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[FOP] Aerendyls Rule
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Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
[FOP] Aerendyls Rule  YgnN2uK
[FOP] Aerendyls Rule  9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
☼ Festival of the Phoenix. Day ⅠⅠ. 11:00 AM OT. Daetrys Palace.
Each year, at least a few Aerendyls were present for Xailas biggest feast, these often changing from year to year. This year it was three of them, Vasilisa, Castor and him. And Rhydian could not be more excited about seeing some familiar faces around- though he had to admit to be missing that of Elros in the lineup. But that did not stop him from walking through the heavily decorated walls of his temporary home with a smile on his face. As with any year before this one, the Aerendyls were given their own quarter within the royal palace of Xaila, courtesy of the royal family and a symbol of the great relationship the two high-standing elven families had with each other.

Because of the busy schedules, the feast had provided them with, it was hard for the three of them to truly catch up, despite living relatively close nowadays. Vasilisa was busy with her new husband, and spend the night in his quarters, and Castor well- Rhydian would bel ying if he called the two of them close. Still- the captain had insisted on the three of them meeting up on the day of resting. Which was quite common for families to do within the comforts of their home on this day. And he wasn't disappointed in the tea and food that was provided to them for the occasion.

With a smile he sat down at the round table set for them, bathing in the warm sunlight that passed through the sheer curtains surrounding the breakfast nook. Rhydian had always been a family man, and the chance to spend time with them this afternoon brought a smile upon his face that wouldn't falter anytime soon, rather it only grew when hearing footsteps approach, knowing he'd face his family momentarily  

Much thank Nien x
Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:30 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Castor Aerendyl
Castor Aerendyl
[FOP] Aerendyls Rule  VWhCLVy
[FOP] Aerendyls Rule  9927936f466c7b108941dde94f26b8f8

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Being the Aerendyl everyone is disappointed in

Silence is my favorite way to speak

Castor hadn't really had the greatest start of his time in Al-Qahil, but when did he ever had a great day? The man made sure that every day would be miserable for him. If it ever looked up, he would be grumpy about it either way. At least today felt less overwhelming than the day before, when they had just arrived. Castor could feel himself be more calm, found himself finding it easy to adjust to his surroundings. It lifted his spirits just a little bit, making him also quite a bit less annoying than the day before. Or just in general.

The day of resting was probably his favorite day in all of these hectic celeberations. He simply could sit in silence and no one would bother him. Except Rhydian apparently, who insisted the three Aerendyl's present should have some family time. Yuck. Reluctantly Castor had accepted, simply because he knew he had no choice. If he said no, Rhy would be annoyed and Vasilisa would probably cry. He didn't want to see her cry. Castor would just be on his best behaviour, which meant he would be silent and share some judgemental looks. They had to deal with it.

Hoping to be the last to enter, he was to his great dismay the first to arrive. Shit. Now he had to be nice to Rhydian. Castor stood in the door opening for a short moment, looking at his cousin basking in the sunlight, all happy. Gross. Castor repressed the urge to sigh and turn around. Instead he willed himself forward, his footsteps almost unnoticeable with all the soft rugs on the floor. "Rhydian," he spoke softly, finding a spot at the table that wasn't too far away to be antisocial, but also not too close to make it seem he was happy to be here. It would just be a couple of hours. He could do this.
Thu Jun 22, 2023 4:06 pm
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