of them, what did that mean? They didn't see the Rizals that often, as his aunt seemed to have a funny relationship with them. That the two of them were in Lythrania, was rare already. And they didn't look anything like him. Alyssia pulled him back from his thoughts with another question. ‘‘Uh, yes,’’ he answered, absentmindedly. ‘‘I was born in Lythrania. The governess is my aunt.’’

Mon Jul 17, 2023 7:30 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Alyssia Rizal
Alyssia Rizal
Pull the strings of fate [FOP - Day 2] DtUsT8E2_o
Pull the strings of fate [FOP - Day 2] 0ca852439d923ebb1421a572dba2b87d

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Cam's pawn lol

By the gods, this was all too exciting. Being able to explore another city, celebrating its dazzling festival and even being able to stumble upon another sorcerer. A Vylasar nonetheless. For years she'd been intrigued in everything Lemurian, much to the dismay of her mother, who would've preferred her to show such interest in her own kingdom. Yet she couldn't help but to be intrigued by the seaside kingdom, the underwater city most of all.

"Likewise," she cheerfully replied, her hands intertwined behind her back. Last time she had been able to make a friend she had been on her own, haunted by the lingering anxiety of whatever could happen to her now that she had disobeyed her mother. Now with Kenji by her side, however, all of it seemed to be a lot less intimidating. One wrong move, and the guard would be sure to teach them a lesson.

This didn't seem to be the case with this young man, however, seeing how he politely smiled at her joke. "What? Don't be silly!" she exclaimed, another chuckle rolling over her lips. "I haven't met anyone with silver hair other than my relatives back home, and your eyes-" she stopped herself as she noticed how close she had been leaning in towards him, narrowing her gaze to get a good look at those oddly familiar eye colors. "Oh! My apologies, I didn't mean to stare." Taking a step back, she silently prayed to the gods not to stain her cheeks red with embarassment.

Her eyes were soon to light up once more as he indeed confirmed to be a citizen of the underwater city. "Really?!" she was swift to blurt out, though her hands quickly covered her lips at the sudden change in volume. By the gods, she should've practiced talking to strangers with Kenji or Arianna during their boat trip. "D-do you happen to be free this afternoon? I'd love to hear all about it!" Within her enthusiasm she had taken hold of his hand with both of hers, her eyes beaming with excitement, ready to take him back to the castle. "I'm sure I'd be allowed to invite you over! We're staying at the royal palace during the festivities. I could introduce to you my family and-" Being interrupted by her guard clearing his throat, she realized that she might've taken it a few steps too far. "I-Im sorry, I got carried away," the girl apologized, quickly letting go of his hand. She just couldn't help it. She didn't get the chance to make a new friend often after all.

@ Ezekiel Vylasar

Mon Jul 17, 2023 10:37 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Pull the strings of fate [FOP - Day 2] Image
Pull the strings of fate [FOP - Day 2] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Ezekiel was wondering if he was still dreaming at this point. His body was still very much complaining about everything he had been doing the past day and night. He narrowed his eyes at the girl in front of him, trying very hard not to stare. But who could blame him for being so fascinated? This could be a freaky coincidence, or maybe not. He really should not get his hopes up this high and keep everything buried where it should. He could only get hurt.

Even so, he was acting like a fool. He had no idea what to do with this information, making him feel nervous and wanting to walk away from the conversation he had initiated in the first place. He already regretted it. But he knew he would regret it more if he didn't even explore the opportunity. The "what ifs". And yet, he wasn't ready for the disappointment either. Once again, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. It was Alyssia's chatty aura that kept him somewhat in real-time.

The divineress didn't really help him with his thoughts, as she seemed to be a bit slower than he was. Or is she just so used to people looking like this. Like him. Like them. As she explained, only people from her family had silver hair. Ezekiel leaned back slightly as she came a bit close to his personal space and blinked slowly at the comment about his eyes. ‘‘No, don't worry,’’ he muttered as he shifted his feet a bit awkwardly on the floor. ‘‘I was surprised as well,’’ he commented. ‘‘I never met anyone else with my eyes. I always thought, well-  I dunno.’’ That he had gotten it from his mother?

The girl was a bit strange. How longer he spoke with her, she seemed a bit youthful. It was like childlike wonder in her eyes. He nodded quickly as she blurted out her excitement, with caused his lips to curl upwards for a short moment when she tried to hide her embarrassment. That soon withered as she had taken hold of his hand, which took him a bit aback. ‘‘Uhh-’’ he started softly, but he could not really get a word in between her rambling. He already had gotten an invitation to the palace, being introduced to the family. Was she just being very direct... or? He really should not go with a strange girl to the palace, certainly not after his stunt from last night. Spending more time away from his wife would certainly get Chaska's blood boiling. It was the man standing behind Alyssia that saved him, and once more she was standing apologizing.

The sorcerer quickly placed his hand behind his back again. He had no idea to respond to her blunt proposal. ‘‘I really would love to talk some more sometime,’’ he answered her slowly. He looked past over her shoulder at the man watching her, being pretty sure he wasn't quite fond of Alyssia's idea. ‘‘But I'm afraid I've made other promises for the rest of the day.’’ And what would he do? Waltz into the palace and look at all the other Rizals with silver hair she spoke about. And then? Expect magic to happen? It was better if he got those silly ideas out of his system now. ‘‘I'm sorry.’’

Fri Jul 21, 2023 12:59 am
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