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Don't fly so close to me
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Don't fly so close to me Image
Don't fly so close to me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
After the ceremony had finished, it honestly had been a blur. People who came to congratulate them, wanted to speak to them, wanted to bless their union. People shook his hand that he hadn't seen in years or that he did not know the name of. So as soon as they sat down for dinner, he went completely mute for a few minutes. Then he maneged some two-word sentences and half-smiles, but he honestly kept close to his hearty meal, which he slowly ate a few bites, not feeling that hungry after all. The food fell heavy, but the drink light, as he regained some confidence in the bottom of a glass of wine.

It was alien to be the center of attention of a night. Even more alien to be seated next to his wife. The newlyweds were something to be celebrated about this whole night, but he felt all these mixed emotions, he didn't know anymore what he needed to show. And as the wine kept being poured in his glass, it slowly took the edge of his nerves away. He slowly started to lean back in his chair and listen to the conversation, while stealing glances from Chaska. However, he still was awfully silent, only speaking when he was spoken to and faking a few smiles.

Suddenly the crowd was uttered to a silence when the last of the plates were taken away. The music that had been background noise for the whole night was brought to an end and all eyes were on him and Chaska once more. In a reflex he sat up straight again, his fingers digging into his knees as he saw expected glances coming his way. He didn't hear when the music started playing again, or what had been said in the meantime, but his gaze slowly shifted to his wife as he realized what needed to be done.

Ezekiel slowly raised from his chair as he extended his hand to his bride. If he was supposed to say some words, they got stuck in his throat. He hadn't danced with her... properly. The memories of a night out were blurry anyways. He hadn't danced as a couple ever since he had learned how to. He licked his lips as he raised his eyebrows to her expectantly, feeling all the eyes on him, but he kept his gaze steadily on her.
Mon Jun 19, 2023 9:08 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
Don't fly so close to me 7mKmf4U5_o
Don't fly so close to me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
For the past weeks she been begging him for this wedding. The sorceress felt almost guilty now, not knowing how to process all that was happening to them on this day. The ceremony, while memorable to say the least, had seemed to drain most of her remaining energy for the night. Still, the ceremony had only been the beginning. What followed was a bunch of congratulations, shaking heads, polite nods and trying her best to remember the names or faces of those attending. By the gods, a wedding day was quite the event indeed.

Relieved when finally being able to sit down and sip a glass of wine, she was finally given the chance to recharge just a little. Seated at the head of the table beside the man she was now allowed to call her husband, delicious food was being served and her glass of wine kept being refilled. Unlike the silver haired sorcerer, who couldn't seem to stomach more than a few bites, she had been glad to feast upon the banquet. It was her first meal of the day, not being able to stomach even a bite of breakfast as her nerves caught up to her. Now that the scariest part had been dealt with, she could breathe as she tried to make the best of what was left of their special night. It had been a silent dream of the little girl she once was, after all. The least she owed that girl was to try her best to enjoy it.

All this time she had been hesitant on touching him, still scared of the consequences which at this point, after their ceremony, had vanished into thin air. She could actually touch him now. Hold his hand if she wanted to, or lean her head against his shoulder. Nobody would bat an eye if she'd disappeared into his chambers. As a matter of fact, it was expected as of now. So when she noticed her husband's unusual low appetite, she gently rested her hand upon his upper thigh for a brief moment, hoping to ease his mind jjust a little without having to use any words.

And so another important moment presented itself. Not as grand as the ceremony had been, but important enough to leave her with a fluttery feeling. As the the remains of the feast were cleaned up and taken away, the sorceress bit the inside of her lip. Heads slowly turned their way once more, expectedly gazing upon the newlywed couple. It was clear that her husband understood, as he was soon to raise from his chair and initiated what had to be done.

The sorceress gave him a tiny smile as she took hold of his hand and raised herself from her chair, making their way towards the middle of the room as the music decided the rythm of their dance. She had been taught to dance, like every noble girl had to be taught, but had never actually danced with the man in front of her before. Not like this, at least. Their shared rythms had been less.. appropriate. "Relax, Ez," she began whispering as she positioned herself for the dance, moving her head closer to his ear so that only he would be able to hear her words. "After this we certainly won't be the center of attention anymore." After this dance, the guests would definitely turn to the liquor and enjoy themselves, drink, laugh and dance without batting an eye at the couple anymore. After all, weddings were a great excuse to get wasted.

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:20 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Don't fly so close to me Image
Don't fly so close to me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Chaska seemed perfectly content at the head of the table. She ate well, as he kept himself with small bites. And as he kept himself looking busy with a glass in his hands or on his lips, she feasted like it would be her last. He couldn't help but turn the brand new ring on his finger with his thumb around and around, until his skin felt rough from in. And in that moment, he felt her hand on his thigh. He immediately looked over as he slightly shifted his leg with the sudden touch. It was not that he was a stranger to her touches, but... this was different now. He licked his lips quickly as he looked forward again, pretending nothing was happening under the table. But his breathing had shifted slightly higher in his chest as he drained his glass from the last of the wine.

The feeling of her hand in his was now so familiar, that it didn't phase him anymore. They just moved towards the middle of the room, his feet almost gliding over the floor as he felt all eyes burning. He didn't get why some people would thrive on this kind of attention, or why they could muster happy smiles when they danced. And as he turned towards her, placing one hand on her hip as she positioned herself. She whispered words in his ears and he scoffed softly as he kept his gaze over her shoulder. The sorcerer looked back at her from the side of his eyes as she continued to talk, luckily the music swelled on to hide the words to the rest of the room. ‘‘You almost sound disappointed,’’ he whispered back.

Ezekiel knew he should be enjoying his wedding day. It would be a great party, their souls forever intertwined, whatever. But at this moment he just felt like he would rather disappear. But like the past few weeks, he didn't have much of a choice. So when the music demanded so, he lead her into the first steps of the waltzing dance, keeping his gaze focused on her two-colored hair, slowly sinking into the muscle memory of the dance.
Thu Jun 22, 2023 1:46 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
Don't fly so close to me 7mKmf4U5_o
Don't fly so close to me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
She hadn't quite made up her mind about how she was supposed to deal with all of these eyes on her, easing her mind with the thought that it would just be for one day. Though she couldn't quite say she hated it. As long as she was able to push the lingering guilt to the back of her mind, she was able to face the guests and long forgotten family members with a well mannered smile on her face.

The man leading her towards the middle of the room seemed to have more trouble surrendering himself to the festivities of their wedding, but she couldn't quite blame him. Perhaps he had been nervous about word travelling towards the rest of the family, spreading the news of the mauling of their cousin. She just silently prayed for people to keep their mouths shut, to simply leave the event back in the past where it belonged. It's what she had done, at least, right after accepting that she would probably never hear the full story from either of them.

The music surrounding them drowned their whispers, giving them a brief moment for a somewhat private conversation. They hadn't be able to speak to one another after the ceremony just yet, being overwhelmed with event after event, talk after talk and family members flocking around them to congratulate them. The sorceress faintly shrugged in response to his words, for as far as their position allowed her to. "I think it could've been worse," she protested, though a hint of sarcasm remained as she spoke. "We won't be granted another wedding day to enjoy, after all." In fact, they had promised each other forever. The brand new trinket around her finger would serve as a reminder of that.

She kept her gaze focused on his, being led into the dance that had grown all too familiar to her. The endless hours of practice back when she was just a girl had engraved the steps into her mind like a rune carved into stone. All she had to focus on were the odd colored eyes of the man she could now call hers. A gaze she had both despised and craved, way before it was appropriate to do so.

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Thu Jun 22, 2023 5:31 pm
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